The Official ePublication of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services
representing the investigative and security professions for over 36 years


Special Edition - New President's Message - October 2013 



Bob Heales 

Dear Members,


I want to thank those of you who were present in Charleston to vote for me as your new President. For those who were not present, you missed an outstanding program in a beautiful city. Vicky Childs was able to assist with the South Carolina Association of Licensed Investigators, and about 50 of their members attended our seminar program and Awards Luncheon.


If you were unable to attend, I hope you can put our April 6-8 meeting in Washington, DC or our September 3-6 meeting in Las Vegas on your calendar. Seriously, my sides still ache from some non-stop laughter and good times at this meeting in between and after the business sessions and seminars. Two new members in attendance approached me and told me this is exactly what they were looking for. A productive meeting, some fun, and a chance to network with different people from around the country where they needed to assign work. The NCISS membership directory is public for all to see, but of course there are benefits to meeting face to face.


The 2013-2014 term will not come without change. The Executive Committee has been working on some significant improvements in the way we do business and hold conferences since we met in Chicago in July 2012. I will outline those changes at a later date.


No doubt, the biggest change you will first notice is the retirement of our Legislative Advocate Larry Sabbath at the end of the year. It was great to be able to spend some time with Larry in Charleston and bid him a proper farewell after 20 years of service. We are excited to welcome Paul Kanitra and his staff at Lobbyit as we roll out a new way to lobby and communicate with our Senators and Representatives effective December 1st. After a brief transition period we are also going to roll out a new program I call SLAM. State Legislation Awareness Monitoring. This new program will assist us in becoming even more important to our state association members.


SAAB, or State Association Advisory Board is also being restructured to include the SLAM program. In addition to adding SLAM, I have appointed the three Vice Presidents as SAAB Review and Restructure Co-Chairs. We want to see more state associations represented at our SAAB/SLAM meetings in the future, and they are going to work on ways to get them there. Make no mistake, NCISS will continue to be "Your Voice in Washington, DC", although now the slogan will be "Our Voice in Washington, DC and Across America".   We will continue to lead the way for Private Investigators and Security Professionals when it comes to Federal and State Legislation, just as we have done for 38 years.

You may notice that this year the Committee Chairs are all Past Presidents or VPs. The Directors will all have their hands full just following the guidelines in our Bylaws, and I wanted to draw from the experience and commitment of our active Past Presidents to assist me this year as we shake things up and continue to lead the way to DC and set an example for others to follow.


Membership is our life blood and I hope you will all take just a moment to think about who you know that would benefit from membership in NCISS. No doubt you can think of more than one friend in your state association who would like to become a part of NCISS history.


Congratulations to all of our newly elected officers and directors. I look forward to a banner year for NCISS and our members.



Bob Heales

NCISS President
2013-2014 Officers and Board of Directors   


  • Jim Zimmer, Chairman of the Board
  • Bob Heales, President
  • James Huckabee, 1st VP
  • Tom Shamshak, 2nd VP
  • Dean Beers, 3rd VP
  • Brad Duffy, Treasurer
  • Debbie Anderson, Secretary



  • Terry Myer, Region 1 (2014) - IL-IN-MI-KY-OH-PA-WV
  • Thomas Jackson, Region 2 (2014) - CT-MA-ME-NJ-NH-NY-RI-VT
  • Ken Cummins, Region 3 (2014) - DC-DE-FL-GA-MD-NC-SC-PR-VA
  • Greg Carter, Region 4 (2015) - AL-AR-MO-LA-MS-NM-OK-TN-TX
  • Andrea Orozco, Region 5 (2015) - AZ-CO-IA-KS-MN-ND-NE-SD-UT-WI-WY
  • Tawni Tyndal, Region 6 (2015) - AK-CA-HI-ID-MT-OR-NV-WA
  • Dean Gluth, At Large (2014)
  • Bill Fletcher, At Large (2014)
  • Dr. Daniel Benny, At Large (2015)
  • Larry Flannery, At Large (2015)
2013-2014 President's Appointments and Committee Chairs    

Standing Committees:

  • Audit - Brad Duffy, Gene Ferraro, Dale Wunderlich, Co-Chairs
  • Budget and Finance - Brad Duffy
  • Legislative, Investigation - Francie Koehler
  • Legislative, Security - Maria Landry
  • Nominating - Gary Kuty, Chair; Maria Landry, John Talaganis

Special Committees:

  • ASIS Standards and Guidelines - Gene Ferraro
  • Awards - Eddy McClain
  • Bylaws and Parliamentarian - John Talaganis
  • Conferences and Meetings - Bob Heales (Committee Members: Gary Kuty, Maria Landry, Francie Koehler, and Current Officers)
  • Editor, Newsletter - Don Johnson
  • Editor, eReport - Dean Beers
  • Ethics - Dale Wunderlich
  • Insurance Liaison - Jim Zimmer
  • List Serve - Eddy McClain
  • NCISS PAC - PAC Chairman of the Board, Bob Heales (per PAC Bylaws); PAC Treasurer, Mike Duffy; Assistant PAC Treasurer, Brad Duffy
  • Member Recruitment, Investigations - Dean Beers
  • Member Recruitment, Security - James Huckabee
  • Public Relations - Tom Shamshak
  • SAAB Review and Restructure - James Huckabee, Tom Shamshak, Dean Beers, Co-Chairs

New Categories of Membership

Increase NCISS Membership and Make a Donation Today!


The new issue of The Report should be in your mailbox and will includes a special pull-out directory of current NCISS members. 


Beginning this year, accepting the recommendation of the Board, the members at the annual conference unanimously approved the following new categories of membership:

  • Bronze: $99 - Only available to new applicants for one year. No voting privileges.
  • Silver: $175 -- $35 of which goes to our legislative fund. Receives all rights and privileges of membership.
  • Gold: $395 -- $100 of which is designated to our legislative fund. Gold members receive one free annual conference registration per year.

Contact your Regional Director if you have any questions or need assistance.  Membership and dues information is also at  


To pay your dues online, please visit 

The NCISS Legislative Fund is a key component of our association's ability to represent the private investigation and security professionals interest s before Congress.  Fundraising efforts are ongoing throughout the year, and include requests to individual members, state associations, industry vendors, database providers, and more.

There are many who benefit from the services of our two professions.  As we continue to seek ways to replenish the Legislative Fund on a monthly basis, you are encouraged to contribute, not only monetarily, but through ideas to raise funds in other ways.

One easy way to support the NCISS Legislative Fund is to use the NCISS - Office Depot Discount Card.  You save money on your purchase AND a percentage is donated back to the Legislative Fund.

Contributions can be made online at  If you would like to contact the NCISS Fundraising Committee, please Gary Brummond at

To make an individual or association donation, please visit 
Brownyard Programs - Endorsed Insurance Provider
Brownyard Programs
Brownyard Programs has developed a liability insurance program that is specifically designed for small private investigation agencies with up to 5 investigators. The program is endorsed and sponsored by the National Council of Investigation & Security Services, Inc

For details visit
The eReport and The Report
You are the voice of NCISS
The next edition of The Report, our print publication, will be the Spring 2014 "Hit the Hill" issue. We welcome contributions on investigation or security related topics of interest to our members. If you have an idea for an article contact the editor, Don C. Johnson, at In the meantime, check out the Fall 2013 edition and past editions at the link "THE REPORT" on our home page at

Bi-annual The Report magazine -
(click to read current issue online)

Fall 2013 - In This Issue
  • President's Report
  • Farewell Larry
  • Who's on First
  • Security Industry Trends

View or Download The Report Fall 2013 Edition 


To submit articles, special recognition and association news:


Bi-monthly eReport -

In This Issue
Message From our new President
2013-2014 Officers and Board of Directors
2013-2014 President's Appointments and Committee Chairs
NCISS Legislative Fund

On The Alert

NCISS continues to watch bills and pending legislation at the federal level that may impact investigative and security guard services.

To view these, and other bills, currently being tracked, and donate to the NCISS legislative fund, visit:
Larry Sabbath
Larry Sabbath Legislative Advocate


Francie Koehler Legislative Chair,

Maria Landry
Maria Landry Legislative Chair,

Your Membership, Your Voice ...
First Year Dues 
The National Council of Investigation and Security Services, Inc., is a cooperative effort of those companies and associations responsible for providing private security and investigation services to the legal profession, business community, government and the public.  


It is the role of NCISS to meet and solve these problems while seeking to uncover and recommend action on any hidden potential problems which may have an effect on our profession.


Office Depot
Member Savings!

The National Council of Investigation & Security Services has partnered with Office Depot� to bring you a FREE national discount program. Save up to 80% off preferred products.


Effective July 1st all online Office Depot orders will be delivered next day with a $5.95 shipping & handling charge if the order is under $50.00. All orders that are $50.00 or more will be delivered next day for free.

Executive Council
Bob Heales

1st Vice President
James Huckabee

2nd Vice President
Tom Shamshak

3rd Vice President
Dean Beers

Debbie Anderson

Brad Duffy

Jim Zimmer

Executive Director
Carol Ward

Region 1 
Terry Myer

Region 2
Thomas Jackson

Region 3
Ken Cummins

Region 4
Greg Carter

Region 5
Andrea Orozco

Region 6
Tawni Tyndal

Members at Large

Dean Gluth 

Bill Fletcher

Dr. Daniel Benny

Larry Flannery