Children' Ministry WEEKLY
birth to 6th grade

Last Week          April 19               Peter Put In Jail                              Acts 12:1-17

THIS WEEK     April 26               Paul & Silas                                Acts 16:16-34
Next Week       May 3          End of Year Review & Wrap-Up / Last day of Sunday School


LAST WEEK    April 19     Jacob & Esau Meet Again - Genesis 27-32
THIS WEEK   April 26      Abigail Intervenes - 1 Samuel 25:1-35

Next Week     May 3            All-Class End of Year Celebration, Review & Wrap-up
                                             Last day of Sunday School


Last Wednesday night was GAME NIGHT for the 1st-6th graders at PLC.  It was a chance for the kids to come together, eat pizza, act goofy, laugh and have a blast playing all sorts of hands-on team-building games. 

It was the yellow team vs. the red team. (yellow= CHURCH and red = FAMILY).  
In the end it was a tie game and an opportunity to talk about how the church and family do it best when they work together! 

Thanks to those who participated in GAME NIGHT and also to those who helped in making it a fun success.

The Road to Peace

Every morning on the way to work, I travel a road that seems like a never-ending construction site. Workers have been perfecting this throughway for months, but it seems like there's no end in sight. The road is down to one lane in several places, bumpy and dusty with heavy-duty vehicles lining the sides of the road and construction workers everywhere. Driving this road is like navigating an obstacle course. Yet I traverse it every morning because regardless of how difficult the drive, the road takes me where I need to go.

Often the road to peace can be as bumpy as a drive through a construction zone.

Jenna and I have four kids with four distinct personalities and four totally different ways of communicating. When everything mixes together well, we have a home full of joy. But let's be real, the four little people in our house don't always play nicely together. Arguments happen, and often.  READ MORE...

Melony Weathermon -                                                        

Children's Ministry Director  

Prairie Lutheran Church 
952.829.0525 /  Call me! / Email me!
Partnering with parents to help them EQUIP their children for an active and confident faith in Jesus.