The Dio Log 
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news and events in the Episcopal Diocese of Maine since 1999
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Volume 18, Number 4  ~  February 29, 2016

What's New in the Episcopal Church in Maine
prayers for...

...the Rev. Tom Benson, long-time archdeacon at St. John's, Bangor, and chaplain to retired clergy, upon the death of his wife Teile Benson on February 25. Tom is currently being cared for at Stillwater Nursing Home. Service details to follow.

voices among us...

A Lenten message from Bishop Steve Lane:

with thanks to Gretchen Lane and his sister, Mary Beth, for the photos.

Around the Diocese

Report for Spring Training 2016 on April 9 in Brunswick: 
Choose from among 20 workshops 

On Saturday, April 9, gather with Bishop Steve Lane and Episcopalians across the diocese for a day of learning, sharing, and growth at St. Paul's in Brunswick.

A church leader? A clergy person? Someone interested in spiritual growth or community outreach? 

With 20 workshops to choose from, you'll find what you're looking for. Light breakfast and drinks provided; please bring your own bag lunch.

Details about the day and full workshop descriptions are here. Space is limited, so please register to attend soon.

Adult Formation Resources

Bishop Steve Lane is intrigued by  Repairing the Breach: Discipleship and Mission in a Global Economy. Written by Forward Movement and the Theology Committee of the Episcopal Church's House of Bishops, these daily meditations and videos call us to prayerful self-reflection on our economic life. They reflect on unsustainable patterns of consumption and self-interest, renew our economic imagination and celebrate specific practices where the Spirit of God is moving in local congregations and communities to bring new life.
Harvard University is offering free online classes:  World Religions through their Scriptures. (Hat tip to the Rev. Tim Fleck.) This series of six four-week courses includes an orientation to religious scripture, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism. Read a review here. You can view the weekly lectures and do exercises at your convenience. To register without paying, follow the directions for regular registration and choose "audit" instead of the "credit card" option. EdX is a project begun by Harvard and Berkeley to offer MOOC's (Massive Online Open Courses) free throughout the world.

Upcoming in Maine and Beyond

Choral Evensong at St. John's, Bangor

St. John's, Bangor, invites you to Choral Evensong on Sunday, March 6, at 4 p.m. The music will include Herbert Howells' setting of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis Collegium Regale, composed for the famous choir of King's College, Cambridge. The anthem, Mendelssohn's Hear My Prayer, will feature St. John's soprano, Carly Andersen, as soloist. Donations received at the service will benefit King's Daughter's House. All are welcome.

Living for 32 to be shown at St. John Baptist, Thomaston, on March 6

Together with Maine Moms Demand Action, St. John Baptist in Thomaston will host a viewing of Living for 32. The film is the inspirational story of Colin Goddard, a survivor of the tragic gun shooting massacre that occurred on the Virginia Tech campus on April 16, 2007, during which 32 people died. All are welcome to gather first for a covered dish supper  at 5:30 p.m.The film starts at 6:30 p.m. Click here for a flyer.

MENJ workshop on March 12 in Portland
Engaging in Public Life as Christians: Faith-Based Advocacy 

The Maine Episcopal Network for Justice invites Maine Episcopalians to faith-based advocacy workshop at St. Luke's Cathedral in Portland on Saturday, March 12, from 10 a.m to 2 p.m.

Engaging in Public Life as ChristiansA Faith-Based Advocacy Workshop," will offer four interactive sessions. Topics include: examining assumptions about the relationship between religion and democracy, a walk through the Maine legislative process, case studies on issues that will appear on the 2016 ballot, and practical steps to engage as individuals and churches. 

Free refreshments and a box lunch!

Because attendance is limited to 40 and lunch is provided, registration is required. Please register at

Download a copy of the event flyer here,

Invite High Schoolers to TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) - March 11 - 13

Registration is now open for our diocesan Lenten high school event. Carolyn Gildart, a young adult volunteer from St. Aidan's in Machias, says: "Attending my first Diocesan Youth Event was by far the best decision I made in high school. Through Diocesan Youth Events I grew closer to God, learned about myself, became interested in the guitar and made many great friends."  

TEC is March 11-13 at Trinity Church in Portland. High school senior Devon Hall from Christ Church in Gardiner is the teen leader, Kim Wallace of St. Ann's in Windham is the coordinator and the Rev. Christopher Szarke, rector of St. Margaret's in Belfast is the priest.  Teens are coming from all over Maine and New Hampshire. Here's a TEC information flyer. Register at 

Bishop Lane's Lenten book study

Bishop Lane recommends the book Reconciling All Things: A Christian Vision for Justice, Peace and Healing by Emmanuel Katongole and Chris Rice. He'll lead an online discussion about the book on Thursday, March 17, at 7:30 p.m. To participate in the conversation, go to at 7:15.

Noon Music in Lent

In its ninth year, St. Thomas', Camden, will offer a series called Noon Music in Lent. This free program of one-half hour of music in the church, followed by a free homemade soup, bread, and fruit lunch. The series' musicians donate their time and talent and choose which organization will receive the free-will offering. Each program opens with a short noonday prayer.

This year's performers and dates:
Friday, March 4, Howard Walen, organ
Friday, March 11, Loren Kitt, clarinet
Friday, March 18, Kathryn DerMarderosian, voice

Episcopal Peace Fellowship meets in Augusta on March 19

Episcopal Peace Fellowship - Maine Chapter will hold its March meeting on Saturday, March 19, at St. Mark's/Prince of Peace Church at 209 Eastern Avenue in Augusta. New ideas for action and consideration are especially welcome along with new members and interested parties attending. We are a small but committed group of peace-minded believers. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. and end after a shared potluck lunch (no contribution too modest).  

Dates to Save

Jesus Then and Now - the Diocesan Adult Retreat at Bishopswood on June 17-19. Join us for a weekend on beautiful Lake Megunticook near Camden. This retreat will nurture your heart, mind and soul. More info and registration coming in March.

BION Camp for middle and high schoolers, August 16-20. Register by June 20 for the early price. Click here for a flyer.

Bishop Lane's blog, | The New Northeast blog,
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