May 11,
Volume 17 
No. 9
 The Dio Log 

news and events in the Episcopal Diocese of Maine since 1999
Boothbay fleet blessing
The Rev. Maria Hoecker of St. Columba's blesses the fishing fleet in Boothbay Harbor.


























prayers for...


Gretchen Lane as she begins treatment. See letter from Bishop Steve here.


in the news... 

the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop announced on May 1 the names of the bishops it will nominate this summer to succeed Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. The nominees are:
  • The Rt. Rev. Thomas Breidenthal, 64, Diocese of Southern Ohio
  • The Rt. Rev. Michael Curry, 62, Diocese of North Carolina
  • The Rt. Rev. Ian Douglas, 56, Diocese of Connecticut
  • The Rt. Rev. Dabney Smith, 61, Diocese of Southwest Florida

Biographical information about each nominee is posted on the General Convention website



congratulations to...

the Very Reverend Ben Shambaugh, for 10 years of service as Dean of the Cathedral Church of Saint Luke, Portland



Call to Convention 2015


The 196th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Maine will assemble at the University of Southern Maine, Portland on October 23 and 24, 2015. All convention information will be offered online at  Currently information about nominations, resolutions, pre-convention hearings, and youth opportunities,  as well as a link to the delegate certificate due June 30th is available. 


Look for announcements and updates in the Dio Log and on the convention webpage. The full convention booklet will be printed and distributed to clergy, delegates, and alternates in September.


Strategic Mission Support (SMS) application deadline is May 31


The Diocesan Finance Committee has sent instructions and a link to the online application for congregations to apply for financial support in 2016. Each priest-in-charge (or senior warden in those congregations in transition) received an email with all the information necessary to apply for SMS funds. The deadline is May 31. If you have questions about the application, visit the SMS webpage or contact your priest. 

In the 2015 budget, 11 congregations received SMS totalling $79,600 with an additional $41,420 held in reserve for congregations that were in transition at the time of the budget was under development.  


God's Story/My Story: A Diocesan Retreat for Adults - register by May 28


Join us June 12-14 for a weekend on beautiful Lake Megunticook, at Camp Bishopswood near Camden, Maine. Come away for awhile and enjoy a retreat in a natural setting, surrounded by wonderful people. Encounter the great sweep of the biblical story - creation, compassion, forgiveness, freedom, redemption and joy - and look for the echo of God's big story in your own life story. There is limited space available in single and double rooms, and plenty of space in the cabins. Retreat cost (including 2 nights lodging, meals) is $85 to $105. Financial aid is available via the online registration form at Download an information flyer here. Register by May 28th.

St. Luke's Kneeler Guild Diocesan Wide Project Update

St. Luke's Kneeler Guild has 75 kneeler kits for which the current status is unknown. They are asking that congregations with either unfinished kneelers, for whatever reason, or churches that have never had anyone to create a kneeler for them, come forward and contact the guild. St. Alban's Needle Pointers have just finished their new needlepoint prayer rail kneeler. They are looking for new projects and have generously offered to help us. Please contact Jeri Edgar at 799-3061 or Nancy Mawhinney at 775-7500 or






Maine Walks with Haiti

May 30, 2015


Konbit Sante will host the 6th Annual Maine Walks with Haiti and 4 Mile Run on Saturday, May 30, beginning at Back Cove Park in Portland. All are welcome to participate, including those churches whose members would like to raise funds for their parish partnership or a specific ministry. Participants are encouraged to learn more and register online at Registration is also available on the day of the event.





e-Formation Conference

Online June 1 - 3, 2015


This annual Episcopal conference with top-notch speakers is affordable and easily accessible. The price is only $79 for three days of participation in a national conference that's happening live at Virginia Theological Seminary. Topics include Managing Volunteers, How to Really Welcome the Stranger, Creating an Intergenerational Church Culture, Basic Social Media for Congregations and many more. It's a conference for ministry in a digital world. Jane Hartwell participated online last year, and reports that the conference was fascinating and useful.   Find out more or register by visiting



Northeast Guild For Spiritual Formation

Letting Go: A Weekend Retreat

June 5 - 7, 2015


A weekend devoted to contemplative self-emptying or kenosis, through the refreshing practices of centering prayer and sacred chant, into the distilling Silence for which Quaker tradition is renowned. Centuries of monastic life have shown sacred chant to be a powerful complement and catalyst to sounding the depths of contemplative prayer. The retreat is led by The Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault, an Episcopal priest and an internationally esteemed retreat leader and Paulette Meier, a singer, musician and teacher. Retreat to be held at Pacific Hall, West Tremont, Maine. Find

Registration Information here.




God's Story/My Story: A Diocesan Retreat for Adults

June 12-14, 2015

Register by May 28 


Join us June 12-14 for a weekend on beautiful Lake Megunticook, at Camp Bishopswood near Camden, Maine. Come away for awhile and enjoy a retreat in a natural setting, surrounded by wonderful people. Encounter the great sweep of the biblical story - creation, compassion, forgiveness, freedom, redemption and joy - and look for the echo of God's big story in your own life story. There is limited space available in single and double rooms, and plenty of space in the cabins. Retreat cost (including 2 nights lodging, meals) is $85 to $105. Financial aid is available via the online registration form at Download an information flyer here. Register by May 28th.

Frances Perkins Homestead Celebration

June 13, 2015


The Frances Perkins Homestead was designated a National Historic Landmark by Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell.  Please join the celebration of this recognition with the Frances Perkins Center on Saturday June 13, 2015 at 11:00am. RSVP to






August 18 - 22, 2015


BION is a five-day camp for teens and kids completing grades 6-12 held Tuesday through Saturday, August 18-22 at Camp Bishopswood. Celebrating its 16th year in 2015, BION offers kids activities like ultimate Frisbee, archery, kayaking, swimming, theater games, creative crafts and more. There will be music, campfires and s'mores, teen-led worship, focus groups, high school coffee house and the middle school games night. The early cost of $235 is kept low because of the many adults who volunteer their time. 


Financial aid is also available, so no teen needs to be excluded because of inability to pay. Download a flyer here and register at



Strengthening communities of faith for God's mission in congregations across Maine