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December 2013



Check out the winning photographs and take a few minutes to look at all submitted photos. They will make you want to head out for the trail!

FIRST PLACE - PEOPLE ON THE TRAIL: Young hikers on The Lump by Hong Mitchell

Thanks to everyone who submitted photos, and a special thanks to our distinguished panel of judges: Photojournalist Ted Richardson of Ted Richardson Media; Gene Furr of Gene Furr Photography; and Amy Hamm of Great Outdoor Provision Co.


Thanks also to Great Outdoor Provision Co. for donating the contest prizes.


We hope you'll enter your best MST photos in next year's contest. We'll start accepting submissions in August 2014.

FIRST PLACE - VIEW FROM THE TRAIL: Lone Traveler by Paul Phillips
Z SMITH REYNOLDS FOUNDATION MAKES GRANT TO FMSTThanks to the ZSR Foundation for a $15,000 grant to help FMST start a "Trail Towns" program to involve and promote the towns along the MST route.
SECOND PLACE - VIEW FROM THE TRAIL: Heritage Apple Orchard in Winter by Shelton Wilder
MST hikers on the Outer Banks use the Bonner Bridge to walk from Bodie Island to Pea Island. Last week, NCDOT closed the aging bridge because of concern that erosion has weakened the structure. They hope to reopen the bridge within 90 days. In the meantime, MST hikers will need to walk the Outer Banks in two sections, using the temporary ferry service between Rodanthe and Stumpy Point to reach Hatteras and Pea Islands. Visit the NCDOT ferry webpage for more information. 
FMST ANNUAL REPORT RELEASED: If you would like to receive a copy of our most recent annual report and to receive future reports, please join FMST today. You can join online or by printing and mailing your membership form. FMST members make the trail possible!
FIRST PLACE - YOUTH PHOTOGRAPHER: Snail on the Trail by Grace Forster
NEW TRAIL BUILT IN SURRY, GUILFORD AND DURHAM COUNTIES: Thanks to all the volunteers in the Elkin Valley Trails Association and FMST's Guilford and Eno River task forces for their hard work to build new sections of the MST. EVTA volunteers are building a trail to connect Stone Mountain State Park to the Town of Elkin. Guilford has built a beautiful new section that will eventually connect the Greensboro watershed lakes to the Haw River State Park. Next weekend, Durham volunteers will complete one final bridge to connect 105 continuous miles along the Eno and Neuse rivers in the Triangle.
If you'd like to get involved with an MST volunteer crew, please contact the volunteer leader in your area to learn more about what's involved and upcoming work days.
SECOND PLACE - PEOPLE ON THE TRAIL: Trevor, Tenille Share a Moment by Jack Horan
Thanks to Big Boss Brewing Company for raising awareness and $1710 for the MST at its annual beer festival in October. Big Boss and all of FMST's corporate sponsors make a big difference for the trail. To learn more about how your company can become an FMST sponsor, please contact Kate Dixon at kdixon@ncmst.org.
CHAINSAW CERTIFIED: Twenty FMST volunteers completed our annual chainsaw certification class so that they can safely operate equipment when working on the trail. If you are an FMST volunteer interested in taking this class in the future, please e-mail Jeff Brewer at jdbrewer104@gmail.com to get your name on the list. 

ONE: Become a member of FMST. You can join online or print and mail your membership form.

MST license plate with HK TWO: Buy an MST license plate. For $30 per year, you can show the world your love of the trail and help the trail financially too. $20 of your annual fee will come back to FMST to build, protect and promote the trail. You can now order your plate directly from NC DMV.

SECOND PLACE - YOUTH PHOTGRAPHER: Sun breaking through trees by Miranda Knox
If your employer hosts a workplace-giving campaign, look for FMST as a giving option. We are a proud member of EarthShare which promotes workplace giving to conservation groups. We are part of all North Carolina state and federal combined campaigns, and in many local government and corporate campaigns too. If we're not part of your campaign, contact Kate Dixon at kdixon@ncmst.org to learn more about how to encourage your workplace to add us.


Kate Dixon
Executive Director
Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail
PO Box 10431, Raleigh, NC  27605
Donate Now

FMST's Annual Meeting


Sat, Feb 1  

10 AM to 3 PM 

elon university


OTHER NOTEWORTHY MST DATES (check FMST calendar for details):


Dec 14 - Eno River Trail Workday in Durham


Dec 14 - Guilford County Trail Workday


Dec 28 - Sauratown Mountains Trail Workday (north of Winston-Salem)


Mar 30 - Falls Lake 12-Mile and 50K Race to benefit FMST