Resurrection Lutheran Church




This Sunday at Resurrection!


Please wear your ELCA yellow shirt or the colors yellow, orange or gold to worship this Sunday, September 7. We worship at 10:00 and have activities after worship too. Here are some of the good things taking place in the worship service this Sunday:

  • We celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Norbert and Pastor Lyla Harold

  • We bless this year's confirmation students and present a Bible to Bryce Arp

  • We welcome new members: Gib and Judy Devey, Ben and Rebecca Crawshaw,

    Jim Kerley, and Greg Williamson


    Here are some the good things taking place after the worship service:

  • Register for Christian Education Classes

  • Enjoy the cake reception in honor of the Harolds and our new members

  • Participate in the ELCA-wide Community Day of Service


How can we participate in the ELCA-wide Community Day of Service?

  • Our Youth, under the leadership of Kasey Worman, will be raking leaves, trimming bushes and mowing grass at the home of an RLC member.

  • Our Faith in Action Team and others will be sorting School Supplies for local elementary schools.

  • Members of our Evangelism Team are asking folks to help with pulling out grass around the front sign monument and planting flowers. This is part of our hospitality evangelism.

  • All members are asked to do something "in the name of Jesus" to help someone before the sun goes down on Sunday. Please let us know via e-mail to the church office what you did, perhaps with a picture.



RSVP for September 28!

Please! We need to hear from everyone about attending the big 25th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, September 28. Our planning committee needs to soon order food. Everyone (including staff, council, team captains, members of teams, seniors, children, teens, choir members, and all members) need to let us know of your attendance. You can do so by: putting your name on the registration form on the back of "For the Record" at worship; e-mailing the church office ( or phoning the church office (540-786-7778). Also, please make an anniversary gift to one or more of the four suggested categories (Resurrection Lutheran School Scholarship Fund, Combating World Hunger, Poverty and Disease, Resurrection Memorial Garden and Columbarium, or "To the Glory of God" General Operating Fund). Checks should be made out to Resurrection, with a notation.



September Adult Forums

We have just 2 Adult Forums in September. Both will be excellent. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 8:45 to 9:45 am. Here are the topics:

  • September 14 is a preview of the 25th Anniversary Slide Presentation. This session will be led by Colleen Butler, a charter member of Resurrection. Other long-time members will assist as the slides are shown and folks can remember or learn about members through the years who have been a vital part of Resurrection and our shared history.

  • September 21 is a presentation by Cary Mangus on "The Six Giving Doors". Cary is a stewardship specialist for the Virginia Synod and gave this informative presentation recently at the Power in the Spirit Conference at Roanoke College.


One Worship Service Through November 23

Our Congregation Council approved having one worship service (10:00) on Sunday mornings through November 23. We appreciate the folks who returned their worship surveys. It told us that our folks were evenly divided on their preference for one or two services. All comments were noted. We also received recommendations from our Worship and Music Team and from our Christian Education Team. Having choices in liturgy and times of worship is a big consideration. Increasing our attendance so that the energy level and participation remain lively is very important. We will be returning to two worship services on the first Sunday in Advent (November 30), the first Sunday in the Church Calendar. What about Sunday School and Christian Education? Our children through 5th grade have the option of Children's Church during the 10:00 worship service. They will begin the service with their parents, depart for a lesson after the Prayer of the Day and return for Holy Communion/Blessing. Regular Sunday School between services will resume on November 30. Adults and confirmation students will have Christian Education at 8:45 through November 23.


Please read your church newsletters. It contains lots of good articles and important information for church members. This is a good time to rededicate yourself to regular attendance at worship and being involved in Christian Education. Remember the purpose of your participation: to become re-charged for engaging in God's mission in your everyday lives.

See you Sunday!


In Christ's love,


Pastors Jim and Carol







Resurrection Lutheran Church

6170 Plank Road

Fredericksburg, VA 22407
