Resurrection Lutheran Church

Dear Resurrection Family,




Update on Ken and Marti Martin

Pastor Ken and Marti Martin, members of our congregation, appreciate all the prayers and good wishes they are receiving. Both are in the hospital as a result of a car accident that totaled their Prius on August 14. Ken had surgery to place a rod in his leg (fractured in 3 places) on August 18 and is recuperating at Culpeper Regional Hospital. Marti has several fractured ribs and continues recuperating at Mary Washington Hospital. We'll give further updates this Sunday at worship. After they return home, we'll need volunteers for food and transportation.


Meet Our New Youth Activities Director

This Sunday at worship our new Youth Activities Director will be introduced! Please come and meet Kasey Stewart Worman and her husband Michael. Many thanks to our Personnel Team for their diligence in the selection process and to our Congregation Council for their vote of confidence. Kasey will be available after worship to personally meet our youth and parents in the narthex.


Build a Mountain of Supplies

Also at worship this Sunday we have a temple talk by Ellen Bushman from Lutheran Family Services of Virginia. Ellen will be thanking Resurrection for the array of school supplies that have been collected as part of our Build a Mountain of Supplies.


September 7

We're looking forward to Sunday, September 7. This is Rally Day at Resurrection and Community Service Day throughout the Virginia Synod and the ELCA. Our Council members will present Bibles to new confirmation students and offer a blessing for all our confirmation students. We will have signups for all education classes and music groups after worship. There will be lots of good food. Then, we'll participate in various community service projects. We'll be suggesting some and encouraging members to creatively find other ways that day to demonstrate "God's Work, Our Hands". Our Youth are invited to participate in a project and work alongside Kasey, our new youth activities director.


25th Anniversary Planning

Have you returned your reservation form and offering designation to the church office? Our 25th Anniversary Committee folks are diligently making plans for September 28th and need to prepare the right amount of food. This will be an outstanding day in the life of RLC!



Final Thoughts

This is a good Sunday to invite someone to worship with you. Pastor Carol shares the sermon and children's message. Our Praz Team sings "No Higher Calling/Holy Spirit Come". Amy Burcher and Bill Shute present a duet "On My Knees". Our Chancel Choir sings "The Lord Bless You and Keep You".



Pastors Jim and Carol Kniseley







Resurrection Lutheran Church

6170 Plank Road

Fredericksburg, VA 22407
