Dear Friend, 
Almost 20 year's ago community members who would later found Groundwork Lawrence (GWL) articulated the dream for a park at the site of Ferrous Technology, located at the confluence of the Merrimack and Spicket Rivers in the North Canal National Historic District of Lawrence, MA. After years of working with residents, businesses as well as local, state and federal agencies, this year the Ferrous Site has been restored to realize its ecological, historic and scenic potential as a place for recreation, contemplation and learning.
New Balance Volunteers, Green Team and GWL staff during a Ferrous Site work day

This long-term project exemplifies the GWL approach. Step by step, we achieve results by engaging the whole community - residents, youth, nonprofits, government and businesses - in the planning and realization of projects. These projects in turn improve Lawrence-a place with so much potential but where still 29% of people live in poverty (as compared to 11% statewide). We believe that all people deserve access to beautiful outdoor spaces to achieve wellness, no matter their income level. With your support we can continue to make this belief a reality.
With donor support, GWL has:
  • Managed $19M in capital improvements resulting in 19 parks, over 5 miles of wooded trails, 8 safe-soil community garden sites, 30 backyard gardens and 1 urban farm;
  • Increased fresh food access for Greater Lawrence residents by managing farmers markets, and offering a variety of fresh food subsidies;
  • Engaged over 3,000 community volunteers, in our Earth Day and Spicket River Cleanups each year;
  • Served 2,225 youth in 2015 with our Schoolyard Garden & STEM programs. 
We are pleased to announce that you now have the opportunity to invest in our work in a new and exciting way through the Community Investment Tax Credit Program. Established by the Massachusetts Legislature with the goal of spurring more private donations to organization doing community development work, the credit enables you to invest in Groundwork Lawrence while receiving a substantial tax benefit.
With a contribution to Groundwork Lawrence of over $1,000, you will receive a 50% refundable state tax credit-which means you can recover 50% of your donation So, you contribute to transformational projects such as ecological programming for children at the Ferrous Site and the cost to you is reduced significantly. It's a win-win!
Of course, any amount is also very much needed and appreciated.
Thank you in advance to considering this great giving opportunity. With your help, we can continue our mission to change places, change lives in Lawrence through the New Year and beyond.
Yours in Gratitude,
Heather McMann, Executive Director

Green Team selling their produce at Farmers Market
Green Team and staff in Yellowstone National Park
Runners at 2nd Annual Spicket River Greenway 5K