March 7th, 2015 - 16th of Adar, 5775
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Candlelighting: 5:48 pm
Havdalah: 6:50 pm
Last Call for Booth Sponsorship!
e-mail Ben if interested! 
This Weekend 

Assistant Rabbi
This weekend, our second candidate arrives; Rabbi Evan Ravski and his wife Abby will be visiting with us. Below are opportunities to meet Rabbi Ravski.

  • Kabbalat Shabbat services; 5:30 Friday evening



  • Minyan on Sunday at 9 am, followed by a nosh and teaching

We encourage you to be at shul to extend a warm welcome to Rabbi Ravski and to help him feel comfortable and get a sense of our wonderful kehillah.
Family Megillah Reading

Sunday, March 8, 10:45 am

Join us for a fun-filled family retelling of the Purim story with snippets of the megillah, right before the Purim Carnival!


Tefillah Notes
Deepen your understanding of Jewish prayer with Beth Jacob Community's weekly commentary.
for this week's Note.

Learn more or create your own at (or e-mail Ann Silver and Jonathan Ehrlich at
Selfie Directory
The hot-off-the-presses 2015 Beth Jacob Selfie Directory is here; they are available for pick up in the office during regular office hours Tuesday through Thursday, 9 am - 5 pm.


Contemplative Chanting 

With Sara Lynn Newberger &

Rabbi Emma Kippley-Ogman

Second Thursdays |  7-8 PM at Beth Jacob

(3/12, 5/14, and 6/11)


Singing is a physical experience, involving breath and muscles, ears and mouths. When we are touched by the music, the whole of our bodies come into play. When we sing with others, we are connected by and within the music. In chanting, we sing a melody multiple time giving us time to enter the chant as its melody (and words) enter us, feeling ever more deeply the effect of the music in each repetition. Chanting is a form of meditation that opens the doors of the heart, it focuses attention on the present moment, the place where the Divine Presence can be experienced. Whether wordless or with words, repetition of the chant helps clear the mind of chatter, and connects us to each other and the Divine. Allowing some quiet between the chants or niggunim enables us to absorb the energy of the chant.


Join us on Thursday evenings as we ready our hearts for Shabbat. No experience or prior knowledge is required. Co-sponsored with Hineini, A Center for Adult Jewish Learning and Contemplative Practices at the Talmud Torah of St. Paul. There is no set cost for these sessions, though donations will be accepted.


Help Create a Play with

Jon Adam Ross 

Tuesday, March 17, 7 pm


New York based actor and playwright and Camp Ramah veteran Jon Adam Ross is coming to the Twin Cities to create his newest play, and he needs help! Immediately following his sold out run in 'Relics' at the Guthrie this past fall, Jon received a Covenant Foundation Signature Grant for an amazing project that involves developing 5 plays in 5 cities in 3 years, each one inspired by the narrative of a different patriarch/matriarch from Genesis. The inHEIRitance Project: The Genesis Plays is starting in the Twin Cities next month. And Jon is coming to town to collect local stories for the piece.


On Tuesday night March 17, Jon will be hosting an event at Beth Jacob Congregation where people of all ages will have the opportunity to share their own stories and contribute to the making of this play - which will premiere in the Twin Cities in the fall. There will be many ways to participate: storytelling, written submissions, visual art, and more. There will be pizza, drinks, and fun for all; we hope to see you there!


Last Shabbat of the Month!

Sat., March 28
After Kiddush at 12:45 pm
Everyone truly is welcome!  Sing to praise G-d, to open your heart, to make something beautiful together, or all of the above. The focus is on liturgical songs with harmony, chants, rounds, and niggunim. 
Please volunteer to lead a song or make a song request a week and a half ahead of the date, so Aaron Hodge Silver, our songbook designer, can get it ready. Questions, comments, requests, and to VOLUNTEER TO LEAD A SONG, call or e-mail Pam Winthrop Lauer:, 952-432-7038. 
Childcare will be available.
*Ozi v'Zimrat Yah = G-d is my Strength and my Song.

Starting next Friday, March 13

Also: Daylight savings time is this weekend; set your clocks forward so you're on time to all BJC's Sunday events!

Beth Jacob Info:



(Link active after 2 pm Fri.)


In This Issue:
(Click Link to Jump
Directly to Article)



Wine tasting Sunday at the Purim Carnival!


The Beth Jacob Youth Committee is coordinating the annual Wine and Chocolate Sale, with proceeds going to benefit Beth Jacob youth programs. All wine and chocolates are kosher for Passover.


Order by this Sunday, March 8 for special orders; order by Thursday, March 19 for standard orders!



Help Migrant Families

The Migrant Family Food Fund provides fresh, nutritious produce to migrant worker families who tend to crops that they cannot afford to feed their own families. Although these workers toil in the Minnesota fields from before sunrise until after sunset, their pay is not governed by the Minnesota minimum wage bill that passed last year.

The children of these families receive breakfast and lunch in their federally funded summer school program. However, during weekends, there is little food for the children or adults. The MFFF helps fill the gap by sending backpacks of healthful food home with their children at the end of the school week.


Contributions may be mailed or dropped off at the shul office. 

Adult Jewish Learning 

  Ongoing Classes 


Monday Night Talmud Class
With Rabbi Allen

7:00 Pre-learning Schmooze and Munch

7:15 Class Begins


Study the words and thoughts of Rabbinic tradition as a living text in our modern world.  




Open Torah

Parashat HaShavuah: Tuesday Afternoons

With Rabbi Allen from 3-4 pm
Study of this week's Torah portion.   



Bracha and Bagel: Wednesday Mornings
With Rabbi Kippley-Ogman after Minyan
  Our learning chug (circle) meets for half an hour over breakfast, digging into rabbinic text related to the cycle of the Jewish year.

Torah Jew in the Pew: Saturday Mornings
With Rabbi Lynn Liberman - 9:15-10 am
 Join Rabbi Lynn Liberman to discuss the weekly Torah portion through the lens of thought-provoking commentaries.
Class meets on 2nd & 4th Saturday mornings in the chapel:
Mar. 7, 14, 28; Apr. 11, 25; May 9, 23
Community Events
For our full Community Events calendar, click here
Host Families Needed
Host families are needed for 2 teenage Israeli girls (either separately or together) as well as 1 adult male staff during the upcoming "Teen Mifgash" from March 25-April 1. Minimal driving required. If interested, or for more information, contact Alyssa Golob at the St. Paul JCC.

Host FAQ
purimball tc jewfolk
The first 50 people to use the code TCJEWFOLK will receive $6 off the ticket price!

Get 40-60% off Jewish summer camps
for your first-time camper!




A Journey of Hope for more than 18,000 Jews to China


Jewish Refugees in Shanghai (1933-1941) is a collaborative community effort to share information about the unique experiences of Jewish refugees in Shanghai during World War II. The cornerstone of this project is a historical exhibit curated by the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum. The exhibit has been enhanced with additional stories from four "Shanghailanders" with deep Minnesota connections.




Visit the Exhibit:

March 19-May 7, 2015

Mon-Thu: 7:30 am-9:30 pm
Fri: 7:30 am-6:00 pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: 8:00 am-3:00 pm



Sabes JCC

Minneapolis, MN 55416

Exhibit Grand Opening

March 19, 2015

5:00 pm: Reception
6:00 pm: Welcome and remarks

7:00 pm: Panel discussion

Sabes JCC

Minneapolis, MN 55416

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