July 19th, 2014 - 21th of Tamuz,5774 
  BJC Logo Purple  
BJC photo
Candlelighting - 8:36 pm
Havdalah - 9:36 pm
Beth Jacob Retreat
Labor Day Weekend, Aug. 29-31


Yes! On Labor Day Weekend, Beth Jacob returns to its retreatful roots with an inter-generational, family friendly retreat at Camp Chi/Perlstein Resort Center in the Wisconsin Dells. The Retreat Committee is hard at work making wonderful inter-active, inter-esting, inter-taining plans! Prices start at $90 per person all inclusive!


Register (or get more info) at Beth-Jacob.org/Retreat.


Early Bird Special

Sign up before next Wed., July 23 for great discounts; click above for details!


Questions? Contact Frances Fischer.

 Post-Kiddush Learning 
July 19, after Kiddush

Jonathan Paradise, who taught Hebrew at the University of Minnesota for many years, will share Hebrew poems and his translations.

You don't need to know Hebrew to enjoy this!
Tuesday, July 22, 6 pm
 Re'ema's Backyard 

  Last year's BBQ was a blast- this year's BBQ is going to be all about Israel! Please join us for a meat BBQ gathering in Re'ema's backyard.

Please bring something parve and/or cold to share! (Ideas: Beer, Hummus, carrots, pita, flat bread, etc.)

If you have something in mind to bring, or have some ideas for the event, please contact Re'ema Hava Absey

Check out the FB Event for more info! 
Summer Film Series
At Beth Jacob; Free
Wednesday July 23; 7 pm 
Beth Jacob's Summer Film Series returns this July , with a focus on films exploring daily life among the Ultra-Orthodox.
Alan Block will introduce the film and facilitate discussion afterwards.
 Just Another Hike 
20s-30s Logo
July 27, 9 am - 1 pm

Join the BJC 20s/30s group for an easy 2-3 hour hike in the rolling foresty areas of the park. No clambering, climbing, or leaping will be required.

BRING: Bring comfortable shoes and water! Recommended: sunscreen, trail snacks, a hat. Dogs welcome.

LUNCH: A potluck picnic in the park after the hike.

Check out the FB Event for more info! 
After Kiddush! Bring your favorite games!
 Bike Through History
Sunday, August 3rd, 10 am

Join us for a bike ride through Minneapolis' historical Jewish Northside.  We'll be meeting at at the Sumner Library , then proceed to numerous Jewish sites scattered through the neighborhood. Linda Schloff will be revealing each site's history at the many stops along the way.  The outing will last approximately 2 hours.


Bike helmets are required.
Hope to see you there!
 Alef-Bet Hebrew Class
Learn to decode the Hebrew alphabet and read the prayers in the original.

Hebrew Alphabet
Five Sunday morning sessions:
Aug. 17, 24; Sept. 7, 14, 21
10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Lisa Hoff will teach. Contact her for more information: lisaannehoff@hotmail.com

There is no charge for this class. 
 Post-Kiddush Learning 
What We Talk About When We
Talk About Anne Frank
by Nathan Englander
  August 16 after kiddush

Copies of 'What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank' are in the Beth Jacob office for borrowing.
All are welcome to talk about these stories and Nathan Englander's observations about contemporary Jewish life.

Cynthia Freedman will lead the discussion.
O.Z.Y.* in the Summer! Mark your calendar for singing in harmony this summer:
July 26, and August 9
After Kiddush at 12:45 pm in rooms 4/5. 
Everyone truly is welcome!  Sing to praise G-d, to open your heart, to make something beautiful together, or all of the above. The focus is on liturgical songs with harmony, chants, rounds, and niggunim. 
Please volunteer to lead a song or make a song request a week and a half ahead of the date, so Aaron Hodge Silver, our songbook designer, can get it ready. Questions, comments, requests, and to VOLUNTEER TO LEAD A SONG, call or e-mail Pam Winthrop Lauer: wpdj@usfamily.net, 952-432-7038. 
Childcare will be available.
*Ozi v'Zimrat Yah = G-d is my Strength and my Song.

Beth Jacob Info:



(Link active after 2 pm Fri.)

In This Issue:
(Click Link to Jump
Directly to Article)
This Week!
Jew in the Pew
With Rabbi Lynn Liberman


Shabbat mornings, 9:15-10 AM

July 12, 26


Join Rabbi Lynn Liberman to discuss the weekly Torah portion through the lens of thought-provoking commentaries.
Minyank_Katan Minyan Katan Logo

10:45 - 11:30 am


Minyan Katan is a joyful, playful shabbat morning service for kids birth-kindergarten with their grownups.  All are welcome! 


1st & 3rd Sat. of the Month

Next Meetings:

July 5, 19 



Click link above for more info! 

This Week!
3rd Shabbat

Monthly Shabbat Potluck Dinner
at Beth Jacob
Fri., July 18th


6:00 pm: Lively, Songful Kabbalat Shabbat Services


7:00 pm: Vegetarian Potluck Shabbat Dinner

Summer Shabbat Youth Programming
Our kids are always welcome in shul, to join in the praying, singing and learning, to sit and read, to play quietly between the pews in our sanctuary, to be part of the community.

Youth tefillah and playful learning will continue all summer!

Kids up to K:
  • 9:15 am Nursery open
  • 10:45 am (1st and 3rd) Snack and Minyan Katan
Kids K-6:
  • 10:10 am (or so) Youth tefillah ... begins just after the Torah parade
  • 11 am Snack and Playful learning
July 12, 19 & 26
August 2, 9, 16 & 23
Adult Jewish Learning 



Monday Night Talmud Class
With Rabbi Allen

7:00 Pre-learning Schmooze and Munch

7:15 Class Begins


Study the words and thoughts of Rabbinic tradition as a living text in our modern world.  




Open Torah

Parashat HaShavuah: Tuesday Afternoons

With Rabbi Allen - 3-4:00 pm
Study of this week's Torah portion.   


Bracha and Bagel: Wednesday Mornings
With Rabbi Kippley-Ogman after Minyan
  Our learning chug (circle) meets for half an hour over breakfast, digging into rabbinic text related to the cycle of the Jewish year.

Torah Jew in the Pew: Saturday Mornings
With Rabbi Lynn Liberman - 9:15-10 am

July 12, 26

Join Rabbi Lynn Liberman to discuss the weekly Torah portion through the lens of thought-provoking commentaries.
Community Events
For our full Community Events calendar, click here


Contact_InfoLike us on Facebook          Beth Jacobon          Follow us on Twitter
651-452-2226  |  bjcoffice@beth-jacob.org  |  www.beth-jacob.org