July 6th, 2013 - 28th of Tamuz 5773 
  BJC Logo Purple  
BJC photo
Candlelighting 8:43 pm

Havdalah 9:44 pm

Sunday, July 14

 1:30 pm departure from Beth Jacob

Avodah Farm

Spend the afternoon working together on Avodah Farm in Wisconsin with farmers Geoffrey and Martha OrHai Black (learn where those veggies really come from!) and stay for a potluck supper in the country. We'll carpool from shul. Email Frances to sign up to carpool: frances@beth-jacob.org.

Saturday, July 6, After Kiddush

"The Amish, the Arabs, and Us: Why Owning Our Essence Might Be Israel's Only Way to Achieve Peace and Security."


Reuven Resnick will discuss Israel's existential challenges and his understanding of the existential solutions. He will also contrast this worldview with the moral but isolationist approach of the Amish, and relate some interesting points that have arisen in his discussions with Amish community leaders.

Hazon Riders are Coming
July 19-21

The Hazon Cross-USA riders are coming to Mendota Heights! Hazon is a Jewish environmental non-profit that promotes sustainable agriculture, Jewish education, International hunger relief, promoting Israeli innovation, supporting Jewish non-profits, and coordinating CSAs across the country.


Volunteers are biking from Washington to Washington again this year to raise awareness and funds for the causes that Hazon supports.


There are lots of ways for you to help them out (most of which don't require a helmet):  
  • Host a rider. We need homes for our road-weary cyclists. Walking-distance and driving-distance homes are needed. The only meals to provide are breakfast on Saturday and Sunday.
    To host, please fill out this form.

  • Join the riders at our Beth Jacob 3rd Friday Pot Luck Kabbalat Shabbat.  

  • Come to shul on July 20 and welcome the riders to Beth Jacob. Hear a D'var Torah about Hazon & Jewish Environmentalism.   

  • Bike with the riders: The riders depart for Pepin, WI at 8:00 AM on Sunday, July 21. Join them for moral support and/or fundraising support as they promote a healthier and more sustainable Jewish community. All bikers are welcome to join them to the first rest stop (about 20 miles out) If you'd like to ride with them to lunch, a $50 donation is encouraged, and if you'd like to bike with them all day to Pepin, you can be an official part of the ride with a fundraising page, etc-registration is $50. 

"Grab life by the handlebars" and e-mail Frances at Beth Jacob to join the fun. 


2013 Camp Shirt

Want one?

Starting a few years ago, Beth Jacob has given our kids who are camp-bound a t-shirt to send them off for the summer.  Some adults and other non-campers (or at least non-current campers) have expressed a desire to own this year's shirt. If there is sufficient demand, Beth Jacob may do another printing so that anyone who wants one (even if they aren't Beth Jacob members) can have one!  The front of the shirt is pictured below in the colors in which it will be printed (royal blue on an orange shirt). The back has the Beth Jacob logo.

Click here to respond to our poll if you would be interested in purchasing a shirt (for $10).
Seudah Shlishit In Marie Park
Shabbes afternoon, July 27, 5pm

Bring your kids, your parents, your grandkids, your
grandparents, yourselves and your friends! Bring
dinner for your family, food to share and a picnic
blanket; we'll bring songsheets, and the park will
provide the playground.

Next date: August 24
Putting Food on the Tables of Those Who Put Food on Our Tables 

The Beth Jacob Congregation Social Justice Committee invites you to join us in making sure that those who work to feed us have enough to feed themselves. We are launching a pilot initiative to bring fresh produce to the tables of migrant worker families who come to southeastern Minnesota in the summer to work on our farms. In Le Center, the children of these families have access to a six-week summer school session. During that session we will provide each family with a half-share of the weekly allocation of produce from My Minnesota Farmer's CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm. 

 The children represent approximately thirty families, and we can provide each family with this nutritious food for $100. Please contribute what you can toward the $3000 we need for the program, which we are calling the "Ruth Fund" in honor of Shavuot. Help show our appreciation for all the hard work that puts food on our tables.

Checks should be payable to the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund, and have "Ruth Fund" in the memo, and may be dropped off at or mailed in to:
Beth Jacob
1179 Victoria Curve
Mendota Heights, MN 55118

Beth Jacob Info:




Service Sheet

Link active after 2 pm on Friday

In This Issue:
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Minyank_Katan Minyan Katan Logo
10:45 - 11:30 am


This Week!: July 6


Future dates:

July 20, Aug. 3



Click link above for more info! 

Beth Jacob 3rd Shabbat
Monthly Shabbat Potluck Dinner
Friday, July 19th


6:00 pm: Lively, Songful Kabbalat Shabbat Services


7:00 pm: Vegetarian Potluck Shabbat Dinner


Click for more info 


10:30 - 11:30 am
June 8 - August 3
A summer Shabbat morning program for grades K-5, featuring Jenna Fischer and Rachel Altshuler!
Congregational Learning Logo Adult Jewish Learning 


Monday Night Talmud Class
With Rabbi Allen

7:00 Pre-learning Schmooze and Munch

7:15 Class Begins


Study the words and thoughts of Rabbinic tradition as a living text in our modern world.  




Open Torah

Parashat HaShavuah: Tuesday Afternoons

With Rabbi Allen - 4-5:00 pm
During Rabbi Allen's vacation, we welcome Rabbi Julie Gordon back to Beth Jacob as guest teacher of this class.
Study of this week's Torah portion.   


Bracha and Bagel: Wednesday Mornings
With Rabbi Kippley-Ogman after Minyan
 Study short passages from our rabbinic tradition, 
including the Mishna and the Talmud.
Join together for a 10-minute Shiur and light breakfast.
Community Events
For our full Community Events calendar, click here

15th Annual St. Paul Jewish Community 

Tisha B'Av Service 

Monday, July 15th

Temple of Aaron - 616 S. Mississippi River Blvd.



Tisha B'Av 8:30PM 

Listening for God's Voice in the Ruins 

Teaching by: Rabbi Emma Kippley-Ogman (Beth Jacob) 



Maariv & Eicha (Lamentations) Reading/ Songs 


Sponsored by Beth Jacob Congregation, Mt. Zion Temple, and Temple of Aaron.  


Tuesday Shacharit (morning) service at Beth Jacob @ 7AM

and Mincha (afternoon/evening) at Temple of Aaron @ 6PM. 



Contact_InfoLike us on Facebook          Beth Jacobon          Follow us on Twitter
651-452-2226  |  bjcoffice@beth-jacob.org  |  www.beth-jacob.org