Parashat Bo
January 19th, 2013 - 8th of Shevat 5773 
  BJC Logo Purple  
BJC photo
Candlelighting 4:43 pm

Havdalah 5:45 pm


Annual Blood Drive

Blood - 100%

Sunday, Jan.  20

9:30 am - 2:30 pm


We don't need 100%, we just need your help!  Come give the gift of life at the Beth Jacob Annual Blood Drive!


Buddy Blood Drop - Transparent We need your help! Sign up today at!


Questions? Contact Sharon Benmaman at


Want to volunteer? Contact David Honan at


 Trip to Israel
More information (trip itinerary and info) about the Beth Jacob Israel Trip is available; click the link below to take a look.

Please let us know if you are interested by Jan. 17th (today)!


BJUSY & Kadima Present:


Saturday, Jan. 19, 7:00 pm

at the St. Paul JCC


BJ Guy - Dancing Green Beth Jacob's 7th-12th graders will be putting on the show of the year for you!  Come one and come all.


This is BJUSY's annual programming fundraiser, so bring the whole family and contribute an ad by January 11th!


View ad form 


Questions? Contact:


Eizeh Hu - Who Is?

A Shul wide learning series about

Jewish Values and Jewish Living

"Anavah - Humility"

Jan. 19; 1:00 PM (following Kiddush)

Sara Lynn Newberger

will be leading a conversation

on the topic:


"No more than my place, 

no less than my space."


Tu B'Shevat Seder and Shabbat Dinner  

Hazon et HaKol: Providing Food for All? 


Tu B'Shevat Seder Friday, January 25



Cost: $18/person & $60/family;

4 & under free


Menu: Chicken & a vegetarian option



Sign up here by January 22!


As part of the celebration of this event, please help others to also celebrate by bringing food donations for Second Harvest.


Congregational Learning LogoSocial Justice Committee Logo  

A joint program of the Congregational Learning & Social Justice Committees


Emtza Region Winter Shabbaton-

Housing Needed!

Feb 8-10

USY at 60 Beth Jacob is hosting Emtza Region USY Winter Shabbaton, a home hospitality convention, and could use some of the aforementioned hospitality!  If you would like to host USYers in your home for the weekend, click this link to sign up.


To register for the convention as a USYer, click here.


Questions? Contact:
Klei Kodesh Logo Klei Kodesh
The Beth Jacob Dish Collaborative

We use reusable dishes at home - why not also in our home-away-from-home, our shul?

Starting in February, join this new Kiddush lunch collaborative to reduce waste and build camaraderie.


How it works  Preserve Tableware

Klei Kodesh is entirely voluntary, and all are welcome to join:

  • Pay a one-time fee of $7 per person.
  • Commit to dishwashing duty 4-5 times a year, rolled into your kitchen duty commitments.

Each Klei Kodesh member receives:

  • A place setting of Preserve� recycled plastic tableware, stored and rolled out on a cart for Kiddush luncheon each Shabbat along with the shul's stainless flatware.
  • Training in water-conserving dishwashing techniques.


For more information:

  • Come to the Tu B'Shevat Seder (Friday night, Jan. 25).
  • Visit the information table in the social hall on Shabbat mornings, beginning January 26.
  • Contact Laura Milberg at


Sign up here


If the requirements for participation constitute a hardship and you would like to join in, please contact Rabbi Emma to discuss options.
World Wide Wrap
Sunday, February 3 
9:00 am

Come join Beth Jacob and congregations throughout the world in performing the mitzvah of t'fillin at morning minyan,
followed by a light brunch and a brief program!

Extra Tefillin will be available to use for those who need them, or to purchase if you wish to have your own set.


If you have unused Tefillin, we do accept donations!

Social Justice Committee Presents: 
Jim Bear Jacobs 
Social Justice Committee Logo
Saturday, February 2  
1:00 pm

Jim Bear Jacobs' work to get people talking about race and American Indian history started with a dream.  That dream has propelled him to a leadership position in telling the story of American Indians, particularly, the story of the US Dakota War, what led to it and how Native American history unfolded from that war.  
On February 2, Jim Bear will bring that story to Beth Jacob in a learning session sponsored by the Social Justice Committee. 

Babysitting will be available.

You may want to read, watch or listen to one or more of the following in order to come to the session with some knowledge of what is called the US Dakota War.

Beth Jacob Info:




Service Sheet

Link active after 2 pm on Friday

In This Issue:
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Directly to Article
Minyank_Katan Minyan Katan Logo
10:45 - 11:30 am


This Week! Jan. 19



Shir Shacharit Logo

9:15 - 10:00 am


Twice a Month for Winter and Spring!


  This Week! January 19

Next Meetings:

Feb. 9 & 23; March 9 & 23; April 27; May 11


Click links above for more info!


Shabbat Enrichment Logo

Click to read this week's

Shabbat Enrichment News

parent newsletter!

  • This is an "A" Aleph week for Madrichim.
  • There is 8th Grade Shalshelet.
Congregational Learning Logo Adult Jewish Learning 


Monday Night Limud 

7:00 Pre-learning Schmooze and Munch

7:15 Class Begins

Talmud Class
With Rabbi Allen

Study the words and thoughts of Rabbinic tradition as a living text in our modern world.  



Learners Siddur

Learner's Minyan Course

With Rabbi Kippley-Ogman

Unravel the structure, choreography, and meaning of the Shabbat morning service. No previous background in Hebrew or Jewish education is necessary, just the desire to learn.


Class Schedule: Jan. 7, 14, 21 & 28; Feb. 4, 11 & 25; March 4, 11 & 18
Participants must register for this 10-week course;  Register Now!





Open Torah

Parashat HaShavuah: Tuesday Afternoons

With Rabbi Allen - 4-5:00 pm
Study of this week's Torah portion.   



Bracha and Bagel: Wednesday Mornings
With Rabbi Kippley-Ogman - after Minyan
 Study short passages from our rabbinic tradition, 
including the Mishna and the Talmud.
Join together for a 10-minute Shiur and light breakfast. 
Shabbat Learning


For the Jew in the Pew 

With Rabbi Liberman - 9:15-9:55 am Saturdays

A Shabbat Morning Torah Conversation.

Class Schedule: January 19, 26; February 2, 23

Community Events


January is J-Pride Survey month!


Help determine the future of J-Pride; an organization for Twin Cities Jewish LGBT people, their families, allies and friends.
Throughout the month of January you can help J-Pride by filling out this survey at:


Let your voice be heard! For Twin Cities LGBT folks, allies, families and friends.


Designer Genes

 Thursday, January 24th at 6:30 PM

At the Sabes Jewish Community Center

$10 admission; Refreshments and dessert will be served (dietary laws observed).  


What's Jewish about genetic diseases? One in five Ashkenazi Jews, from Eastern Europe, is a carrier for a genetic disease.  The Minneapolis Jewish Federation advocates for designing your future by raising awareness about Genetic Disease Screenings.


The Minneapolis Jewish Federation Women's Philanthropy will host Designer Genes, an educational and informative event on the topic of genetic diseases. Speakers, Dr. Jodi Hoffman and Rabbi Lawrence Sernovitz will each address Jewish genetic disorders and the importance of getting screened.


Jodi D. Hoffman, MD is Interim-Chief and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Genetics at Tufts Medical Center and the Director of the Victor Outreach and Screening Program for Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Diseases in Boston.  She received her medical degree at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx. Dr. Hoffman then completed a Pediatric residency at Yale Children's Hospital in New Haven. Dr. Hoffman speaks throughout the Jewish community on the topic of genetic diseases seen more commonly in people of Ashkenazi Jewish descent. She has spoken at over 100 venues on this topic and has facilitated screening drives for 11 college campuses and communities to date.


Rabbi Lawrence Sernovitz is the Associate Rabbi of Old York Road Temple Beth Am, and President of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Familial Dysautonomia Foundation. He will speak about his personal encounter with hereditary Jewish genetic diseases.


If you get tested and find out that you are a carrier, you can be in control of your health and design your future.


To find our more information about Designer Genes, contact

Temma Shankman:


Register now


Hillel Presents:

U of MN Charity Variety Show

 Thursday, January 31st, 7 pm

Memorial Hall at McNamara Alumni Center 


You are invited to the First annual U of MN Variety Show! Come prepared to see the talent that the University of Minnesota has to offer from tap dancing, a cappella groups, jugglers and singer-songwriters! You don't want to miss this opportunity. The event will kickoff with an hour pre-show happy hour featuring Jewish organizations around the Twin Cities. Don't miss your chance to connect and learn more about Jewish life in the Cities post-college. Tickets are bought at the door and are $5 for students and $10 for community members. ALL PROCEEDS are going to Make-A-Wish Foundation. Please be part of a good cause!


 RSVP now


Help Federation Plan for the Future


The Jewish Federation of Greater St. Paul is conducting a Community Planning Process which will begin with listening sessions throughout our community. Between March and May 2013, in dozens of small-group conversations, Jews and people living in Jewish households will be invited to discuss with each other what they value about our community as well matters of personal and communal concern affecting them. We want to understand why their concerns are important and what they believe are organized ways we can support each other to build, strengthen and sustain our community. By the end of the process, we hope to involve at least 400 people representing a diverse cross-section of individuals.


 More Information/How to Participate

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