Straight Shooter Photography +  
Welcome to the April, 2015 "Big 30" Edition

Straight Shooter Turns 30

In April,1985, Ronald Reagan was president, Police Academy II was released,
Madonna's "Crazy for you" was rising on the U.S. Music charts,
Coca Cola changed its formula (then changed it back 3 months later)
and South Africa ended its ban on interracial marriages.

I also started Straight Shooter. There was a lot of commotion in 
the photography business about rights and usage of photographic images.
I attended several ASMP (American Society Of Magazine Photographers)
meetings on the topic. At the bottom of it all, I felt, was the lack of 
communication between Client and Photographer.


The "Straight Shooter" name was my way of laying it on the line. 
I would include all rights for usage, included with my shooting fees, 
while retaining Copyright. These are called non-exclusive rights.

Thank you for your continued support!

Dan Morgan

(Above photo - Deborah Feingold / Corbis)


Sky Lounge at the Twelve Thousand Building

Shot recently for EventWorks 4D

For Kim Crane Real Estate Group

We just won and award for 


It's a Blog, Blog, Blog World...
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(always updated with new work)


Contact us any time to discuss how great pictures will
get your company out there, in front of a captive audience...




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I-Pad and Smart Phone friendly.

Try viewing them on yours today. 


  Past E-Blasts, Archived


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Check out more of Dan's recent photography...   
Portraits, Special Events, Food,
Commercial and Residential Locations
Manufacturing & Industrial

*new - Special Effects 

Let Dan's 30 years+ of networking in the
Cleveland and New York markets work for you!

We want to hear about your business,
We are listening...  

   Click for Straight Shooter Studios Map


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Straight Shooter
Photography, Marketing and Social Networking by Dan Morgan 


1900 Superior Ave #111

Cleveland, Ohio 44114
