Straight Shooter Photography +  
Welcome to the August, 2015 Edition

Straight Shooter Launches
Two New Websites

This shot of, and for, Brandon Holschuh is one of our favorite images.
However, what we love the most about our new sites is that 
we can easily make changes and additions.

Check Out Our New Main Website Here

Exterior of The Twelve Thousand Building
Our NEW, award winning commercial and residential 
real estate Website is now also LIVE...

This was not the 30th Anniversary celebration 
of Straight Shooter, but we are always happy to illustrate 
Ideastream Consumer Products' great Snap-N-Store line.

Testimonial Photo for 
United Consumer Products

Our studio is located inside Tower Press, a great 
location with plenty of free parking and Artefino, this great Café.
We have been helping Tower Press with marketing 
for several years. Check out the new Artefino Website 
with much more of our photography in use!

As always, Thank you for your continued support. Dan is 
always happy to give you a project estimate. E-Mail Dan Today!


It's a Blog, Blog, Blog World...
Find us on Google+  Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook View our profile on LinkedIn Find us on Pinterest 

Got Content?

 Click any of above icons to visit our pages!

(always updated with new work)


Our Websites...

Our NEW QR Code

This E-Blast and our Web Sites are now

Even More I-Pad and Smart Phone friendly.

Try viewing them on yours today.


  Past E-Blasts, Archived


View my profile on LinkedIn

Check out more of Dan's recent photography...   
Portraits, Special Events, Food,
Commercial and Residential Locations
Manufacturing & Industrial

*new - Special Effects 

Let Dan's 30 years+ of networking in 
Cleveland and New York work for you!

We want to hear about your business,
We are listening...  

   Click for Straight Shooter Studios Map


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To pick topics and frequency of your e-mails from us,
click below, enter your e-mail address. You will be sent an e-mail allowing you to
select the promotional list(s) you would like to be included in.

Straight Shooter
Photography, Marketing and Social Networking by Dan Morgan 


1900 Superior Ave #111

Cleveland, Ohio 44114
