Straight Shooter Photography +  
Welcome to the June, 2013 Edition of Straight Shooter's
Photography and Marketing E-Blast.    

For Finesse Fine Jewelry


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The lines are blurring between fine art and commercial art.
Check out this interview I did 
with Heather Sakai for Go Media's "Zine"




Magnus International For Reliable Contracting


This is one of my favorite location shoots ever,

A converted barn + a great client + a helpful subject

+ 3 hours = new sample to show you!





 Have a GREAT Summer Everyone!

Shot for Grantwood Technology



Dan Morgan


Contact us any time to discuss how great pictures will
get your company out there, in front of a captive audience...



Like us on Facebook 


This E-Blast and our Web Site are now

I-Pad and Smart Phone friendly.

Try viewing them on yours today. 




let's connect...

Past E-Blasts, Archived

Check out more of Dan's recent photography...   
Portraits, Special Events, Food,
Commercial and Residential Locations
Manufacturing & Industrial

*new - Special Effects 

Let Dan's 30 years+ of networking in the
Cleveland and New York markets work for you!

We want to hear about your business,
We are listening...  

   Click for Straight Shooter Studios Map


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Straight Shooter
Photography, Marketing and Social Networking by Dan Morgan 


1900 Superior Ave #111

Cleveland, Ohio 44114
