Gemini Full Moon Meditation
Full Moon Meditation
Keynote: "I recognize my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow."
Gemini, Third of Three Festivals - Dissemination

As the third sign of the spiritual new year, Gemini completes the awakening energies of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. The seed ideas germinated in Aries and nurtured in Taurus are now ready to disperse in Gemini. The word dissemination is, "a scattering of seed, a sowing", also connected to semen, the male seed, symbolized by the twin brothers of Gemini. Paradoxically, Gemini is an androgynous sign (Hermes-Aphrodite) and at the time of Individualization the race was hermaphrodite.

Gemini rules Humanity because, through its esoteric ruler Venus, "awakens the sense of duality which is the basic factor in the conflict between desire and spiritual will." The Festival of Humanity is about the spirit of humanity that aspires toward and aligns itself to the Divine. Gemini is also dedicated to right human relations, the successful outcome of the relationship.

We are called to respond to life from a posture of unconditional love and universality. Think of this as "I am a point of light within a greater light."

I am the light that I am
I am the peace that I am
I am the love that I am
I am the Christ of God (Infinite Spirit)
I am that I am.

Gemini is teaching us about Oneness, asking us to let go of duality.

Gemini Full Moon Meditation - Tuesday,
June 2nd, 2015

Join us on this telecall to share inspiration for the journey into the mysteries of Awakened Consciousness, Ascension, and the process of Self Realization as you journey this year of Awakening to Our Own Divinity.

Skype Users:
Add 'freeconferencecallhd.8053991200' to your contacts. At the scheduled date and time of the conference call, select the contact and click "call." Then, locate the key pad and enter the access code.
Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015


      9.00pm Eastern
     8.00pm Central
        7.00pm Mountain
   6.00pm Pacific
2.00am UK

Dial-in Number: 805-399-1200
Access Code: 154271

Journey with Finbarr to Brazil in July of 2015 to experience healing, love and compassion! A spiritual journey of healing in an energy vortex where one is nurtured and cared for beyond anything you can imagine. This is a spiritual adventure in being open to healing all aspects of one's life.
 .......Open the pathway to the next level of Awakened Consciousness.......

Blessings, love and peace,


Telephone 877 756 8763