Capricorn Full Moon Meditation
January 5th
Full Moon Meditation
Keynote: "Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back."
The first full moon in the energy of Awakening to Our Own Divinity. As we progress, the seeker now treads the Lighted Way, turns her back upon the past, that vast stretch of time that comprises most of the slumbering incarnations - before waking up to the Journey of the Soul. From this period onward, we awaken to our own divinity as we fully embrace the journey of the soul knowing that we are growing in awareness of who we are. This powerful event is a reminder that we must move forward, evolve and create the future instead of clinging to our old patterns and behaviors of the past. Life as we know it is changing/shifting and the safest way to make the transition is to embrace it as we cross the threshold. The key to connecting with the power of this realization is a willingness to push hard on all levels to overcome obstacles rather than avoiding our shadow and the effort required to reshape our lives.


Full Moon Meditation - Monday,
January 5th, 2015

Join us on this telecall to share inspiration for the journey into the mysteries of Awakened Consciousness, Ascension, and the process of Self Realization as you journey this year of Awakening to the Soul's Journey.

Skype Users:
Add 'freeconferencecallhd.8053991200' to your contacts. At the scheduled date and time of the conference call, select the contact and click "call." Then, locate the key pad and enter the access code.


5th, 2015


      9.00pm Eastern
     8.00pm Central
        7.00pm Mountain
   6.00pm Pacific
2.00am UK

Dial-in Number: 805-399-1200
Access Code: 154271

Experience the Kings Chamber, The Sphinx, Temples of Luxor, Stepped Pyramid of Sakkara and Coptic Cairo, the Emerald Talbots and much more! Journey to mystic Egypt to experience a land rich in ancient wisdom with Flo Magdalena, author, channel, and healer, who will co-lead this sacred tour with spiritual guide Finbarr Ross, facilitator of the pathway of Awakened Consciousness, and the ascension/self-realization process. Discover the magnificent beauty and spirit of the ancient Egyptian people and their land. Quest this sacred land, and open your heart to the deep mysticism and evolution of the human experience all over again.

 .......Open the pathway to the next level of Awakened Consciousness.......

Blessings, love and peace,


Telephone 877 756 8763

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