Full Moon of Sagittarius December 6th
Full Moon Meditation
Keynote: "I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another."
Sagittarius is a daring adventurer into undiscovered realms; to remote places upon the furthest reaches of the Earth - on mountain tops, in jungles or lonely deserts. Or, in consciousness, at the forefront of scientific exploration, pushing the boundaries of artistic expression or probing the soul in deep meditation.

Sagittarius is boundless expansiveness, a description befitting its ruler Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system - and ruler of the second ray of Love -Wisdom, the ray of the Master Builder... who takes the 'dynamic idea of God' embodied in Ray 1 and formulates the plan for constructing it.

Sagittarius is the fiery archer who dares to go beyond her own circumscribed radius. At some stage of evolution, she fires her arrows toward unknown destinations, to see where they lead; her arrows are sent forth by thought, waiting for the returning gift of intuition. Sagittarius is the spirit of the explorer, adventurer, inquirer, wanderer, traveler.

Keeping balance is not always an easy task for Sagittarius but it is really important during this time for us to stay in balance between now and Winter Solstice, asking us to release and let go of all issues that are holding us back. To let go of all that holds us back on all levels, we need to go through a final cleansing before the longest night and the new dawn. We are in the closeout period of Awakening to the Soul's Journey, so this final releasing and letting go of old issues is imperative. Come Winter Solstice, we enter a new Ascension phase; a new phase of Self Realization as we embrace Awakening to Our Own Divinity and walk through another doorway on the path of Ascension and Self Realization.


Full Moon Meditation - Saturday,
December 6th, 2014

Join us on this telecall to share inspiration for the journey into the mysteries of Awakened Consciousness, Ascension, and the process of Self Realization as you journey this year of Awakening to the Soul's Journey.

Skype Users:
Add 'freeconferencecallhd.8053991200' to your contacts. At the scheduled date and time of the conference call, select the contact and click "call." Then, locate the key pad and enter the access code.


6th, 2014


      9.00pm Eastern
     8.00pm Central
        7.00pm Mountain
   6.00pm Pacific
2.00am UK

Dial-in Number: 805-399-1200
Access Code: 154271

An empowering and inspiring spiritual journey in search of Mary Magdalene, Black Madonna, Knights Templars and Cathars!


Travel Sacred France with spiritual guide Finbarr Ross and healing arts practitioner Ann Brown McCullough in June of 2015 (with an optional extension to Lourdes June 15 - June 17th)! Experience a land rich in traditional and visit many wonderful power sites held sacred by those who have sought the Holy Grail, the presence of Mary Magdalene and Black Madonnas including: Rennes-le Chateau, Grotte de Baume, Maries de La Mer, Arles, Carcassonne, and Montségur. Although you journey within the 21st Century, you will discover the threads of universal consciousness that predated Christianity still alive today.

 .......Open the pathway to the next level of Awakened Consciousness.......

Blessings, love and peace,


Telephone 877 756 8763

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