A Journey along the Path of Life


As I continue along my path of Awakened Consciousness I have come to understand that all of the energies are bring ramped up and are being filtered to us through the Seven Ray. It is a time where the Ascended Masters and our guides encourage us to go deep in meditation, so they can download to us some amazing information/teachings. All of this is happening to us energetically at the moment and sometimes we feel like a nap; if this is happening to you take your nap and allow change to take place in your life.


Energetically now we are being upgraded (our nervous system) to handle the new frequencies, to be more consciously aware of who we are and our connection to our guides and masters. We are now in the final phase of Awakening to the Soul's Journey where we need to clear all the outstanding issues we have not being paying attention to. At Winter Solstice we are again entering a new phase, moving into a higher frequency/vibration which is asking us to Awaken to Our Own Divinity. With this new vibration we must not forget to ask our Guides, Guardian Angels and ascended Masters to work with us and in so doing we give them permission. We are asked to be consciously aware of what is happening daily in our life as we let go. Be open and aware of the new frequencies!


We will experience at Summer Solstice 2015 the 4th Doorway of Awakened Consciousness ramping the energies still higher, moving us closer to our goal.


We are now at a crossroads and we are being asked to consciously choose our path. We can choose the path of chaos which bring us many challenges in life or we can choose the path of peaceful change, consciously connecting with our higher nature and our spiritual self through meditation, listening to our body, and understanding the message it is giving us. It is about letting go and letting God/Infinite Spirit connect us to the Oneness as we let go of duality. Trust in the fact that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and our job is to hold the balance as we quest through this phase of our evolutionary process, the building of the new dawn.


In listening to our body we are being asked to be consciously aware of the food we eat and the supplements we take, knowing their origin and what is toxic to our body by reading labels and by educating ourselves about nutrition and the crystalline energies that are now coming in, and knowing the body's requirements to maintain a healthy lifestyle.We are at a time where we need to be consciously aware of our self and how we love and treat our self with compassion and in mindfulness of our God Self.


My journey continued as I arrived Edinburgh, Scotland on September 15th and spent four days with my brother Tom and his wife Maureen before heading for Glasgow and meeting the group of 19 traveling companions to experience Sacred Scotland and Autumn Equinox on the Isle of Iona.


We departed Glasgow on October 19th and caught a ferry to the to the Isle of Arran and it was here on Arran that we began weaving our tapestry of conscious awareness within the group.


We experienced a magnificent collection of stone circles and standing stones, each with their own story and vibration, from teaching to vestal virgins and much more. Arran is always a mystical experience; as one enters each stone circle they are met with the vibration of that circle and its meaning and the same goes for the standing stones.


After experiencing all of this, our next stop was our hotel where we enjoyed a wonderful dinner before retiring for the night. On the following morning after an early breakfast we departed the hotel to once again catch a ferry back to the mainland and visit the amazing valley of Kilmartin, again with stone circles, standing stones and cairns. The most amazing of these being Temple Wood with its vortex connection to the higher realms and the standing stones with their energetic alignment.


The next stop was our ferry from Oban to the Isle of Mull. Upon exiting the ferry we had a one hour drive across Mull to catch our ferry to Iona which would be our home for the next four nights. Iona is a mystical and magical place originally known as the Isle of the Druids because of its amazing alignments and vortexes. Later came Saint Columba and its name became Iona, also known as the cradle of Celtic Spirituality.


Here we spent the next three days exploring, sharing, and meditating, and at 5:00 pm on September the 22nd the twenty of us gathered in the Abbey where we experienced a beautiful inter-dimensional connection as we opened the Third Doorway, receiving a download of energy bringing us into deeper into conscious connection. We ended our day with an Essence Silent Supper where we were all dressed in white.


The next day we visited the well of Eternal Youth, and here a water ceremony was performed by a member of the group. Then we did a water initiation ceremony which is a mystical ceremony because it opens us up to the higher realms and the gifts of the spirit. We followed this with a heart ceremony where we had a beautiful heart made of petals and within this heart each participant laid their wish; a very moving ceremony touching people on all levels and also opening them fully to their heart connection. In the afternoon some people visited the Isle of Staffa as others quested the beaches and other power points on the Island.


On the morning of the 24th we departed Iona and traveled to the Isle of Skye stopping on the way at Eilean Donan Castle. The next morning we had an early departure for Uig where we caught a ferry to the Isle of Harris and Lewis and visited the amazing Stonehenge of the north known as Callanish - this is an out of this world experience as the stones are in a lunar alignment and people connect with these in the most amazing way! We then visited two satellite groups of standing stones with their own vibration and mystique as we encountered the Three Sisters and much more. We overnighted in Stornoway with a free morning before catching yet another ferry that would take us back to the mainland before a two hour drive to our hotel in Nairn outside of Inverness. Here we had a lovely dinner and lots of conversation as people processed and shared.  

The next morning we visited Findhorn and its gardens before moving on to experience Clava Cairns and its wonderful alignments and vortexes. We experienced lots of deep emotion here as the group continued weaving the tapestry of love. In the late afternoon we traveled to Pitlochry where we would spend the next two nights exploring Fortingall and Glenlyon. We experienced a 5,000 year old yew tree, and St. Andrews church with its beautiful stained glass window which tells the story of St. Andrew's connection with Scotland. We also experienced the Praying Hands of Mary and a forty-five minute walk up a mountainside to what one can only describe as varying degrees of mystical experiences for each person.  


Our next stop was Croft Moraig, or the field of Mary. Here we intermingled with the energy of a triple stone circle with beautiful trees and mystical peace as people integrated their experiences. Then we headed back to our hotel where we had dinner and a presentation by Barry Dunford, author of Vision of Albion, The Key to the Holy Grail. To me, Barry is Scotland's greatest researcher when it comes to ancient history and Scotland's spiritual connection to the Holy Land.  


Next, we visited The Holy Mountain of Schiehallion with all the mystery and energy that emanates from it. Our next stop was St. Mary's grail chapel with a remarkable heraldic mural painted on its barrel roof ceiling which displays amazing and unique hidden symbolism. Here we opened ourselves up to that symbolism and the process of how it helps to awaken each of us to the hidden mysteries. On the move again, this time to Edinburgh, we overnighted and had a wonderful farewell dinner as part of the group were staying for extra days in Edinburgh. In the morning we visited the enigmatic Rosslyn Chapel. We explored and meditated on the mysteries of the Essenic Jerusalem Temple scrolls said to be buried there as we connected and opened doorways, aligning ourselves in the crypt opening portals and doorways.


Our journey now complete, we traveled to Edinburgh where we said our goodbyes to some of our companions ending their journey while the rest of us continued on to Glasgow where we overnighted and caught our flights home the following morning. I headed back to Edinburgh to rest up for five days before traveling to Milan to start the Italian leg of the journey.


Thank you for taking this journey of Awakened Consciousness with me.


Blessings and love,
Journey with Finbarr to Brazil in July of 2015 to experience healing, love and compassion! A spiritual journey of healing in an energy vortex where one is nurtured and cared for beyond anything you can imagine. This is a spiritual adventure in being open to healing all aspects of one's life.
 .......Open the pathway to the next level of Awakened Consciousness.......

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