yin yang picture
This session is also available on CD.  To order,  visit  Diane's website, or call Diane at 407 898-7918.  That's Diane's home number, so please call before 9:00 PM. 
AND, Diane's book, Meditations for Miracles, will be available at this session at a discounted price!  It is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle.  To order, go to Diane's website.  
Diane's book is also available at Spiral Circle Bookstore, Avalon, and the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp Bookstore.  
Diane is available for private sessions.  To read all about it, go to 

Chanting and 
Surrender Meditation

Tuesday, March 12,
7 to 8 PM

at the
Winter Park Library


Diane L. Ross, M.A. 
Certified Hypnotist, Master Practitioner NLP
and author of Meditations for Miracles


People LOVE this meditation!

There is simply nothing like it!

Although Surrender Meditation is an advanced form of meditation, you don't need to be advanced in order to enjoy it's benefits. 

Learn a simple, Sanskrit chant on the spot and then experience the fabulous realms of the mystic during this incredible meditation.

It may change you forever! 

To RSVP, please call Diane Linzy at the library at 407 623-3279.

For more information, visit Diane's website or call Diane at 407 898-7918. 

DATE:  Tuesday, March 12
PLACE:  The Winter Park Public Library
TIME:  7:00 to 8:00 PM
COST:  $15


Contact Us
Phone: Call Diane at  407 898-7918 for more information (that's my home number, so please call before 9:00 PM).
Email:  diane@dianeross.com