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What's New, BlueCat? 
The Official Newsletter of the

BlueCat Screenplay Competition   

April 28th, 2015

Read our Winner Interviews!
  • Feature Screenplay Winner Interview
  • Short Screenplay Winner Interview
  • Joplin Award Winner Interview
  • Cordelia Award Winner Interview
  • 10 Tips for Character Development
  • 2 Scripts: The Grand Budapest Hotel & The Avengers
  • Watch the new trailer for Federico Fellini's 8 1/2
  • Ask BlueCat Video: The Importance of Short Screenlays
  • Dog Bowl Movie T-Shirts
  • Follow us on Instagram: @BlueCatPictures | #BlueCatScreenplay
  • SPONSOR: ScriptFest in Los Angeles
  • BlueCat Workshop information




Feature Screenplay  


Kimi Howl Lee 




Q. Do you have any particular writing habits or routines to keep you motivated?

A. I really adore public libraries. They've got the right ratio of tranquility and grit. I avoid writing in caf�s at all costs because doing so feels like an elaborate charade. I'm also crippled by the constant paranoia that someone is reading over my shoulder. In terms of routine, I bought this book entitled "Daily Rituals: How Artists Work" with the hopes that I might cop a ritual, but reading it was mostly just another form of procrastination.



Short Screenplay  


Susan Fleming 







Q.  What are the greatest challenges you experience during your writing process, and how do you overcome them? 

Writing is such a beautiful and terrible activity. It reminds me of running. The first 10-15 minutes of running are so hard, my legs hurt and my lungs hurt and I wonder why the hell am I doing this. Then somehow you just get past it and things get smoother. With writing, also, I start out feeling thick and clunky and then, somehow, you get in the groove and it takes off.




2015 International Winner

The Joplin Award  

Leonardo Noboru de Lima  




Q.  The laugh track in your script can almost be viewed as a character itself.  Where did the idea of having audible laughter as an element in the story come from? 


A.  Writing is such a beautiful and terrible activity. It reminds me of running. The first 10-15 minutes of running are so hard, my legs hurt and my lungs hurt and I wonder why the hell am I doing this. Then somehow you just get past it and things get smoother. With writing, also, I start out feeling thick and clunky and then, somehow, you get in the groove and it takes off.




2015 International Winner

The Cordelia Award   

Kitty Percey   




Q.  The laugh track in your script can almost be viewed as a character itself.  Where did the idea of having audible laughter as an element in the story come from? 


A.  Writing is such a beautiful and terrible activity. It reminds me of running. The first 10-15 minutes of running are so hard, my legs hurt and my lungs hurt and I wonder why the hell am I doing this. Then somehow you just get past it and things get smoother. With writing, also, I start out feeling thick and clunky and then, somehow, you get in the groove and it takes off.

10 Tips for Character Development
From The Script Lab 

Character development is an important part of crafting an exceptional screenplay. Check out this article, which lists 10 things to consider when crafting your characters!  

Watch the new trailer for Federico Fellini's masterpiece 8 1/2
From BlueCat Blog


Opens across UK on 1 May 2015!

Dog Bowl Movie Merchandise

  Support Gordy Hoffman's new short film, Dog Bowl, by purchasing a 

hoodie or t-shirt!


Follow us on Instagram!

TAG: #BlueCatScreenwriting

Two Screenplay PDFs

The Grand Budapest Hotel
by Wes Anderson 

The Avengers
by Joss Wheden
ASK BLUECAT Video Series
Over our history, BlueCat's often been asked questions from our community, topics ranging from script formatting, improving dialogue or finding representation.  BlueCat founder and judge Gordy Hoffman attempts to answers your questions in our video feature, Ask BlueCat.

Q. Why is writing a short screenplay helpful for my screenwriting career?

The Importance of Short Screenplays 
The Importance of Short Screenplays

Los Angeles! ScriptFest is almost here!  And Bluecat has arranged for all Bluecat subscribers to get 20% off - until May 1st!  Just use discount code BLUECAT20 to get this incredible savings.

ScriptFest has partnered with the Great American PitchFest (GAPF) to bring you the ultimate screenwriting conference. 

Advertise With BlueCat
Would you like to advertise in our newsletter? Interested in a dedicated e-blast? We have nearly 18,000 screenwriters who read our newsletter every week.

To discuss, please contact:
BlueCat Screenwriting Workshops
BlueCat Screenplay Workshops are an intensive opportunity to certifiably improve your script in a small group environment, led by award winning screenwriter and BlueCat founder Gordy Hoffman.

Your script will be read in advance both by Gordy as well as the other workshop participants; everyone receives in-depth feedback on their script from a number of different perspectives.

Winner of the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award at the Sundance Film Festival for LOVE LIZA, Gordy Hoffman has taught screenwriting at the USC School of Cinematic Arts in Los Angeles, as well as led workshops all over North America, Poland, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. He has served as a panelist for the IFP Script to Screen Conference in NYC, Women in Film's Script DC Conference in Washington, DC, and the George Eastman House Film Festival, as well as a judge for the McKnight Screenwriting Fellowships in Minnesota. Gordy Hoffman founded the BlueCat Screenplay Competition in 1998 and remains its judge.



Participants read all screenplays in advance of the workshop. During the workshop, Gordy provides direct and in-depth feedback on each screenplay, with everyone encouraged to contribute his or her own thoughts and concerns.


Each writer will leave with a great sense of what they can do specifically to improve their screenplay, as well as a better awareness of where they might properly develop as a professional screenwriter as a whole. Writers benefit from the direct focus placed on their screenplays by the workshop, along with the analysis of the other scripts.


Screenplays can be first drafts or rewrites, incomplete or partial, with first time writers and veterans all welcome. Scripts are due 10-14 days prior to the date of the workshop.


Note: Screenplays submitted to the workshop are not eligible to be entered into the BlueCat Screenplay Competition.



Regular Registration Option

Do you want to participate, but do not have a script to submit at this time? Regular registration for the workshop allows you to attend without submitting written material, read the scripts in advance and still participate in the discussion.






San Francisco - May 2nd - REGISTER  

(Sold out)   


Online - May 7th -  REGISTER
(Sold out)

Los Angeles - May 16th - REGISTER
(Sold out)
Online - June 19th - REGISTER 
Atlanta - June 28th - REGISTER 
(Only 4 spots left) 

Columbus - July 18th - REGISTER
(Only 3 spots left)

 Phoenix - July 25th - REGISTER
(Sold out)
Online - August 6th - REGISTER 

Chicago - August 8th - REGISTER

(Only 2 spots left)  


Chicago - August 9th - REGISTER


Vancouver - August 29th - REGISTER

Seattle - August 30th - REGISTER
(Only 4 spots left)

 Portland - September 9th - REGISTER
(Only 4 spots left) 
New York City - September 20th - REGISTER 
(Only 4 spots left)
Austin - October 11th - REGISTER 
New Orleans - October 17th - REGISTER 
Pittsburgh - November 9th - REGISTER
Rochester - November 10th - REGISTER 
Please let us know if you'd like the BlueCat Workshop 

to come to your town!


See you soon.