"I love your PGG newsletters - one of the only ones I actually read in its entirety. 
They are excellently written, and spot on. Thanks for being so inspirational and reflective!"  ~ Tom D.
Are you a regular reader and fan of PGG? Don't forget to share the good vibes with with your friends and followers!  Click here to get PGG in your Facebook feed.
PGG_ The Book 
Get your copy of PGG: Volume One 

Looking for clarity, balance and/or direction in your work and life? Are you or someone you know looking for a career or life coach? Scroll down for more info, check out my website, or contact me today to learn more and schedule a session. 
Want some PGG's in a handy, beautiful book form to keep on your bed stand? Buy it here on Amazon or through me directly.

First time here and wondering what the heck's a PGG?
They're essays about self-care, career direction, transition, stress, feeling lost, going with the flow, current events and more. They're ideas, observations, and unique perspectives to make you think about yourself and your life in a new way, motivate you to make positive change, help ease those challenging times and perhaps have a chuckle or two.  It's also the weekly e-newsletter about the happenings of the author, speaker and coach Kristina Leonardi.
First time or fifth year plus reader - WELCOME!  I'm so grateful you're here and I hope what I offer can help make your life a little (or a lot!) better and brighter! 
And as always, feel free to contact me with any questions or comments, and scroll down for info about my coaching services and featured appearances and articles. 
Tuesday Talk, Tuesday April 1th 6:30-8:30pm: 
Click here for general info and RSVP here  

For more about this meeting and other offers, scroll to the bottom of this email, click on the Update Profile/Email Address link and be sure the "Thursdays at Three/Tuesday Talk" list is checked off.


It Takes Two to Tango
I always like to remind folks who attend my talks that we are living in extraordinary times. Now more than ever we need to listen to our hearts and march to the beat of our own drum. Yet we are not solo performers on this stage - but more like duets, with the Universe as our partner - in what I like to think of life as the dance of life. There is ebb and flow, push and pull, reap and sow.

In our technologically advanced, left-brain evolved world, we think we can do more and know all the answers in making things happen for ourselves. But the truth is that we are only half the equation: the Universe, with its great unknown and unseen power, process and nature, is the other half.

There is a sublime order to things in our world if we only allow ourselves to honor it, regardless of how long our journey takes or what form or shape the fruit of it bears - and the Universe always knows better than our little pea brains. There is a method to its seeming madness and oft-lengthy timeline, but the more we resist its infinite wisdom, the more we suffer, the more mess is made, the more there is to clean up, and the longer it can take to get back on track.

Instead, we must learn to go with the flow - not in a loosey-goosey kind of way, but with faith and confidence, like a farmer planting his seeds, in knowing that the sun will rise tomorrow and that what comes up must come down.

Any artist, dancer, musician or athlete understands that practice and technique will only get you so far; at some point you have to let go and allow the Universe do its thing. In other words, no matter what you are working toward - getting a new job, growing a business, reaching health goals, or improving relationships - you need to simply "do your best and surrender the rest."

If you haven't seen the external results you desire, take a moment to slow down and reflect. If you've been paying attention, you'll notice you've been undergoing some major inner reconstructing and re-arranging of molecules, experiencing a deep emotional and mental detox encouraging you to let go of the past in order to move forward; this too is part of the dance. Sound familiar? If not, and you've been feeling blocked at every turn, ignoring the call to do this type of internal work is probably to blame, and is easy to correct.

The beauty of dancing with the big U is that that once you get in sync with it, things actually get in sync with you, and stuff starts to happen, as I always say, "in time and on time" - and often more miraculously than you could have ever imagined.

Not sure of what steps to take next or feeling like you wanna rock right now? It Takes Two to make a thing go right, so give me a buzz and I'll help you to make it outta sight!

If you like what I write, you'll love what I have to say in person! Scroll down for info about my coaching and speaking services and contact me today.

Looking for a PGG? Remember this and all past posts can be found on my website
www.kristinaleonardi.com  and many are now on Facebook 


Thinking about working with me one-on-one?
Here are a few ways my services can help you with your career and life, as most of you fall into one or a combination of the following categories:

Executive Coaching:
Who:  Managers, Business Owners, Directors, C-Suite Executives 
What: Authentic leadership, motivate staff, cultivate teamwork, facilitate communication, inspire vision and culture, increase employee engagement, manage stress, improve work/life wellness
ROI/Why:  Productivity, People and Profit!
Career Coaching:
Who:  Career Changers, Career Climbers, Job Searchers, Moms, Dads, Grads
What:  Exploration, discovery and attainment of meaningful work and lifepath, improve job performance, professional development and advancement, enter or re-enter job force, time/stress management and work/life wellness 
ROI/Why:  Purpose, Peace and Promotion!  
Life Coaching:
Who: Anyone feeling lost/at a crossroads, unsatisfied, stressed, blocked, confused, passionless   
What: Life transitions, identity issues/crisis, body/mind/spirit wellness, authentic expression, improve relationships   
ROI/Why:  Balance, Bounty and Bliss!  
Contact me by email or give me a buzz at 917-816-0834  for more information and to schedule your session today!  

Click here to get an idea of what it's like working with me from past clients

...And watch this video to give you an idea of my approach especially if you have never worked with a coach before 

Kristina gave me permission to be myself!  I can say no other person has empowered me in that way as much as she has - and I am TRULY forever grateful for that.."  - Cherise R.

"I can honestly say that speaking to you was one of the most important events in my life. It is almost unbelievable how a 2-hour conversation can have that effect."  Bozhanka V.

I look forward to working with YOU whenever you're ready!


"From her calming voice and beautiful perspective to her ability to connect the dots and provoke "ah-ha!" moments, her words will change you for the better"~ Amy P.  

If you are inspired to leave a tip, a thank you donation of $1/month for enjoying a year of PGG's of course that would be much appreciated!
THANK YOU for your support and feedback, however you choose to express it!  

PGG Links: 
About Kristina's Coaching
Work with her one-on-one or as part of a group


Kristina Leonardi is a career/life coach who has a proven record of getting "stuck" clients empowered to make changes aligned with their true passions and talents in a short time. She provides a practical framework for each individual to make the most of their personal and professional lives, allowing them to recognize, connect to, and fulfill their role in the world at large and live a life with clarity, balance and direction.   


Kristina's holistic, gimmick-free, and minimalist approach has earned her widely diverse and fiercely loyal following from all walks and stations of life, including savvy New Yorkers who have tried other coaches, approaches, and therapy with little or limited results.  Click here to learn more 


             * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *    

"She has a laid-back approach, but don't let that fool anyone. Her ability to read people is amazing and her assessments of how a person can enrich their lives/careers are spot-on. After she asked me lots of questions, she was somehow able to give me an assessment that was frighteningly accurate and illuminating."      

Here's what a recent client had to say:  

I was fortunate enough to have worked with you as a career coaching client earlier this year. Since our time together, and our talks, I have landed a job as general counsel for a not for profit organization here in New York City. When we worked together you mentioned that you had a feeling I was meant for a larger destiny - that I was meant to be doing work for the betterment of others, and that I was meant to lead large groups of people. My work in the not for profit realm will combine those two things, and I feel in my gut that amazing experiences lie ahead. Now, the world is my oyster. Your coaching and influence had a profound impact on me, and I wanted to take a moment to express my deep gratitude to you for being a guiding light. ~ Vanessa M.  


What's it like working with Kristina? Click here for more info 


For more information visit www.kristinaleonardi.com or contact her to schedule a session today.

KML Speaking
About Kristina's Speaking
Attend an event or hire her to speak at y0ur company or  organization!

Known as a dynamic, 'inspiring' and 'down-to-earth' speaker with unique yet practical perspectives on career development, work/life wellness, and employee engagement, Kristina has been a featured speaker for many corporate seminars, non-profit organizations and conferences, including: UBS, Saatchi & Saatchi, HR Association of NY, Ogilvy & Mather, American Business Women's Association, the Junior League, NYU and the New York's Science, Business & Industry Library.
Click here for more info
Contact Kristina for full bio and a list of topics

Wednesday, April 27th 6pm at SIBL
Staying Motivated Throughout the Job Search Process 
Check back for link

About Personal Growth Gab
Kristina Leonardi's Weekly eNewsletter

Since launching Personal Growth Gab (PGG) in January 2010, Kristina has formed an avid and faithful following ("they're the only emails I read" "they really help me" "they help me start my week" "I save them until I get home and can read them with a cup of tea" "you're such a good writer!" ) of over 1500 who look forward to a 'weekly dose of thought-provoking, inspirational and entertaining helpful tidbits to keep you connected with yourself and make sense of this journey called life.

All past PGG posts can be found on the home page at www.kristinaleonardi.com
  PGG book cover
     You can now have PGG in beautiful book form!  
"From her calming voice and beautiful perspective to her ability to connect the dots and provoke "ah-ha!" moments, her words will change you for the better."
PGG's are essays about self-care, career direction, transition, stress, feeling lost, going with the flow, current events and more. They're ideas, observations, and unique perspectives to make you think about yourself and your life in a new way, motivate you to make positive change, help ease those challenging times and perhaps have a chuckle or two.  
Easily access, like, comment on and share your weekly motivational and thought-provoking posts along with other inspirational and fun tidbits.    
 Like us on Facebook

Like us on Facebook PGG is now on Facebook! 

Easily access, like, comment on and share your weekly dose of motivational and thought-provoking posts along with additional inspirational and fun tidbits.

Please take a moment today to:

Like us on Facebook

newspaper boy

 I've recently been featured in a few places:

 45 Pieces of Career Advice That Will Get You to The Top (The Daily Muse) 

(I'm #3 just before Marissa Mayer #4 and Jane Fonda #7, Mark Cuban #42, Steve Jobs #44)

The Ins and Outs of Casual Days at Work (CareerIntelligence.com)

Wherever You Go, There You Are (VidaVibrante.com)

A Body at Rest (Inspire Virtual Mag S.A.) 

 A More Perfect Union (Inspire Virtual Mag S.A.) 

Tiptoe Through the Tulips (Inspire Virtual Mag S.A)

 Scroll down for more articles written by or about me and be sure to tweet and share them all! :)

Kristina's Media Mix
Articles and videos by,  about or featuring Kristina Leonardi
What I Learned Working with a Career Coach
From Passion to Profit Career Transition Support Group - Episode 1
From Passion to Profit Career Transition Support Group
Daily Muse
6 Things You Can Get from a Not-Quite Dream Job (Besides the Paycheck)

Pink Slips: How Losing Your Job is a Good Thing (Video)
Huffington Post article
5 Simple Steps for Finding Your Life's Purpose.


You can also check out these interviews with me:
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