Tuesday Talk/Thursdays at Three Group Coaching

with Kristina Leonardi 

 *Please note if you would only like to receive Kristina's weekly PGG's  scroll to the bottom of this email, click on the Update Profile/Email Address link and uncheck the "Thursdays at Three/Tuesday Talk" list.

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Here is my friendly email to let you know about opportunities to receive support, coaching and networking in your career transition and/or help you maintain work/life wellness.   Group coaching generally takes place the first Tuesday evening and third Thursday afternoon of each month unless otherwise specified in these reminders. 

Please note that the next
Thursdays at Three Group Coaching is THIS Thursday, November 20th from 3pm-5pm.We hope to see you there - please make every effort to RSVP by 12 noon so we know how many and who to expect.  SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN FOR MORE DETAILS, LOCATION & PAYMENT INFORMATION WITH NEW RATES** (Please note: The next opportunity for group coaching is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, December 2nd at 6:30pm)

ALSO, DON'T FORGET TO LIKE & SHARE: I've recently claimed some real estate on Facebook for PGG so please come on over and LIKE PERSONAL GROWTH GAB ON FACEBOOK to get your weekly dose of motivational and thought-provoking tidbits for you to easily access, like and share, as well as other fun and inspirational stuff! There are about 1500 folks on my mailing list so I know we can do better than 121 for FB!  If you haven't already liked it, please do, and if you have already liked it please suggest/invite your friends to like it, too.  The weekly PGG is posted there as well as additional motivational quotes and images from time to time - you don't want to miss it and be able to share it this way with your friends! 

And as always, please be sure to let me know if you are affiliated with any group, company or organization that needs a speaker on the topics of active listening, gender communications, career transition, work/life wellness, or employee engagement  I'd be happy to send more information to whoever the contact might be.


Please feel free to contact me at any time should you need further information or have any questions about any of my services.  I look forward to seeing and working with many of you to help make your work and life experience the very best it can be!


 kml signature 


Follow me on TwitterLike me on Facebook 


P.S. Be sure to check out the article I was featured in Forbes.com: What I Learned from Working with a Career Coach. Please be sure to share, tweet, post about them to your networks  and anyone you think might be interested. And here are two articles I wrote for The Daily Muse: 6 Things You Can Get from a Not-Quite-Dream-Job (Besides a Paycheckand 5 Ways to Kick-Start Your Job Search  (Click here for my DM author page)


Here's my listing as tip #3 for the article 45 Pieces of Career Advise That Will Get You to The Top  


What's it Like Working with Kristina? Click here to find out what past clients are saying.


Want to learn a little more about Kristina's work? Click here for an interview with her on Paradigm Shift's website 



Kristina M. Leonardi

Founder, The Women's Mosaic�

Speaker / Coach / Consultant

Specializing in Career Transition, Work/Life Wellness,

Diversity & Personal Growth






Connect with me and TWM here as well:







Thinking about working with me one-on-one?
Here are a few ways my services can help you with your career and life, as most of you fall into one or a combination of the following categories:


Executive Coaching:

Who:  Managers, Business Owners, Directors, C-Suite Executives 

What: Authentic leadership, motivate staff, cultivate teamwork, facilitate communication, inspire vision and culture, increase employee engagement, manage stress, improve work/life wellness

ROI/Why:  Productivity, People and Profit!


Career Coaching:

Who:  Career Changers, Career Climbers, Job Searchers, Moms, Dads, Grads

What:  Exploration, discovery and attainment of meaningful work and lifepath, improve job performance, professional development and advancement, enter or re-enter job force, time/stress management and work/life wellness 

ROI/Why:  Purpose, Peace and Promotion!  


Life Coaching:

Who: Anyone feeling lost/at a crossroads, unsatisfied, stressed, blocked, confused, passionless   

What: Life transitions, identity issues/crisis, body/mind/spirit wellness, authentic expression, improve relationships   

ROI/Why:  Balance, Bounty and Bliss!  


Contact me by email or give me a buzz at 917-816-0834  for more information and to schedule your session today!
Click here to get an idea of what it's like working with me. 



Welcome to Tuesday Talk & Thursdays at Three Group Coaching! 

We meet at Citicorp Center on the Lower Level Atrium at 53rd and Third 

(Please call or text my cell phone 917-816-0834 if you cannot find us or if are running late.)


Please be prepared to talk about the current state of your job search and bring along any suggestions, questions or resources you would like to share with the group, as well as a notebook, pen and business cards (if you have them).


Please RSVP to kristina.leonardi@gmail.com. The cost is $45 payable via PayPal to kristina.leonardi@gmail.com in advance by 12 noon the day of the session and $50 'at the door.* Payments in advance are non-refundable and cannot be applied to future sessions. (Those who have been coming to the group for six months or more can pay $45 at the door if you RSVP at least one day prior to the session and guarantee payment should you need to cancel for any reason. Please contact me for clarification.)


We will have a mix of men and women from various industries and stages in their career so it is a great opportunity to connect with a diverse group and think out of the box -- and you never know who knows who! 


And of course the meeting will be facilitated by me - I will offer coaching, insights, tools and resources that can help support and guide you throughout your transition.


*Please note that this is an ongoing event. RSVP's accepted up to one hour prior to the session, but payment in advance must be made by 12noon the day of the session otherwise you will need to pay at the door.


Check out a video that features the group here:

From Passion to Profit Career Transition Support Group - Episode 1 
From Passion to Profit Career Transition Support Group - Episode 1



Kristina Leonardi is a career/life coach and motivational speaker who has a proven record of getting "stuck" clients empowered to make lasting changes aligned with their true passions and talents in a short time. She provides a practical framework for each individual to make the most of their personal and professional lives, allowing them to recognize, connect to, and fulfill their role in the world at large and live with clarity, balance and direction. For more information visit www.kristinaleonardi.com or call 917-816-0834