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NEXT OPPORTUNITY FOR GROUP COACHING: Thursdays at Three, March 21st 3-5pm Click here for more info and RSVP here. *Please note if you would like to receive separate reminder emails about this meeting and other special events, scroll to the bottom of this email, click on the Update Profile/Email Address link and be sure the "Thursdays at Three/Tuesday Talk" list is checked off. |
Mommie Dearest
by Kristina Leonardi

In that famous scene from the movie about Joan Crawford, the renowned actress declares in a rage to her daughter Christina that she use " No wire hangers - ever!"
Hopefully you did not grow up with that kind of extreme abusive relationship, but it is not so far-fetched to think that as an adult you might be treating yourself like Cinderella's evil stepmother on steroids from time to time, subtly, overtly or subconsciously beating yourself up about the most trivial or significant things. Until we recognize and do something about it, we are often our own harshest critics when we need to be our most compassionate caregivers.
Do you speak nicely and are kind to yourself, especially in that tape that runs in your head? Do you take care of your body by eating healthy when you're hungry, dressing appropriately for the weather, getting enough sleep, nursing yourself when sick, exercising, resting and PLAYing on a regular basis? Do you allow yourself to express, like a young child does, any emotion you are feeling - anger, sadness, frustration, joy, laughter in an appropriate and timely manner? (meaning don't walk around emotionally constipated!) And especially if you are a mother of young children, responsible for an aging parent, a teacher, healing professional or other type of 'official' caregiver role, are you taking care of yourself as much as you take care of others?
Or perhaps on some level you operate like a neglected 'orphan', walking around searching outside yourself, doing anything for that feeling of warmth and nurturing (or a continuation of it if you did have it as a child). The bottom line is that we can't rely on anyone to provide this for us - neither a spouse, partner, boyfriend/girlfriends, nor parents; as mature adults (which has nothing to do with age) we should strive to be emotionally, physically, financially, and intellectually self-sufficient, and most importantly, loving towards ourselves.
Whether or not you had a positive experience with whoever raised you, learn to nurture yourself as if you were your own precious child. When we can become 'mothers' to ourselves it is a lot easier to give and receive love and compassion with those closest to us and even with strangers. It doesn't matter if you are ill, out of work, frustrated with a relationship or the state of the world - if we each commit to healing ourselves and take responsibility for our own well-being, we will begin to see positive change in big and small ways around us.
And to all the men out there, gender doesn't matter - we each have a gentle feminine nature within us that we can call upon and develop, just like we also have a macho warrior spirit!
So tonight when you go to bed, tuck in that little girl or boy within you, maybe drink some tea, read a story and tell yourself you are sublimely cherished and grateful for all that you are, because like Lenny Kravitz's Mama said, your life is a gift, and love's all that matters.
 About Kristina's Coaching
Work with her one-on-one or as part of a group
Kristina Leonardi is a career/life coach who has a proven record of getting "stuck" clients empowered to make changes aligned with their true passions and talents in a short time. She provides a practical framework for each individual to make the most of their personal and professional lives, allowing them to recognize, connect to, and fulfill their role in the world at large and live a life with clarity, balance and direction. Kristina's holistic, gimmick-free, and minimalist approach has earned her widely diverse and fiercely loyal following from all walks and stations of life, including savvy New Yorkers who have tried other coaches, approaches, and therapy with little or limited results. Click here to learn more * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * She has a laid-back approach, but don't let that fool anyone. Her ability to read people is amazing and her assessments of how a person can enrich their lives/careers are spot-on. After she asked me lots of questions, she was somehow able to give me an assessment that was frighteningly accurate and illuminating. Click here for more comments about Kristina's coaching
About Kristina's Speaking
Attend an event or hire her to speak at y0ur company or organization!
K nown as a dynamic, 'inspiring' and 'down-to-earth' speaker with unique yet practical perspectives on career development, work/life wellness, and employee engagement, Kristina has been a featured speaker for many corporate seminars, non-profit organizations and conferences, including: UBS, Saatchi & Saatchi, HR Association of NY, Ogilvy & Mather, American Business Women's Association, the Junior League, NYU and the New York's Science, Business & Industry Library. Click here for more infoContact Kristina for full bio and a list of topicsUPCOMING EVENTS:
Check back for future talks by Kristina or book her for your company or organization today!
 About Personal Growth Gab
Kristina Leonardi's Weekly eNewsletter
Since launching Personal Growth Gab (PGG) in January 2010, Kristina has formed an avid and faithful following ("they're the only emails I read" "they really help me" "they help me start my week" "I save them until I get home and can read them with a cup of tea" "you're such a good writer!" ) of over 1500 who look forward to a 'weekly dose of thought-provoking, inspirational and entertaining helpful tidbits to keep you connected with yourself and make sense of this journey called life. All past PGG posts can be found on the home page at www.kristinaleonardi.com
Kristina's Media Mix
Articles and videos by, about or featuring Kristina Leonardi
 | What I Learned Working with a Career Coach |
From Passion to Profit Career Transition Support Group
6 Things You Can Get from a Not-Quite Dream Job (Besides the Paycheck)
Pink Slips: How Losing Your Job is a Good Thing (Video)
5 Simple Steps for Finding Your Life's Purpose.
"Kristina gave me permission to be myself! I can say no other person has empowered me in that way as much as she has - and I am TRULY forever grateful for that.." - Cherise R.
" Kristina conveys really important practical ideas with such passion and in a really accessible way. Thank you! - Andrea K.