Message from the Dean | December 2015
UW Veterinary Care
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In Focus
SVM In the News
Searching for Shelter

Hoof Trimmers See Herds from Ground Up

Dr. Sawchuk's Rules for Pet Table Food
Wisconsin Public Radio

Start at Farm's Foundation - The Barn

Army Soldier Strives to Save Special Needs Cat in Afghanistan, Feline Returns the Favor
People Magazine

Wisconsin's Vet Teaching Hospital Gets Facelift
Veterinary Practice News

The Animal that Doesn't Get Cancer
Upcoming Events
27th Annual Craft Fair
December 4, 2015
9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Rooms 2255 and 2259
Veterinary Medicine Building
All-SVM Gathering
December 4, 2015
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Second Floor Lounge
Veterinary Medicine Building
SVM Alumni Reception at AAEP
December 7, 2015
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Ciudad Room, Border Grill at Mandalay Bay
Las Vegas, Nev.
SVM Alumni Reception at NAVC
January 17, 2016
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Washington Room, Orlando World Center Marriott
All-SVM Gathering
January 22, 2016
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Second Floor Lounge
Veterinary Medicine Building
All-SVM Gathering
February 12, 2016
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Second Floor Lounge
Veterinary Medicine Building
SVM Alumni Reception at WVC
March 7, 2016
7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
South Dining Room, Border Grill at Mandalay Bay
All-SVM Gathering
March 11, 2016
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Second Floor Lounge
Veterinary Medicine Building

Check the school's calendar for other upcoming events and seminars.

From Finals to Holidays

Thanksgiving is behind us, and our students are preparing for finals. Best of luck to all as we enter this final push to the semester's end and a much-deserved holiday break.

I have a fantastic piece of news that we just learned from the UW-Madison campus. Our students' average debt load upon graduation, which has been hovering between $125,000 and $135,000 for the last three years, has dropped to $106,000. Although all of the reasons for this decrease are not known, I know that the support of our donors, who provide our students with scholarships, and the Office of Academic Affairs, which gives our students financial advising, have likely contributed substantially to this welcome decline in student debt.

We also continue to move forward with the final plans for our new student learning center. We will select a contractor in early 2016 and begin the remodeling process in early spring. We hope to complete construction of this space by late 2016, which will significantly enhance the education we provide our students. As I have previously highlighted, this project will quadruple our clinical skills laboratory space and create an active integrated learning area that will accommodate all of our students for small group learning as well as other innovative teaching methods.

I'd like to welcome Nancy Parkinson, our new assistant dean of human resources. She will replace Becky Badimassoud, who is retiring this month. I want to thank Becky for all that she has done for the school throughout the course of her career. She has been an invaluable member of the SVM team.

One final reminder as we enter what is traditionally a season of giving. Although the Partners in Giving campaign deadline was November 30, you can still make a gift online any time throughout the year. You can choose from more than 500 charitable organizations, and I encourage you to demonstrate the generosity of the SVM by donating through this campaign. If you've already donated, you have my sincere thanks.

I wish each of you all of the best during the coming holidays and the New Year.
Mark Markel

Upcoming Events
  • The SVM Fall Blood Drive starts today at 11 a.m. in rooms 2255 and 2259 of the Veterinary Medicine Building. I hope you all can help keep the blood banks full and help the SVM keep its position as the leading Donor Club on campus.
School News
  • The holidays will be here before you know it. As you're looking for gift ideas, keep in mind the school's holiday gift cards. For a suggested $10 donation per card, we'll send a holiday greeting card to the recipient of your choice, including a message stating that a donation was made in his or her name. All proceeds will benefit projects that improve animal health. We have two options again this year - a cat and a dog - featuring artwork donated by artist John F. McGee.
  • Our winter 2015-16 issue of On Call is available on our website as a pdf download and also through a new screen reader option that lets you "flip" through the pages. Be sure to check it out.
Faculty and Staff News
  • Congratulations to Jason Soukup, Chris Snyder, and Stephanie Goldschmidt for the multiple awards they earned at the recent Veterinary Dental Forum and to Connie Fazio for her outstanding oral presentation award at the ACVR Scientific Meeting in October.
  • We have a new diplomate in our midst! Congratulations to Ruth Houseright for passing the American College of Veterinary Pathologists board examination.
  • I mentioned last month that one of our talented, long-time faculty, Chris Olsen, has retired. The Global Health Institute recently posted a wonderful article highlighting his contributions to the field of One Health.
UWVCUpdateUW Veterinary Care Director's Updates
  • We are thrilled to have a new gamma camera for nuclear imaging studies that obtains images faster and more quietly. This is especially nice for our equine patients. In addition, this camera is more mobile and will allow for the equipment to navigate around the horse rather than vice versa. Whatever keeps our equine patients happier keeps us happier! And we are still the only facility in the state that offers nuclear imaging, one of the most sensitive tools for detecting bone disease early on in horses and ponies.
  • I'd like to welcome several new employees to the hospital: Luke Bielmeier (clinical pathology), Heidi Christensen (clinical pathology), Reed Harmon (central supply and small animal operating rooms), Cassi Harper (anesthesia), Diana Lewis (medical records), and Karrie Mazurkiewicz (anesthesia).
  • The November issue of Compassionate Care, our new e-newsletter for clients, is available online. It has been very well-received, and I encourage you to check it out to see some of the information we're sharing with our clients.
  • Thank you to Molly Hopp (VanBommel), Vicki Kalscheur, Cynthia Lucidi, Amanda Ritzman, Cecilia Robat, Sandi Sawchuk, Ashley Voss, Julie Walker, and Ken Waller for volunteering to staff our booth at the Wisconsin Dog Fair. The time and effort you spent to interact with dog lovers and potential clients at this event was much appreciated.
  • This month's comments from a satisfied client:
"The Dr. was very knowledgeable. I really like the way he stated what he thought was the problem, what he was looking for during the examination, and what he observed. Don't know why I like this...comforting, I guess. The student assistant has to be [the] most gentle and empathetic person I've ever met. She is very skilled in examining nervous, sick animals while keeping them calm."
--Brian from Madison, Wis.  
Ruthanne Chun
Director, UW Veterinary Care
Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs 
University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine |