January 2015   

New Residential Ministry Takes Shape

Early in 2014, WorldView's board of directors voted to sell the WorldView building. Steve and Joann Price, resident directors, asked God how they could continue a ministry which serves the missionary community. While serving the resident WorldView community, they have seen the very context of living in community creating healing and wholeness for broken and weary people.


With the planned sale of the building came the commission to re-envision WorldView's residential side into a new ministry.The Dream Team was formed to ask, "How can we serve the missionary community? What are  the needs of the missionaries and their families? Where are the holes in how the missionaries are currently served?" Together, the Dream Team asked many questions and prayed, asking God to lead us to reflect His heart and care for the weary.


As a result, The Dream Team's name and purpose has now become The Sanctuary Inn.  We are An Intentional Community, living together to support Global Workers with Kingdom Purpose. Our hope is for a place of refuge and restoration for those serving the Lord in difficult circumstances.


As we've considered God's path for us, we've found that there are few other ministries which provide a place for missionaries to stay and be restored. A huge need for this type of resource is obvious.


So we are blazing a trail...and as we do, we pray--for the Lord to direct to the right kind of property to meet the need. Also, we pray for the timing of the move, and who will be involved in  our beginning community.

The Dream Team

Katie Crawford - a Multnomah University 
graduate, works for Nike. She has a passion to provide a place of refuge for missionaries needing a place to rest and be refreshed. In her own life, she is committed to radically caring for the missionaries with whom she is connected.
DePue Family



Timothy and Laurie DePue - Timothy grew up as a missionary kid in tribal areas of Bolivia, South America. Laurie traveled on short term mission trips and worked as a house parent at a missionary kid's school. They share the passion of caring well for missionary families.



Micah and Kara Githens - Kara grew up in Brazil where her parents trained Brazilians to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth. Kara

Kara & Micah

attended Western Seminary, receiving degrees in Counseling and Intercultural Studies. While attending Western, Kara lived at WorldView Center. Micah's family lived in Malaysia when he was young for several years. Micah works doing web design and is really smart about computer stuff! Micah and Kara both have a passion for growing their own food and helping others to live a healthy life.  


Koch Family

Alan and Ellen Koch - are really awesome people and we love them. Alan has worked for many years in computer support, providing technical support for computer users. He currently works for the State of Oregon. Alan spent two summers during college working for Greater Europe Mission. Ellen loves the Lord and is quick to speak words of life and blessing to all who cross her path. She is known by her friends as being an encourager and a prayer warrior. In the last few months, Alan and Ellen have had the joy of seeing both their sons get married.



Jody & Dan
Dan & Jody Mayhew - serve a large house church community in the Portland/Vancouver/Eugene area. They are gifted teachers with a heart for discipleship and an understanding of some of the challenges and blessings of living in community. Dan and Jody have both traveled extensively, teaching about prayer and conducting Prayer Summits. Jody has spoken in several countries to Christian women seeking to draw them closer to Christ. 


Peloquin Family

Andy and Jooae Peloquin - have both spent time in overseas cross cultural work, and their understanding of cross cultural joys and challenges is close to home as their marriage is cross cultural. Jooae is from Korea and was raised in Samoa where her parents served as medical missionaries. Andy and Jooae serve international students through the ministry of FOCUS. Andy graduated from Western Seminary and works there as Dean of Students and International Student Coordinator. Jooae is a chiropractor and is studying at OHSU to become an RN. They have been residents of the WorldView Center for almost three years.


Joann & Steve

Steven & Joann Price - are the current resident directors at WorldView Center, a position they have held for ten years. They served for five years overseas, in Eastern Europe. They continue to have a heart for providing a place where the unique joys and challenges of missionaries and global workers are understood and families will receive care.



Julie & Calvin

Calvin & Julie Tadema - are passionate about helping people to understand their true identity as dearly loved children of God. Their healing prayer ministry has been a blessing to many people who have worked and lived at the World View Center. Calvin has an extensive background in business. Together they attend (and serve) in a Korean congregation in Vancouver, Washington. Calvin and Julie also love to head out on long bike trips together.


Dr. Mary Wilder - see profile below...

Serving With a Big Heart!


Dr. Mary Wilder--WorldView Board and Dream Team Member

Imagine a four year old girl lying in her bed sick, with a radio propped up on her tummy. It is 1939 and she is listening to a broadcast by Charles E. Fuller - a famous pastor and theologian - giving the gospel message. It was then that she confessed her sins and asked the Lord into her life. Ever since then, our board member, Dr. Mary Wilder has been following Jesus and making things happen.


Dr. Mary grew up in a strong Christian environment and had what she called "wonderful parents." Her father was a pastor and missions were very important in his church. By the time Mary was in junior high, she decided that missions would be the life for her. In those days this meant that Mary either had to become a teacher or a nurse.


Because Dr. Mary didn't want to be a teacher, she decided she would pursue becoming a nurse to serve in Africa. When she got to high school in Portland, her advisor convinced her to study medicine and become a doctor. She envisioned herself practicing medicine in Africa.


Mary went to Portland State University for her undergrad and then to Oregon Health Sciences University to study medicine. The current thinking then was that women were incapable of being doctors but that did not stop Mary:  She was one of only two women in her class! 


Mary eventually moved to Pakistan (not Africa), working at a women's hospital from the late 60's to the early 80's. While still in Pakistan, her father died and her mother needed assistance to live on her own. So she returned to Portland to provide her mom's care.


While in Portland she met Dr. Donald Smith who talked her into teaching at Western Seminary. (Could this be God's sense of humor, to use a woman who said that she "didn't want to teach"?) While teaching at Western she witnessed the beginnings of Dr. Smith's vision for WorldView Center and eventually became involved. Mark Hedinger invited her to be part of the board. Additionally, Steve Price asked her to brainstorm along with him and others on the Dream Team, about a new residential program at WorldView. This was a good choice as this definitely is a lady who loves to put dreams into action! 

Coming Events:



January 13
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Second Tuesday
Mission Lunch
Raj Botika, WorldView resident, shares about ministry to East Indian community in Portland.
Please email the office or call (503 235 3818) and let us know your are coming. 

February 10 
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Second Tuesday 
Mission Lunch
Bekah Strangarity will share about Israel Ministry Network (IMN). Northwest churches are partnering with this ministry in Israel. Please email the office or call (503 235 3818) and let us know you are coming.


March 14 - 27 
"Second Language 
Learn the strategies and skills necessary for successful language leaning in intercultural context.
For more information and to register, please email us.



Prayer & Praise



--Praises and Thanksgiving for the "Dream Team" and for their excitement about future.


--Pray for the sale of the WorldView Center building; a long process with many opportunities for the Lord to open and close doors.               



Please join us in these prayers! 



Did You Know?



The twelfth day of Christmas, also known as "The Feast of Epiphany," is celebrated in the Christian church each year on January 6 and begins the "Season of Epiphany" which continues in some churches until the season of Lent. In some countries it is variously known as Theophany, Three Kings Day, or in Spanish speaking countries,
El Dia de los Tres Reyes.


Today most Christians, celebrate the visit of the Magi 

as told in the Gospel of Matthew 2:1-12.


Epiphany is celebrated in different ways in different countries. Throughout Latin America for example, Epiphany can be a more important holiday than Christmas itself. Children will leave their shoes by the door (along with hay or grass and water for the camels). In the morning, the food and water are gone, and there are presents waiting for them.


How will you celebrate Epiphany this year? This year, as we proceed toward Easter, let's all celebrate the birth of our King. 



Happy New Year
 from all of us at 

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6012 SE Yamhill St.
Portland, Oregon 97215 
503 235 3818