Welcome to the Tanners Marketplace Newsletter.
The legends Mall Show is a GO!
The Sparks Legends Outlet Mall has asked us to do an antiques and collectibles show at the mall.
They have a beautiful 28,000 square foot store that is vacant right now and they have made it available to us to do a show there. It was a Sak's Fifth Ave. store and the lighting is great. This is one of the newest malls in town and it is beautiful.
The show will be three days in May - Friday the 10th, Sat. the 11th and Sunday the 12th and setup can begin as early as Wednesday.
We will be open to the public on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.. Vendors will be free to setup on Friday or Saturday morning if they can't arrive early. Also some of our vendors do the Sacramento show which will be on Sunday so they may break down on Saturday evening if they wish to go to Sacramento.
There will be load in and out help available and we will have fenced parking behind the store.
This is a great opportunity to get your items in front of customers that usually don't attend the regular antique shows. I'm sure we will get many new customers.
The TannersReno.com website should be updated with all the information by Friday.
One of the mall stipulations is that it be antiques and collectibles vendors only as they don't want to conflict with an existing craft show.
The photos below show the space
Center aisle of the room
Right side of the room
Satellite view of the mall showing the vendor entrance
The prices will be a little higher because we aren't going to charge an admission fee, this should encourage more customers to come in:
12' deep by 10' wide $150
12' deep by 15' wide $175
12' deep by 20' wide $200
12' deep by 5' wide $70
Special 600 sq. feet $250
This will be the same as 20' by 30' of space arranged to suite you - within limits.
Comments are certainly welcome.
The TV show "The Old House Antique Showcase" will be filming at the Legends show again this time.
The show airs Sunday mornings at 7:00 on either channel 6 or 46 depending on your carrier. If you have any comments or questions for the TV staff please contact Terri.
The Old House Showcase email link
![February Show](https://thumbnail.constantcontact.com/remoting/v1/vthumb/YOUTUBE/977d9f1990764365ace7285f433a3f58) |
Segment of the March 2nd Show |
If you are considering being a vendor at the show and have questions please look at the website and give me a call or send me an email.
First Come First Served for the open spaces so don't delay.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me:
Dan Clements
The previous Newsletters are available on the Archive page. Click here to read them
If you get 2 newsletter emails then you may be on both the vendor list and the general list.