January 2012Issue No. 1
Tanners Marketplace
Antique and Collectible

Welcome to the first Tanners Newsletter.

By now many of you will have gotten the letter from Gay announcing that we (Dan and Paula Clements) are taking over the operation of the Tanners Marketplace shows. We are thrilled to be taking the reins of Tanners Marketplace from Gay and Shurl.  They have done a marvelous job and we have really enjoyed working with them all these years.

   We have been in the antiques and collectibles business since the 80's and even sold at the original Tanners Fleamarket when it was at the Convention Center.  For a time we owned the Treasures antique store in Park Lane Mall.  Currently we have space in the Somewhere In Time antique mall at 1313 S. Virginia St. and we are there every Monday.  You are welcome to stop by and visit.


    We intend to continue Gay's style of management and don't intend to change the policies or fees of the show.  We will still have the goodies available while you are setting up and the hours will remain the same. 


   We are extending the Tanners Marketplace name into some new venues.  We have a Facebook presence and there will be 2 episodes of a new TV show "The Old House" that features antique appraising (similar to the Road Show) filmed at Tanners in February.  It will air on the CW Network  (Channel 6 on Charter and AT&T, and channel 46 on Dish and Direct TV)  at 7:00 A.M. on Sundays and 1:30 P.M. on Fridays. It may become a regular thing at the show.  We have also taken out a full page ad in "The Old House" magazine that is circulated throughout the Reno, Carson and Tahoe areas.  We are open to any ideas that you our dealers have to let more customers know about the show and get attendance up. 


We are the ONLY antique show still operating in Reno and we want to capitalize on that and make Tanners Marketplace really shine!


We will be sending out these emails on a regular basis to vendors and customers to keep the show name and schedule on everyone's mind.  If anyone has a short informative article or story that can be included to increase interest that will be appreciated.  


We are converting to the on-line registration forms instead of direct mail to cut costs so we don't have to increase fees.  We will be phasing out the mailings and relying on the electronic forms.  If someone you know wants to be a vendor but doesn't have internet access please let us know so we can mail them the forms.


If you are a Vendor/Exhibitor and haven't signed up for your space at the show please do so right away as spaces are filling up fast!

Click the Vendor Signup link to the right. 


If you are thinking about being a vendor at the show and have questions please look at the website and give me a call or send me an email.


If you get 2 emails then you may be on both the vendor list and the general list.

Featured Article
Cleaning Vintage Copper or Brass Jewelry

Green-colored corrosion is sometimes found on old jewelry. It will spread if not removed. Clean with a mixture of a tablespoon of vinegar, a tablespoon of salt, and a cup of hot water. Scrub with an old toothbrush. Rinse thoroughly in clean, hot water. Dry completely with towels and a hair dryer set on cool. This method is for copper or brass jewelry only. 

WARNING: Hot water can soften glue used to hold stones or gems. 

Be very careful around rhinestones as liquid can corrode the backing on the stones making them dead looking.  
Do Not soak rhinestone jewelry.
Lets make this a fun forum to keep interest and excitement up for the shows!



Dan and Paula Clements

Tanners Marketplace
P.O. Box 618, Fernley NV  89408 
Let your Friends Know
   Forward this Newsletter to your friends to let them know about the show.    
Suggest they sign up for their own newsletter by joining our Mailing List.
Join Our Mailing List!
The list will only be used for Tanners emails and not sold etc.
Show Schedule
February    16th-17th
April           27th-28th
September  14th-15th
 November  23rd-24th
Click Here for the 

Please Visit the Somewhere In Time antique mall at 1313 S. Virginia St.

Weekly Auctions
Anchor Auctions
Weekly Auctions
Auctions by Sammy B
The Old House Magazine
Available Free at most Antique Stores - Ask for it
Save  $1.00 off the February Show admission
Please print this coupon and bring it to the show for $1.00 off admission for your entire party.
Click the Forward to a Friend link above to share this offer with your friends and encourage them to sign up for the newsletter too.