January 2013, Issue 5
In This Issue
Featured Alliance: IP500
IETF 85 Bits and Bites
Technical Information Updated by TAB
The IPSO IoT Innovation Contest
Spring Member Meeting Announced
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Member Articles

Cisco - Internet of Everything

Connode - 6LoWPAN Wireless Mesh Communications

Cisco - IPv6 Peering

Econocom - R&D Program for Smart Solutions

GreenWave Reality - Wi-Fi Lightbulbs

GreenWave Reality - 6LoWPAN Mesh-Networked LED Bulbs and Home Energy Control Panel

Ericsson Lights Up Your Life With the Internet of Things

Sensinode - NanoServices for the Kontron M2M Gateway

Smart Energy Summit
Feb 25 - 27

Mobile World Congress
Feb 25 - 28

Embedded World Conference
Feb 26 - 28

IIC China Conference
Feb 28 - March 2

SensorsCon 2013
March 6

New Delhi 2nd M2M India Conclave
March 14

M2M Expo Turkey 2013
March 21 - 23

March 27

May 6 - 10

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IPSO Alliance Newsletter
  Secretary's Message      

We Have Seen This Movie Before 

Growing up I remember the long pending arrival of televisions that could hang on your walls. It seemed like a marketing promise that never came to fruition. A 1954 Popular Mechanics article (no, I'm not that old) may have been one of the first sources to discuss the potential for flat TVs to show up in homes as early as 1964. Clearly this did not happen. In fact, it took almost 50 years before the consumer electronics industry finally delivered on the promise.

In a 2009 RFID Journal article, Kevin Ashton claimed credit for coining the "Internet of Things" term back in 1999. The Internet of Things represents a more autonomous operation of connected devices without the limited time, attention and accuracy of human intervention. It extends the internet beyond machines manipulated by people, and allows systems to seamlessly gather inputs, analyze data, provide notifications, and modify outputs.

Here we are again. We see the vision, we understand the potential, and yet we continue to wait for something we can stick on our walls. While the technologies and standards are constantly evolving to advance the IoT, they are no longer an entry barrier. Don't get me wrong, there are internet thingies today, just like there were HDTV sets in the nineties. But it feels like these devices and applications are for hobbyists, early adopters and techno geeks.

So what's stopping us? I believe it is the makers of internet things, the device OEMs. We are still clinging to the proprietary closed systems of the past. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Why would we move from our comfortable walled gardens that marry our customers to us, into a competitive and collaborative environment that allows our customers more vendor agility? We won't. The path needs to be forged by the brave new upstarts that don't have the ballast of legacy products, and then taken by the fast followers who recognize the shift. At some point the industry will tip.

We customers and consumers also play a part in this. It's our requirements, decisions and dollars that pull the market. Are we continuing to invest in the technologies of the past, or are we doing our part to move the Internet of Things from vision to reality? Let's buy that thing, stick it on the wall, and enable it to communicate across the interconnected network known as the internet. Then we can pop some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the movie.
Nick Ashworth 
IPSO Secretary
Featured Alliance: IP500    
By Chris Carnevale, IP500

In 2007, the IP500� vision to form an open, fully interoperable and robust IP-based sensor network solution for commercial building and other sensor applications began.   Formally established in 2010, the IP500� Alliance is comprised of international OEMs and system manufacturers. These member companies are focused on the end user and have created the desired industry standard IP500� solution. Suppliers of the IP500� solution are key technology partners of the IP500� Alliance, but primary decision making is carried out by the Alliance members. In this way, the IP500� Alliance maintains its attention on the market requirements (the OEMs) and its end-customer.


By Mike Coop, Marcom Co-Chair

Another Consumer Electronics Show has come and gone; as usual, vendors announced technologies ranging from broadly beneficial to patently absurd. Based on actual product introductions, a number of categories seemed to make concrete market progress over the previous twelve months, including less insanely expensive ultra high definition television (UHDTV, also known as 4K for the nearly four thousand horizontal pixels in its 3840x2160 format, delivering four times the resolution of today's 1920x1080 sets), advanced vehicle infotainment and navigation solutions, even more Android-based devices, and-as one might expect-a wide range of Smart Objects.


IPSO members stood front and center at CES with announcements incorporating IP-connected devices; whether classified as Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Everything (IoE), or machine-to-machine (M2M) solutions, members announced and demonstrated a wide range of solutions ranging from software and hardware ingredients to complete systems for networking Smart Objects using Internet Protocol.


    IETF 85 Bits and Bites   


From the Ericsson Blog 

The IPSO Alliance promotes a future where everyday objects include technology that allows them to communicate via the Internet. At the IETF, IPSO had invited NXP, Sensinode, Nivis, Proto6, and Ericsson to demonstrate IP-based smart object technology. The demonstration included IP-based light bulbs, control of city lights on a web-based platform, smart electric meters, and motion sensors. Ericsson demonstrated how social networking can be integrated with smart objects.

Showing full-size street lights on a demo table is a bit difficult, so Sensinode had built a Lego-model of a street with office and home buildings. The street had lights on both side, the home couple of lights at the front porch, and the office building lights in the cubicles inside. All these lights could be controlled directly by communicating with the lights using IPv6 and CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol). The lights were also connected to servers running in the cloud, so that a web user interface with regular HTTP/REST API could be used to control them.

Continue Reading... 


Technical Information Updated by TAB

By Jari Arkko, TAB Chair

The TAB has been working on developing new content for the "Technical Information" section of the IPSO Website and rolled out the new information earlier this week. It was a priority for the TAB to update the website to include the most relevant and informative information available. The new information on the website covers news about standards developments relevant for IP-based smart object systems, a "Getting Started" guide for building objects that can communicate, the IPSO Application Framework and pointers for commercial products that consumers can buy today. All this information is available at http://www.ipso-alliance.org/technical-information . The Alliance is looking for updates and feedback from both IPSO members and the general public on this information as more and more systems are becoming "smart."

The TAB welcomes any feedback you may have about the new sections: you can email them at TAB@ipso-alliance.org 


The IPSO IoT Innovation Contest

The IPSO Alliance is announcing the Internet of Things 2013 Innovation Contest that invites people and companies from around the world to submit new Internet Protocol enabled Smart Objects that demonstrate the power of the Internet of Things. The goal of this contest is to bring forth exciting new concepts and devices that use the Internet Protocol in interconnecting embedded sensor and control solutions in areas of home control, smart building, healthcare, lighting control, smart energy, or consumer entertainment.

"The IPSO Alliance is committed to showing the benefits of using the Internet Protocol in the design and development of M2M and IoT projects and solutions.  This contest will help demonstrate just how powerful IP Smart Objects can be and how, by shedding proprietary protocols, we can advance the developments that let us connect the Internet with our physical world", said Geoff Mulligan, IPSO Chairman.

The entries will be judged by a panel of experts and the top designs will be brought to and demonstrated at Sensors Expo June 4-6 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL.  The finalists will receive the opportunity to meet with the judges and present their device to the attendees of the show.  The winning submission will receive a $10,000 prize.

Details and rules of the contest will be published on the IPSO Alliance website at the beginning of February.
Spring Member Meeting Announced

By Geoff Mulligan, Chairman

I am pleased to announce that we have scheduled our Spring 2013 meeting in Helsinki, Finland for the week of May 20th, with an Interop scheduled to follow the meeting. Please watch the Interop mailing list for information related to that event.  You can manage your subscriptions to the mailing lists on the Wiki.  Please email  marketing@ipso-alliance.org for help with accessing the Wiki.

We are still negotiating with the hotels to select the specific venue, but please start planning your calendar and travels so that you can attend the meeting.

We are looking forward to holding our second European meeting and are pulling together plans to have an exciting and very productive meeting.

If your company is interested in sponsoring our meeting or social event please contact me, our BoD or Jessica for more information and benefits.

I look forward to seeing everyone there and please watch for more information including our full agenda in the coming days. 

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