August 2014 eNewsletter
President's Message


Two years ago when you elected me President, I knew I wanted to take on this challenge. At the time, I thought I knew exactly what this would entail. I realize now that I only had half the picture. Over the past two years, I have had the opportunity to work alongside many of you to see firsthand what inspires and drives you. Today, thanks to all I've learned, I fully understand what it will take to be successful at leading the Florida PTA. So with that in mind, I hope to spend every day over the next two years helping you find your inspiration and working with you to help you become the leaders you want to be. I want to inspire you to be awesome, to be the best you, for your families, your friends, your PTA, and your community. I urge you to help me make that a reality for us all.


Florida PTA has strong, powerful leaders who carry the voice that inspires the communities around us. I was once told that making a difference depends on the relationships we build throughout our lives. 

These relationships guide us along the way toward our goals. When I set out on this path with PTA, it was with a mission to discover what is truly needed to lead our children along the road to success. I have come to understand that, with the right ingredients, a Healthy child will learn, thrive, and develop the critical-thinking skills needed to succeed in our ever-changing world. Not just for those children to whom learning has come easy, but for those that have a greater challenge I want to assure that all children are given the same opportunities to be there best. With the lack of commitment to children by the legislature and the social breakdown of many communities, I plan to infuse my passion into our association, to make those in power understand that children are the future, and we must serve them well. This includes, first and foremost, No child is hungry.  We live in a world where families have to fight for food, let's make it a priority that our children are offered nutritious meals in our schools and families are educated to provide the same at home.  Florida PTA will encourage a society that is inclusive of all children regardless of their cultural background, their religion, their sexual orientation, or the street they grew up on.  During my presidency I see Healthy Children, Healthy Future...PT

So from what I see today, we have much work ahead. We must heal ourselves. . .  . Not only do we need to make sure that there are no bullies in the classrooms and on the playgrounds, but equally as important amongst our school staff, administration and our PTA's. We need to look out for our community and make everyone feel welcome and stop judging them because we don't understand or agree with their perspectives or lifestyles. We may never be able to see their viewpoint, and there are things about them we may never know or even be able to imagine. So I encourage you to keep this in mind and be thoughtful and considerate of our neighbors.


Florida PTA will be here for years to come regardless of what the statistics say. Members across our great state will never give up on our children. We will continue to be the example of how to treat our neighbors, our schools, and our community. So walk alongside me on this journey, and let's inspire this association to not only effect change but to shape the way Florida PTA is looked upon for many years to come. Let's have them turn to us as example of what this association can accomplish when we come together in mutual respect and shared knowledge. We will-together-create a future filled with extraordinary individuals who will make this world an amazing place for everyone.


It is my honor to serve you as President of the Florida PTA.


Thank you, Mindy Haas

Legislation Commission

(President Elect)

Pres Elect-2014  


Alright, alright, ALRIGHT!  You guys ready to get this year started?!  I hope you can feel the excitement in my typing, because I am afire with anticipation of the great things that are going to happen in these next two years! 

For those of you I have not had the pleasure of meeting, let me take a moment to slow down the typing and introduce myself.  I am Cindy Gerhardt, and it is my extreme pleasure to serve as your President Elect for 2014-1016.  That old clich� that begins, "It seems like only yesterday....." well, it is an absolute fact.  Yesterday all 5 of my kids were in school, my schedule was hectic, my house was perfectly immaculate and I was a crazy busy, raise-your-hand-for-everything kind of gal.  (By the way, I was joking about the immaculate house.  Just seeing if you were really paying attention.)

So, what has changed today?  My kids are grown with kids of their own, my schedule is hectic, I'm still crazy busy, I am selective with my hand raising and my house is pretty clean since I'm never there!  What else has changed is that my interest in training, advocating and leadership has blossomed into full blown passion.  I now walk in the footsteps of great leaders who came before me, helping shape public policy and protect the rights of all children and I'm honored to help carry on the torch and keep the fire ignited.  That fire isn't just in me.  It's in you, too.  You may not feel it yet, but you will.  It may start with just a spark, or a slow growing ember, but it will come.  I hope that each of you find what lights that fire, that passion and fuel it.  Whether it's mentoring one child, helping raise funds for library supplies, building sets for plays/performances or gathering signatures for petitions that make your community better, we need you.  We need your passion, we need your support and we need your voice.  I will call upon you many times throughout the year to step forward and participate. 

I believe that President Mindy Haas will lead us into a strong future, with emphasis on improving the health and wellness of our children and ourselves, and I'm ready to work with the Legislation, Resolutions and Bylaws/P&P committees to move us forward into what promises to be an excited two years!  You guys with me?


Cindy Gerhardt

Florida PTA President Elect

Healthy Children,
Healthy Future..PTA





Hello Florida PTA Members!

I am Jen Martinez your newly installed Florida PTA Treasurer.  I am excited to begin the two year term as your treasurer and I look forward to working for and with you!  I live in Palm Beach County with my husband Moises and 4 children: Daniel, Michael, Jason and Jackie.  I work at Target in Human Resources and thank them for being a supporter of PTA and volunteering!   I have been in PTA for over 15 years holding many different positions within the association.  As treasurer I will oversee the budget activities of our great association and serve as chair of the Budget and Restricted Fund Committee.  I am eager to learn new ways to help our association grow and feel honored to work with such a great group of dedicated volunteers. 



Every local unit needs a treasurer to ensure the financial accuracy and record keeping of their local unit.  The treasurer position may seem overwhelming at times and you may ask yourself what in the heck did I get myself into.  Please know we are always here to help and with the resources available the novice can turn into a PRO! 


What we can be doing now to start of year:

  • Make sure your units have completed their financial reviews
  • Have all signers been updated at the bank (if necessary)
  • Have you conducted your calendar planning meeting
  • Is your budget prepared and in line with all events and programs on your calendar
  • Review the Treasurer duties in both the National PTA and Florida PTA Kit of Materials.  If you can it is a great idea to print a copy and keep in your procedure book to reference when needed
  • Prepare a Treasurer's procedure book with your units documents included, such as: Bylaws, Standing Rules, Policies and Procedures, Tax Exemption Certificate, a copy of your units IRS Determination Letter, Receipt Book,  blank reimbursement forms, blank accounting for funds/deposit forms, a copy of the previous year IRS Tax Filing, a copy of the previous 3  years budget and once approved this years budget and a copy of the Insurance Policy
  • Set up your expectations for board members to present at your first board meeting. 


As everyone begins to plan for their upcoming school year, please feel free to reach out to me for support, networking or offering new ideas at

Thank you,

Jen Martinez

Florida PTA Treasurer

Healthy Children, Healthy Future...PTA 

In This Issue
* President's Message
* Legislation Commission
* Treasurer
* New or Returning Officers
* Healthy Habits Week
* Membership Development
* Leadership Commission
* Regions and Councils
* Educational Development
* Important Upcoming Dates
Quick Links

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Annual Local PTA New or Returning Officers 

Don't forget - Whether you are a newly elected or returning officer, you must complete the NEW OR RETURNING OFFICERS FORM (FOUND ON THE FLORIDA PTA WEBSITE,, in order to receive the membership cards, and your USER AND PASSWORD log in information for the Florida PTA Kit of Materials found in the restricted area of the Florida PTA Website.

After submitting your information, the membership cards will be mailed to the president's address you specify on your form.  



Purchases only in the month of MAY...

ONLY $30 per person!





I am the new Secretary for Florida PTA and the first male secretary in the 91 years of Florida PTA. I live in Weeki Wachee in Hernando County home of the Mermaids. I am excited and honored to be your new secretary.


I have been a member of Florida PTA for 7 years. I started as the Treasurer of Explorer K-8, Secretary of the Hernando County Council, and MEN'S Chair for Florida PTA. I have also been on the Nominating, Membership and Leadership/Convention Committees for Florida PTA, Nominating Chair for Explorer K-8, and currently a member of eight local units around the state. It was a pleasure being the MEN's chair for Florida PTA for the past two years.


I believe that PTA has a purpose for all children. I currently work as a Data Entry Operator for Explorer K-8, the largest school in Hernando County. I also coach Cheerleading and Track at my school.  I have received the honorary lifetime membership award in 2012.  I have no children of my own, but see 1,700 students every day at my school. I hope that you appreciate all that PTA has to offer and feel free to contact me with any questions. My email is Looking forward to a great two years and many more!


Joe Piecora,


Florida PTA



Join Healthy Habits Week Beginning Sept. 22, 2014!



The Lysol Healthy Habits Program was developed with support from the National PTA and NEA, with the goal of helping reduce absenteeism in schools by bringing healthy habits and good hygiene to classrooms and homes across the country. Join the movement to help keep families happy and healthy during the annual Healthy Habits Week beginning on September 22!


Healthy Habits Week started in 2013 to help educate children about the importance of healthy habits like hand washing and sneeze/cough hygiene to help prevent the spread of germs, as well as reducing the number of sick days in schools. Teachers and parents can join the cause and take advantage of available resources on:

L, which includes 30 ready-to-use lesson plans, insights from an expert panel, free posters and literature, and activity guides. The Healthy Habits Program also features a nationwide tour of the Healthy Habits Bus, an exciting "science museum on wheels" that reinforces good hygiene behaviors and teaches how to prevent the spread of germs. You can also bring this fun to classrooms and homes via the Healthy Habits app.


In preparation for the second annual Healthy Habits Week, please visit to learn how you can participate this September and beyond. We'd love to hear about how you celebrated Healthy Habits Week in your community!


Membership Development Commission


VP of Membership

Are You Ready?


The school year is underway all over the state this month. Some counties have already started their school year. And, the Membership Development Commission is gearing up to support you throughout the year with programs and tips to help foster growth and sustainability in your local unit and/or council. Please bear with us as we navigate this transitional phase. Our Executive Committee just took leadership less than six weeks ago, immediately after Leadership Convention at Innisbrook. Still, in the coming months, you can expect to see some engaging articles included in this e-newsletter from our committee chairs. So, keep checking back for more details.


As Vice President of Membership Development, I would like to take this time to simply introduce our dynamic leaders to you. These ladies are all awesome and will be engaging with you throughout the school year to help Florida PTA achieve record numbers in each of their respective areas. We want to continue the great work of our previous commission leaders. We have great shoes to fill, but as PTA leaders, we always need to be ready for the challenge. Together, we can do it!


The Membership Development Commission consists of:

 Awards, Jenny Dyess from Escambia

Cultural Arts, Deanna Neal from Escambia

Membership, Linda Nestor from Broward

Resource Development,
Melissa Kicklighter from Duval

Scholarship, Jessica Summers from Pinellas


On behalf of our commission, I'd like to say how excited we are to work with all of you. Every one of us has joined in this effort to speak for every child - one voice because we believe in Healthy Children...Healthy Future...PTA. Here's to a wonderful school year!


LaTasha Green-Cobb

VP of Membership Development




Leadership Commission

I am thrilled and truly honored to be leading the Florida PTA 2014 - 2016 Leadership Commission. As a long time child advocate, PTA volunteer and officer at the state, Council and local levels, I am excited to again be able to collaborate with other child advocate volunteers from across Florida. The Leadership Commission teams:  Family & Community Engagement, M.E.N. (Male Engagement Now), Student Involvement and Leadership/Convention Event, will be dedicated to training and inspiring all our members to be true advocates and leaders.

Please don't hesitate to contact us at should you have questions or if you have any ideas you wish to share. Thank you for all you do for children!

Warm regards,

Linda Kearschner

Florida PTA| VP, Leadership

Regions and Councils



Living in this PTA world we are often asked, "Why PTA?" What is my personal "why?" I am to the point in my PTA career that my current "why" is: "To help identify, grow, and train our future leaders." I have grown past it just being about the children and to wanting to help those who want to "do what we do."



So, what do I bring to the table? I bring: the PASSION that I have for our mission and purposes; I have a DESIRE to help others and still continue to grow myself; I'm COACHABLE and will continue to further my PTA knowledge and be coached by our great leaders while being the best coach I can be for others; and I'm WILLING TO WORK because I'm not afraid to roll up my sleeves and work hard.


I am so excited to have the opportunity to work as the Vice President of Regions and Councils and with so many wonderful County Council presidents and in the future Region Representatives. It's within Regions and Councils that our grassroots advocacy message makes it to the masses. It's our regions and councils leaders who have direct connections with those within their communities to support the PTA message.


Florida PTA's Regions and Councils Commission is broken into seven (7) regions (separated geographically throughout Florida) with councils representing several counties. County Councils work to support individual local units with trainings, assistance, and program planning just to name a few.


Stay tuned... as our year begins we will share some of the great works that the councils have going on.


In the meantime... please, feel free to email me at if I may be of assistance.


Tammy Weaver

Vice President of Regions and Councils



Educational Development Commission


VP of Education-2014

I am proud to be your Vice President for Educational Development. I began my PTA experience as the founding president of a local unit; and have served Broward County Council as student representative, historian (elected officer), social media chair, scholarships chair, and consultant (organizational processes). I led the application and initial implementation of the Urban Family Engagement grant in Broward County.


Additionally, I served as Florida PTA Student Involvement Chair from 2010-2012, introducing new workshops and methods of engagement, and was brought back on the Board in the same role in fall 2013 for the remainder of the 2012-2014 term. I served on the Florida PTA Legislation, Resolutions, Strategic Planning, and Student Involvement committees. Outside of PTA, I am experienced in training and development, policy and program development and management, and organizational change.


Within PTA, I have designed and implemented initiatives on a variety of subject matter, primarily advocacy/policy and organizational development. I developed educational materials through Florida PTA and my professional work. For PTA, my public policy analysis has focused on the education system, including learning transitions and governance. I provided extensive analysis for the Legislation Committee.


Under my leadership, the Educational Development Commission will analyze policy and programs, and assist our members in understanding and navigating the education system, governmental and community organizations, and other avenues pertaining to health, education, and well-being. The commission consists of various committees focused on issues impacting children and youth. Feel free to get in touch with me at


Graham I. Rabinowitsch,

VP of Educational Development

Florida PTA

  • 10/01/14 Golden Early Bird Award 
  • 11/01/14 Silver Early Bird Award
  • (If your fiscal year ends June 30, then your filing deadline is November 15th. You can file any time between the close of your fiscal year and the deadline. Do not be late.) 
  • 12/01/14 Bronze Early Bird Awards
* Reflections have many dates to follow - Watch the Reflections Page on the website for updates coming soon.



Florida PTA | 1747 Orlando Central Parkway | Orlando, Florida 32809 | (407) 855-7604

Florida PTA is the state's largest and oldest volunteer association, dedicated to advocating for every.child with one.voice. Education and other children's services are scandalously under-funded in Florida.  Florida PTA, made up of over 300,000 members in over 1400 local PTA units, represents the association's advocacy for education and children's services.

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