March 2016
Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Connection

HeadlinesFuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Headlines

Honda Officially Begins Sales of Clarity Fuel Cell in Japan, Collaborating with GM to Reduce Fuel Cell Costs 

On March 10, Honda officially began sales of the Clarity Fuel Cell, its next-generation fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) to customers in Japan.  The automaker stated it will sell approximately 200 vehicles in 2016, and that sales for the first year will focus on local governments and companies that Honda works with. 

Honda Motor Co. President and Chief Executive Takahiro Hachigo speaks during a press conference in the media preview of the Clarity Fuel Cell Source: AP

Honda's Power Exporter also went on sale in Japan, which when used together with the Clarity FCEV, allows the vehicle to function as a 'power source on wheels,' capable of providing seven days worth of power to an average Japanese home. 

Honda's Power Exporter 9000 Source: Honda

Also announced at the Clarity launch was news that Honda is working with automaker General Motors to reduce the cost of fuel cells used in FCEVs, as part of its technology development partnership.  Honda began collaborating with General Motors on fuel cell technology in 2013.

Honda plans to introduce the Clarity Fuel Cell to Europe and the United States later in 2016.

For a link to the full press release, including technical details for the Clarity and Power Exporter, click here

Toyota Joins Public Private Partnership to Test End-to-End, Wind-to-Hydrogen Supply Chain 

On March 14, Toyota announced it had joined a public- private partnership consisting of the Japanese Kanagawa Prefectural Government, the municipal governments of the cities of Yokohama and Kawasaki, and private sector companies Toshiba and Iwatani, to implement an end-to-end low carbon hydrogen supply chain. 

Diagram illustrating the low-carbon hydrogen supply chain as part of the project Source: Toyota

As part of the project, electricity generated by a wind power plant will be used to electroylze hydrogen, which will then be compressed, stored, and transported by truck for use.  The hydrogen fuel will be used in a four separate locations to power 12 total fuel cell forklifts in a variety conditions. 

Toyota and partners will conduct a feasibility study as part of the project, focusing on hydrogen costs and emissions reductions as part of the hydrogen supply chain.   The project is expected to begin full-scale operations in 2017.

For a link to the full press release, including additional project details, click here

Linde Showcases its Hydrogen Technology at 2016 Shell Eco-Marathon

On March 3,  Linde announced that it would support this year's Shell Eco-Marathon (SEM) by providing hydrogen fuel for the fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) at the event.  SEM is a unique competition that challenges students around the world to design, build and drive the most energy-efficient car, including those powered by hydrogen.
Linde traiLH2-Gas Mobile Refueling Unit Source: Linde

Linde will showcase its mobile hydrogen refueling solution, the "traiLH2™-gas" refueling unit.  The 14-meter trailer features Linde's latest compression technology, and is able to deliver 240 kilograms of hydrogen, or fuel for up to 45 vehicles. 

Linde will also feature it's innovative hydrogen-powered E-Bike, which can provide peddling assist for over 100 kilometers using only 34 grams of hydrogen. 

Linde E-Bike Prototype Source: Linde

The 2016 SEM events took place March 3-6 in Manila, Philippines, March 22-24 in Detroit, Michigan, and will take place on June 30 - July 3 in London, England.

The Detroit marathon featured over 100 teams from across America, including a variety of ultra efficient hydrogen-powered vehicles.  For a link to Shell's SEM website, click here

For a link to the full press release, click here

Daimler to Introduce Citaro F-CELL Fuel Cell Electric Bus in 2018

On March 8, Daimler announced an expansion in its bus business, including the future launch of the Citaro F-CELL fuel cell electric bus (FCEB) in 2018.  The Citaro is based on a joint E-Mobility platform developed by Daimler for fuel cell and battery electric bus powertrains.

Daimler Citaro F-CELL FCEB Source: Daimler

The automaker stated its next-generation FCEB will be in production and on the roads in 2018, and that the Daimler Group's vehicle divisions are working together to advance emissions-free mobility.

For a link to the full press release, click here

Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Breaks Two Distance Records

On March 22, the London Hydrogen Network Expansion (LHNE) Project announced it had broken two distance records for hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), using Hyundai's ix35 Tucson FCEV.  LHNE is a government backed project to expand 700 bar hydrogen fueling stations across London and outlying areas.

LHNE's Hyundai Tucson FCEV Source: LHNE

LHNE project partners broke the record for the longest single distance driven on a tank of hydrogen, 400 miles, as well as the record for longest continuous journey by an FCEV, traveling 6,096 miles over six days.

The record was broken as part of Hydrogen Week in the United Kingdom, in order to help raise awareness of hydrogen and fuel cell technology. 

For a link to the full press release, click here

Plug Power Closes on $30 Million Loan with San Francisco-Based Lender

On March 4, Plug Power closed on a $30 million loan with a specialty finance company based in San Francisco, California.  The funding will support Plug Power's growth in 2016, including to help finance lease transactions for fuel cell customers. 

Plug Power developed GenFund in the third quarter of 2015 as a financing platform that works with customers and lending organizations to facilitate project funding for the purchase of its hydrogen and fuel cell solutions.

For a link to the full press release, click here

Hotels Magazine Publishes Article on Hyatt Regency's SOFC Success

On March 3, Hotels Magazine published an article, written by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association, highlighting Bloom Energy's solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) installation at the Hyatt Regency in Greenwich, Connecticut. 

In December of 2015, Hyatt installed a 500 kilowatt (kW) SOFC fed by natural gas, which supplies 75% of the facility's electric load.  The SOFC is expected to result in costs savings, as well as CO2 emission reductions of 40% when compared to utility-purchased electricity. 

The article breaks down the numerous other benefits of stationary fuel cells, including scalability, silent operation, and reliability.

For a link to the full article, click here

Japan Government Announces Push for Hydrogen Fueling Stations, Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles Through 2025

On March 16, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) announced a plan to support the development of 160 hydrogen fueling stations by 2020, and 320 by 2025.  A report released by METI aims to have 40,000 fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) on the road by 2020.

Toyota launched the Mirai FCEV in Japan last year, and Honda recently began selling its Clarity Fuel Cell FCEV in the country as well. 

The government plans to increase subsidies for technology development to lower station construction costs, as well as lifting a ban on self-service at hydrogen fueling stations, and the implementation of mobile hydrogen fueling stations. For a link to the full article, click here

Earlier this month, Iwatani Corporation announced it was expanding its network of hydrogen fueling stations in Japan to 30 by March of 2017, building 10 new facilities.  For a link to the Iwatani article, click here

NEESC Commissioned Economic Study Reveals Growth of Northeast Region's Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Industry

On March 17, The Northeast Electrochemical Energy Storage Cluster (NEESC), administered by the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc. (CCAT), released results from an independent Impact Analysis for PLANing (IMPLAN), an economic analysis of the region's hydrogen and fuel cell industry.

The study suggested the fuel cell and hydrogen energy industry as experienced growth in the region the last four years, contributing nearly $1.4 billion in in revenue and investment, as well as 6,500 direct, indirect, and induced jobs. 

Hydrogen and fuel cell companies in the region include Doosan Fuel Cell America, FuelCell Energy, Plug Power, and Proton OnSite.

For a link to the full press release, click here

CAFCP Releases Digital Resources for California's Hydrogen Stations Webinar 

On March 1, the California Fuel Cell Partnership (CAFCP) hosted a webinar to provide updates on the progress of fueling stations in California, and showcase features on its redesigned website. 

CAFCP staff members demonstrated their updated hydrogen station map, which provides near-real time information on the status of hydrogen stations, open and under construction, around the state.  For a link to the map, click here

The webinar also covered the Station Operational Status System (SOSS), which is a mobile-friendly page with live data on retail hydrogen stations in California, and lets users sort stations by preference. For a link to SOSS, visit

For a link to the full slide deck used in the webinar, click here.  For a live recording of the webinar on Youtube, click here.

Honda Clarity Fuel Cell Sedan On Display at New York International Auto Show

On March 23, Honda unveiled the Clarity Fuel Cell, the automaker's next-generation fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV), at the New York International Auto Show (NYIAS) in New York City.  The Clarity Fuel Cell is already on sale in Japan, and will launch in California later in 2016.
Honda Clarity Fuel Cell at the New York International Auto Show Source: Honda
The Clarity Fuel Cell features a fuel cell stack 33 percent smaller than its predecessor, a range of over 300 miles, and a refuel time of only three-to-five minutes.
The NYIAS runs from March 23 to April 3, 2016.
For a link to the full press release, click here.

Toyota Wins Green Car Award at New York International Auto Show 

On March 24, Toyota's Mirai FCEV won the World Green Car Award at the New York International Auto Show (NYIAS) in New York City, as part of the World Car Awards program.  

Toyota Official Accepting World Green Car Award at New York Auto Show 

The World Car Awards are awarded each year by a body of automotive journalists from around the world.  The Mirai FCEV beat out the Chevrolet Volt and Toyota Prius for the top prize.  

For a link to the full awards website, click here

Hyundai Delivers First Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle in Ontario, Canada

On March 11, Hyundai delivered the first Tucson fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) leased to a customer in Ontario, Canada, to Hydrogenics CTO and Co-Founder Joseph Cargnelli.

Ontario Hyundai Tucson FCEV Customer Joseoph Cargnelli and Hyundai Officials Source: Hyundai

Hyundai has previously delivered Tucson FCEVs in the province of British Columbia in 2015. 

For a link to the full press release, click here

Honda Delivers First Clarity Fuel Cell in Japan to Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry

On March 22, Honda delivered the first production Clarity Fuel Cell to a customer in Japan.  The Automaker handed over the keys to the fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) to Japan's Vice Minister of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) in a ceremony.

Takahiro Hachigo, President, Chief Executive Officer and Representative Director of Honda Motor Co., Ltd, and Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. Source: Carscoops

For a link to the full article, click here

Shell, Kawasaki Heavy, Iwatani Partner in Hydrogen Shipment Technology

On March 14, Shell announced it was joining Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Iwatani in developing technology for shipping hydrogen by sea, enabling steady supply of hydrogen as fuel.

Shell will contribute its expertise in hydrogen transportation to develop international standards for marine transportation of liquefied hydrogen, and unlock large supplies of hydrogen around the world.  The partners plan to produce and ship hydrogen from low-quality brown coal from Australia.

For a link to the full article, click here.

Capitol Hyundai In San Francisco Bay Area Added To Growing Collection Of Hyundai Tucson Fuel Cell Dealers

On March 24, Hyundai announced Capitol Hyundai in San Jose, California, as the fifth Tucson fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) authorized dealer in the state, and the first to offer the vehicle in the Bay area. 

The dealership fulfilled additional requirements in hydrogen fuel cell fueling, servicing, and maintenance to qualify for the Tucson FCEV.  Hyundai has delivered nearly 100 Tucson FCEVs in California since its launch in 2014.

Capitol Hyundai Joins Keyes Hyundai, Tustin Hyundai, Win Hyundai in Carson and Hardin Hyundai in Anaheim as the fifth qualified dealer.

For a link to the full press release, click here.

Plug Power CEO to Present at China New Energy Vehicle International Forum 

On March 21, Plug Power announced that CEO Andy Marsh would present at the New Energy Vehicle International Forum 2016, taking place from April 20-22 in Shanghai, China. Marsh will present Plug Power's GenDrive hydrogen fuel cell units for material handling applications.

The New Energy Vehicle International Forum brings together vehicle manufacturers, electric power companies, battery manufacturers, core technology providers and government officials to discuss the opportunities and strategies in the vehicle industry. 

For a link to the full press release, click here.

Dutch University Transforms Hyundai FCEV into a Power Plant

On March 24, Delft University of Technology, located in the Netherlands, announced it has converted a Hyundai Tucson fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) into a mobile power plant by installing an electricity socket into the body of the car, the first of its kind.

Modified Hyundai Tucson FCEV with Socket Source: Delft University of Technology

The Delft research team are part of a group called Future Energy Systems, which has focused on integrated applications of FCEVs, including cars as power plants.  The team plans to use the modified Tucson FCEV for further applications, such as supplying electricity directly to a home. 

For a link to the full article, click here

California Air Resources Board Develops Hydrogen Infrastructure Tool

On March 21, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) announced the California Hydrogen Infrastructure Tool (CHIT), which can be used to help identify opportunities for hydrogen fueling stations in accordance with California Assembly Bill 8. 

CHIT is a Geographical Information System-based tool used to assess the spatial distribution of the gap between the coverage provided by existing and funded  hydrogen stations, and the potential first adopter market for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs).

For a link to the CHIT tool and supporting documents, click here

South Korea to Deploy Hydrogen-Powered Buses in Partnership with Hyundai 

On March 17, South Korean Finance Minister Yoo II-Ho announced plans to replace approximately 26,000 natural gas powered buses with fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs) nationwide.  The South Korean government will collaborate with automaker Hyundai to help promote the fuel cell technology for FCEBs.

As part of the plan, the government aims to replace 2,000 buses a year with FCEBs, and install hydrogen fueling equipment at around 200 compress natural gas (CNG) stations across the country.

For a link to the full article, click here

Aberdeen is First in Europe to Offer Hydrogen Powered Cars for Public Use

On March 8, the Aberdeen City Council announced it was introducing hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) to the Scottish city's car club, the first of its kind in Europe. 

Aberdeen City Council Officials with Hyundai ix35 FCEV Source: Aberdeen City Council

The city will provide two Hyundai ix35 FCEVs for public use in a pay-as-you-go model later this year.  Funding for the vehicles was provided by Transport Scotland's Hydrogen Program.

For a link to the full press release, click here

H2 Logic Delivers Ninth Hydrogen Fueling Station For Denmark

On March 3, H2 Logic, a European hydrogen station manufacturer, delivered Denmark's ninth hydrogen fueling station in the city of Kolding.  The station is located only 245 km (150 miles) from a hydrogen fueling station in Hamburg, Germany, allowing for easier cross-border travel.

H2 Logic Station Opening in Kolding, Denmark Source: H2 Logic

The hydrogen station in Kolding will be used by a fleet of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) from Hyundai delivered to the city and various local users.

For a link to the full press release, click here

FedFederal Program News

DOE's Innovative Small Business Vouchers Pilot Selects 33 Small Businesses for Lab Collaboration, Includes Fuel Cell Technology

On March 10, the Department of Energy announced that its Innovative Small Business Vouchers (SBV) Pilot has selected 33 small businesses to work directly with National Laboratories on clean energy technologies, including fuel cells. 

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) will invest $6.7 million in round one funding for the SBV pilot.  Topics of interest include projects that aim to create cheaper, more durable fuel cells, as well as advanced manufacturing to develop pathways towards fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs).

More information on the SBV and selected businesses are available at the website here.

For a link to the full press release, click here

National Lab-Led ElectroCat Helping Develop Affordable Fuel Cell Components

In Late February, the Department of Energy announced the Electrocatalysis (ElectroCat) Consortium, an initiative led by Los Alamos and Argonne National Laboratories to development non platinum metal group (PGM) catalysts for fuel cells. 

X-ray computed microtomograph for non-destructive 3-D-imaging of fuel cell components Source: Los Alamos National Laboratory

The partnership between the labs involves the study, creation and implementation of alternatives to PGM electrodes through material development efforts headed by Los Alamos.  The efforts will be accelerated by characterization and electrode performance modeling capabilities at Argonne, as well as high-performance supercomputer modeling of catalyst structures.  

For a link to the full press release, click here

Not Everything that Happens in Vegas Stays There: Hydrogen Generators Go Commercial

On February 17, the Department of Energy published an article on a project the Department funded 15 years ago between the Air Products Hydrogen Energy Systems Group and the City of Las Vegas to construct the world's first integrated hydrogen energy station. 

Modularized PRISM� hydrogen generators Source: DOE

The station allowed for on-site production of hydrogen for both the fueling of vehicles and electricity production via fuel cells.   Air Products then went on to develop a turnkey hydrogen fueling station at Penn State University as part of a DOE-supported cooperative agreement, which eventually evolved into the company's commercial line of hydrogen generation systems.

For a link to the full article, click here

DOE Holds Webinar, Releases Presentation Slides on EERE Budget for Fiscal Year 2017

In February, the Department of Energy held a stakeholders webinar on the Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17) request budget for Sustainable Transportation within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).  

Deputy Assistant Secretary Reuben Sarkar and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) Director Sunita Satyapal provided details on specifics within the budget during the webinar, including highlights of the hydrogen and fuel cell technologies budget request.

For a link to the full presentation slides, click here

Sandia National Lab to Work with Small Business on Clean Energy Technology, Including Fuel Cells

On March 10, Sandia National Laboratory announced that as part of DOE's Small Business Voucher Program, it would be working with seven different small businesses on clean energy technologies, including Altergy Systems, a fuel cell company in Folsom, California. 

Sandia will work with Altergy Systems to further develop its fuel cell technology for backup power in remote, mission-critical areas.

For a link to the full press release, click here

Upcoming Events

Nanotech 2016 Conference and Expo, May 22-26, 2016

Join us in Washington, DC for the 18th annual Nanotech 2016 Conference & Expo, co-located with the TechConnect World Innovation Conference, convening over 3,000 academic, government and corporate leaders to address the next phase of nanotechnology impact from lab to marketplace.  Representing the world's largest technology acceleration program, with thousands of multi-disciplinary research submissions annually from over 75 countries, the program includes over twenty-five U.S. Federal Funding Agencies, and hundreds of Corporate Technology Prospectors.

Fuel cell and hydrogen energy topics for abstract submission include:
  • Fuel cell technologies & applications
  • Advanced materials for fuel cells
  • Membrane technologies
  • Hydrogen generation & production methods
  • Hydrogen storage
  • Case studies & best practices 
For a link to find out more about TechConnect, click here.

California Fuel Cell Partnership Spring Forum on Hydrogen Fueling Stations

On April 19, the California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP) will host a free one-day forum at their headquarters in Diamond Bar, California, titled "Meeting the Goal of 100 Retail Hydrogen Stations." 

At the forum, CaFCP members will lead discussions about:
  • Bringing currently funded hydrogen stations online
  • Potentials for cost reduction for hydrogen station equipment
  • Hydrogen production and renewable supply opportunities
  • Time and funding to get to 100 stations
For a link to the full event page, click here

LinksAdditional Links

East and Beacon | February 27, 2016

Christian Science Monitory | February 27, 2016

AutoWeek | March 1, 2016

BMW Blog | March 2, 2016

UC Davis | March 2, 2016

LA Times | March 3, 2016

Gasworld | March 4, 2016

Left Lane | March 4, 2016

Top Gear | March 4, 2016

Car Magazine | March 7, 2016

Plug Power Blog | March 8, 2016

The Japan Times | March 8, 2016 | March 8, 2016

Automotive News Europe | March 9, 2016

Youtube | March 9, 2016

Motor Trend | March 12, 2016

The Detroit News | March 14, 2016

Toshiba | March 14, 2016

Materials Handling World Magazine | March 15, 2016

Materials & Handling Logistics | March 15, 2016

Albany Business Review | March 15, 2016

Fork Lift Action | March 17, 2016

Hydrogen London March 15, 2016

Autocar Professional | March 21, 2016

Chemistry World | March 23, 2016

Newswheel | March 24, 2016

Toshiba | March 24, 2016

Request for Papers, Proposals, and Information

Connecticut DEEP Releases Request for Proposals for Small-Scale Clean Energy Projects, Including Fuel Cells

On March 9, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) released a request for proposals (RFP) for small scale clean energy projects between 2 and 20 megawatts (MW) from renewables, energy storage, and passive demand response.  Fuel cells qualify as a Class I renewable in Connecticut , and are eligible for the RFP.

CT DEEP is considering new projects that come online between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2020, and winners will be able to negotiate contracts with state investor-owned utilities.

RFP submissions are due by May 5, 2016. 

For a link to the full RPF filing, click here

DOE Releases Request for Information on Critical Materials, Including Fuel Cell Platinum Group Metal Catalysts

On February 10, the Department of Energy released a Request for Information (RFI) on Critical Materials in the energy sector, including platinum group metal (PGM) catalysts, which are used in fuel cells.  The RFI results will be used to updated the Critical Material Strategy Report, released previously in 2010 and 2011. 

Topics of interest include material intensity, market projections, technology transitions, primary production, supply chains, and recycling.  Respondents are also encouraged to provide additional information that is relevant to assessing material criticality in the energy sector.

RFI responses are due by 5:00 PM EST April 11, 2016.

For a link to the full RFI, click here

First Air Liquide Essential Molecules Challenge

On January 19, Air Liquide launched its first Essential Molecules challenge, encouraging teams to submit proposals for scientific breakthroughs, including the generation of hydrogen from water using solar energy.

The proposal, titled Sunny H2 in a Bottle, will award up to three teams with a €50,000 ($54,100) prize and a 4-year contract with Air Liquide with total financing of up to €500,000 ($541,100).

Submissions are due by April 26, 2016.

For a link to the full request for proposals, click here

About the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Connection


Press releases and story ideas may be forwarded to Connor Dolan and Karen Hall for consideration at [email protected] and [email protected] respectively.


The Sponsors


Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association --  The Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA) is the trade association for the fuel cell and hydrogen energy industry, and is dedicated to the commercialization of fuel cells and hydrogen energy technologies. Fuel cells and hydrogen energy technologies deliver clean, reliable power to leading edge corporate, academic and public sector users, and FCHEA members are helping to transform the our energy future. FCHEA represents the full global supply chain, including universities, government laboratories and agencies, trade associations, fuel cell materials, components and systems manufacturers, hydrogen producers and fuel distributors, utilities and other end users.

National Energy Technology Laboratory --  The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory system is owned and operated by the DOE.  Its mission is "Advancing energy options to fuel our economy, strengthen our security, and improve our environment".  NETL performs, procures, and partners with universities and the private sector.  Together, these efforts focus a wealth of scientific and engineering talent on creating commercially viable solutions to national energy and environmental problems.  NETL has expertise in coal, natural gas, and oil technologies, contract and project management, analysis of energy systems, and international energy issues.   NETL supports DOE's mission to advance the national, economic, and energy security of the United States.

Previous Issue Archive
Click here for an archive of previous issues of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Connection.