August 2014
Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Connection

Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Headlines


FuelCell Energy Identifies New Haven, Connecticut as Second Location in 5.6 Megawatt Sale to United Illuminating


On July 28, FuelCell Energy identified New Haven, Connecticut as the second installation site for the previously announced 5.6 megawatt (MW) in projects purchased by The United Illuminating Company (UI).


The project will consist of two separate 2.8 MW DFC3000 fuel cell power plants, one of which will be installed at the already identified Bridgeport, Connecticut location, and the other at the newly announced UI-owned substation in New Haven.


The fuel cell power plants will supply enough electricity to the grid to power approximately 5,600 homes.  FuelCell Energy will construct and operate both plants, which are expected to be operational in early 2015.


To read the full press release, click here.


Yahoo Flips the Switch on 1 MW Bloom Energy Fuel Cell Installation


On July 31, Yahoo CFO Ken Goldman, Bloom Energy Founder & CEO KR Shridhar, and other Yahoo officials, held a "flip-switching" ceremony for a 1 megawatt (MW) Bloom Energy fuel cell installation.  The fuel cells will provide a third of all electricity at Yahoo's Sunnyvale, California campus. 
Yahoo and Bloom Energy flip the switch on the 1 MW Sunnyvale fuel cell installation source: Yahoo


The installation consists of five Bloom Energy fuel cell servers. 


For a link to the full article, click here.  


Air Products Adds SmartFuel Hydrogen Tube-Trailer to Fleet


On August 4, Air Products announced the introduction of an additional SmartFuel hydrogen high pressure tube trailer to its fleet.  The trailer is a first for the European market, and will deliver hydrogen in large volumes to Air Product's new 700 Bar public refueling station in Heathrow, UK.


Air Products SmartFuel Hydrogen Tube-Trailer  Source: Air Products


The SmartFuel tube trailer features composite cylinders allowing for delivery of hydrogen at 500 Bar, an improvement on existing 200 Bar tube-trailers, which reduces the need for on-site hydrogen compression.


For a link to the full press release, click here 


Toyota Highlights Long-Term View of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles


On August 12, Bob Carter, Toyota Motor Sales' Senior Vice President of Automotive Operations, spoke at the 2014 JP Morgan Auto Conference and included several comments on Toyota's perspective on fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), stating that Toyota sees FCEVs as "THE no-compromise, primary-option vehicle for the NEXT 100 years."  

After highlighting the significant efforts on-going in California to develop hydrogen infrastructure, Carter also mentioned that Toyota hopes to make an announcement very soon about developments in the East Coast.


Toyota has previously announced that they will be releasing their FCEV in Japan in early spring of 2015, with a California release following in the summer.


For the full press release, click here.


Intelligent Energy Outlines Market Expansion in Telecom Backup, Portable Fuel Cells


On August 18, Intelligent Energy announced plans for expansion of its fuel cell business.   Within their Distributed Power & Generation trading division, the company is planning on delivering 5,000 telecom backup fuel cells under contract by the end of September, 2014.  


Additionally, in concert with their manufacturing partners, Intelligent Energy plans on producing more than 50,000 Upp portable fuel cell chargers.  Upp, a USB-compatible charger, can be used to power portable electronics like smart phones and tablets.


For a link to the full article, click here.  


Ballard and Anglo American Platinum Co-Launch Field Trial of Residential Fuel Cell System


On August 5, Ballard Power and Anglo American Platinum announced the launch of a field trial for a residential methanol fuel cell system in South Africa.  The two companies have partnered with Eskom, South Africa's power utility, and the Department of Energy of South Africa for the 12 month trial.


The trial, taking place in Naledi Trust, located in the Free State province of South Africa, will integrate Ballard's 5 kilowatt (kW) fuel cells into an off-grid solution created by Anglo American Platinum.  The system also includes a battery bank and an inverter, which will operate on its own micro-grid.


Anglo American Platinum is the world's largest primary producer of platinum, based near Johannesburg, South Africa.


For a link to the full press release, click here


Doosan Corporation Forms Doosan Fuel Cell America Following Acquisition of ClearEdge Power


On August 6, Doosan Corporation, a $21 billion South Korean company, announced that following the acquisition of ClearEdge Power, it has formed Doosan Fuel Cell America, Inc.  This follows their recent merger with another South Korean fuel cell company, Fuel Cell Power, and the formation of the Doosan Fuel Cell Group.  


Doosan Fuel Cell America will focus on developing the 400 kilowatt (KW) stationary fuel cell offering that ClearEdge Power originally acquired from UTC Power in 2013. The new subsidiary will be based out of ClearEdge Power's former South Windsor, Connecticut facility, and has begun hiring workers for that location through its website.


For a link to the full press release, click here


BOC's Hydrogen Generator Supports Remote Radio Performance in Scotland


On August 20, BOC, a member of the Linde Group, announced that its Hymera portable hydrogen energy generators are being used to support radio broadcasts from a remote studio in Glen Nevis, Scotland at the base of United Kingdom's tallest mountain.  These radio broadcasts will feature visiting artists and local citizens as part of an art performance called Remote Performances.  


BOC will supply two Hymera generators, fueled by lightweight hydrogen cylinders, for the event at the studio's remote tree-house location.  The Hymera generators were chosen for their quiet operation and low environmental impact.


For the full press release, click here.  


Bloom Fuel Cells to be Installed at Sutter Santa Rosa Hospital 


On August 18, Sutter Santa Rosa Hospital announced plans to install fuel cells from Bloom Energy at its main campus.  The 600 kilowatt (kW) fuel cell system will provide up to 70% of the annual electrical needs for the hospital while reducing emissions.  


The fuel cells will ensure the hospital does not suffer power outages associated with long term transmission from the electrical grid.  


For a link to the full article,  click here.  

 FuelCell Energy Announces Strategic Financing Agreements with NRG Energy


On July 31, FuelCell Energy announced a broadening of their existing relationship with NRG Energy, which included a $35 million investment in FuelCell Energy common stock by NRG Energy.  The new contract also creates a new $40 million revolving construction and term loan facility by NRG Energy for FuelCell Energy to use for project development. 


FuelCell Energy sold more than 14 million shares of its common stock to NRG Energy Proceeds from the offering will support project development, finance, and working capital.


For a link to the  full press release, click here.


Intelligent Energy Named Top British Patent Applicant for Energy and Storage Technologies


On August 7, Intelligent Energy was named Britain's 2013 top patent applicant for energy and storage technologies.  Intelligent Energy has filed over 80 patent applications for energy and storage technologies in the United Kingdom.  Globally, the company holds over 350 granted patents and has more than 450 patents pending across 250 patent families.


Intelligent Energy manufacturers proton exchange membrane fuel cells for vehicles, consumer electronics, and stationary power markets.


For the full press release, click here.


Ohio Transit Authority SARTA to Test Fuel Cell Electric Buses for Public Transit


On August 18, the Stark Area Regional Transit Authority (SARTA) announced plans to trial two fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs).  The buses will be manufactured in February and July of next year.  SARTA anticipates the first bus will be ready for trials on their commuter routes in August of 2015.


SARTA's trial is part of the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) National Fuel Cell Bus Program, which has awarded over $90 million in grants to advance fuel cell technology in transit buses across the country.  SARTA, with assistance from clean transportation nonprofit CalStart, received $5.5 million from the FTA, and an additional $500,000 from the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for a hydrogen fueling station.

The vehicles will be built by bus manufacturer ElDorado National, and the fuel cell systems to power the bus will be provided by Ballard Power Systems.


For a link to the full article, click here


ReliOn and CIC USA Project Named Finalist in 2014 CTIA E-Tech Awards


On August 19, ReliOn, a Plug Power company, announced that its joint project with Communication Infrastructure Corporation (CIC), a telecommunications company, was named a finalist in CTIA's Emerging Technology (E-Tech) Awards competition.  CTIA - The Wireless Association, is the industry trade group representing the international wireless telecommunications industry.  The project, titled "Providing a Reliable, Cost-Effective and Green Remove off-Grid Power Solution," will compete in the Green Telecom and Networks division of the awards.


For the project, CIC worked with ReliOn to deploy a hydrogen fuel cell as part of CIC's 39-site microwave communications network operating in the north east United States.  The fuel cell has been operating since April 2014, providing primary power to the telecommunications equipment where grid power is unavailable. 


The E-Tech awards will take place on Wednesday, September 10 at 12:30 PM.


For a link to the full press release, click here


FuelCell Energy Attains ISO 9001:2008 Certification


On August 5, FuelCell Energy announced that its Quality Management System is now ISO 9001:2008 certified.  The quality system ensures that rigorous quality standards are consistently met for their fuel cell products.


Auditing for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was performed by American Systems Registrar, an independent third party.  


For a link to the full press release, click here


Federal Program Updates 

Argonne National Laboratory Conducts Research to Get Hydrogen from Water


On July 31, Argonne National Laboratory provided an updated on their ongoing efforts to extract hydrogen from water.  Photoelectrochemical (PEC) fuel cells, which use solar energy to trigger the chemical reaction that splits water (H2O) into hydrogen (H2) and water (O2), were used in their research.  Argonne experimented with specialized photoelectrode materials as catalysts in the PEC fuel cell to trigger the chemical process. 


While still in the early stages of research and development, the technology could provide a sustainable and clean way to produce hydrogen.  Key challenges the laboratory faces moving forward are scaling the technology and finding a stable catalyst to absorb solar energy and split water. 


Giulia Galli, a professor at the University of Chicago's Institute for Molecular Engineering, is heading up PEC efforts on this project at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF). 


For a link to the full article, click here


Additional Links

Schumer, Gillibrand Announce Nearly $100,000 for Rochester Institute of Technology Fuel Cell Research

Senator Gillibrand | July 24, 2014 


Honda Fuel Cell Car Slightly Envisaged 

Ecomento |  July 28, 2014 


Plug Power Confirms Expansion of Wal-Mart GenKey Purchase

Plug Power | July 29, 2014


Total Government Incentives in Japan Could Top $30,000 for Hydrogen Cars
Green Auto Blog |  July 29, 2014


Toyota Plans to Name Fuel Cell Veheicle Mirai, Report Says

Automotive News | July 29, 2014


8 Trillion Yen Market Eyed for Japanese Hydrogen Energy in 2050

Japan Times | July 30, 2014 


Japanese Prime Minister Drives Toyota Fuel Cell Sedan
Toyota Blog | August 4, 2014

Diesel-Like Hydrogen Breakthrough Rekindles Platinum Fuel Cell Excitement

Mining Weekly | August 4, 2014 


Mother Nature Network | August 4, 2014

UPI | August 4, 2014 


Electric Auto Sport | August 5, 2014
The Globe and Mail | August 6, 2014


How a Fuel Cell Works (Infographic)
Hyundai | August 11, 2014

Toyota Hydrogen Fuel Cell Prototype on CPH
Car Advice | August 13, 2014 


CNN Money | August 13, 2014 
CAFCP | August 18, 2014 
Popular Mechanics | August 18, 2014
LA Times | August 18, 2014
Toyota North America | August 21, 2014 


Request for Papers, Proposals, and Information
DOE Extends Deadline for Request for Information on Fuel Cells for Continuous On-Board Recharging for Battery Electric Light-Duty Vehicles

On August 8, the Department of Energy (DOE) Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) extended the application submission deadline for the Request for Information(RFI) seeking feedback from the research community regarding fuel cell rechargers on board light-duty battery electric vehicles (BEVs).


The RFI will solicit feedback from industry, academia, research labs, government agencies, and other stakeholders on the technical and economical feasibility of commercializing fuel cell range extenders for BEVs.  The RFI specifically requests technical information and information on vehicle makes and models that are most feasible for after market modification with a fuel cell system.

The full application submission deadline has been extended to September 2, 2014

For a link to the full RFI, click �here.


DOE Announces Full Funding Opportunity Announcement for SBIR/STTR Phase 1 Technical Topics for FY15
On August 11, the Department of Energy (DOE) announced the Fiscal Year 2015 Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Phase 1 Release 1 technical topics. 
The topics include non-platinum catalysts for fuel cells, as well as the detection of hydrogen contamination.  DOE held a webinar on July 22 providing additional information on the technical topics.  
Applications are due by close of business on October 14, 2014. 
For a link to the full FOA, as well as a description of technical topics, click here 

About the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Connection


Press releases and story ideas may be forwarded to Connor Dolan and Karen Hall for consideration at  [email protected] and [email protected] respectively.


The Sponsors


Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association --  The Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA) is the trade association for the fuel cell and hydrogen energy industry, and is dedicated to the commercialization of fuel cells and hydrogen energy technologies. Fuel cells and hydrogen energy technologies deliver clean, reliable power to leading edge corporate, academic and public sector users, and FCHEA members are helping to transform the our energy future. FCHEA represents the full global supply chain, including universities, government laboratories and agencies, trade associations, fuel cell materials, components and systems manufacturers, hydrogen producers and fuel distributors, utilities and other end users.

National Energy Technology Laboratory --  The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory system is owned and operated by the DOE.  Its mission is "Advancing energy options to fuel our economy, strengthen our security, and improve our environment".  NETL performs, procures, and partners with universities and the private sector.  Together, these efforts focus a wealth of scientific and engineering talent on creating commercially viable solutions to national energy and environmental problems.  NETL has expertise in coal, natural gas, and oil technologies, contract and project management, analysis of energy systems, and international energy issues.   NETL supports DOE's mission to advance the national, economic, and energy security of the United States.

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