Fuel Cell and Hydrogen

Energy Connection
October 2012
Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Industry News
Federal Program News
RFP/Solicitation News
About the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Connection

Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Industry News


Air Products Dedicates World's Largest Hydrogen Plant and Pipeline System  


Air Products held a dedication ceremony on October 23 for the Gulf Coast Connection Pipeline, a 180-mile hydrogen pipeline connecting two previously separate systems in Louisiana and Texas.


According to Air Products, this network is now the world's largest hydrogen plant and pipeline network in the world, serving hydrogen from 20 production facilities to customers along 600 miles of pipeline.  The pipeline system, online since August of this year, is supplying over 1.2 billion cubic feet of hydrogen per day to customers in Louisiana and Texas.


Air Product's press release is available online here


Toyota Activates 1.1 MW PEM Fuel Cell at Torrance Campus - Fuel Cell Provided by Ballard Power, Hydrogen Provided by Air Products


On October 17, Toyota Motor Sales activated a 1.1 megawatt (MW) proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell at their USA headquarters in Torrance, California.  The fuel cell system, provided by Ballard Power Systems, may be the largest stationary PEM fuel cell of its kind.


According to Air Products, who supplied the hydrogen for the installation, this is also the first stationary fuel cell to be fueled from an industrial hydrogen pipeline.




The 1.1 MW fuel cell will supply half of the electricity to Toyota's facilities in Torrance, reducing CO2 emissions by 3.3 million pounds during summer peak hours and saving Toyota approximately $130,000 a year.


Toyota's press release is available online here.  

Ballard Power's press release is available online here.

Air Products' press release can be found here.


AT&T Becomes Bloom Energy's Largest Non-Utility Fuel Cell Customer


On October 2, AT&T announced plans to add an additional 9.6 MW of fuel cell power from provider Bloom Energy.  Bloom will now service 28 AT&T sites in California and Connecticut with a total 17.1 MW of power.  This announcement follows an initial deployment of 7.5 MW of Bloom Energy fuel cell systems at 11 locations in California in July of last year.  AT&T is now Bloom Energy's largest non-utility customer and its Bloom Box installations are expected to produce more than 149 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually. 


CEO of Bloom Energy KR Sridhar stated, "The investment they are making now not only means they will have control on their own energy destiny, but will also help ensure a brighter and more energy rich future for all."


AT&T's press release is available online here.


Hydrogenics Awarded Over $90 Million Contract for Integrated Power Propulsion Systems


On October 3, Hydrogenics announced the company's single-largest order of over $36 million as part of a follow on contract with a major OEM.  The Hydrogenics Power Systems division based in Toronto, Canada, will provide propulsion system equipment over the next 3 years, including integrated fuel cell power systems, power electronic converters, associated hardware and propulsion system software. 


Additionally, the contract contains equipment commitments of $13 million and optional services and equipment totaling $43 million over a 10 year period.  Hydrogenics has been working with the contracting OEM for the past 7 years in development of hydrogen based propulsion systems, and the follow-on contract represents the full commercialization of the technology. 


Hydrogenics' press release is available online here.


FuelCell Energy Announces Operation of World's Largest Carbon Neutral Fuel Cell Power Plant


On October 16, FuelCell Energy announced the dedication and operation of the world's largest carbon neutral fuel cell power plant at a water treatment facility in Ontario, California.  The 2.8 MW fuel cell sold by FuelCell Energy to project developer Anaergia is operating on renewable biogas produced onsite.


Anaergia has begun selling the electricity and heat produced from the fuel cell system to Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) under a twenty year power purchase agreement.  The water treatment facility is now purchasing 60% of its base load power from Anergia through the agreement.


FuelCell Energy's press release is available online here.


Toyota to Begin Production of Fuel Cell Prius in 2014


On October 1, in an interview with German publication Writschafts Woche, a Toyota representative announced that production of a fuel cell Prius will begin in 2014.  Toyota will market the car in Japan, Europe and the US in 2015.  


In the interview, Gerald Killman, head of powertrain development at Toyota Europe, stated that where the marketing is focused will depend on the hydrogen infrastructure in place for each country.  


The interview on Writschafts Woche is available online 
here (article in German).  Fuel Cell Today's coverage of the story is available online here.


Air Liquide, Daimler, Hyundai, Honda, Intelligent Energy, Opel and Toyota Host Ride and Drive for European Parliament


The fifth Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Drive 'n' Ride was held on October 23 and 24 in Strasbourg, allowing Members of the European Parliament, political advisers, and other stakeholders to test-drive fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) from six automotive manufacturers.

Photos courtesy of FTI Consulting

Hosted by Air Liquide, Daimler, Hyundai, Honda, Intelligent Energy, Opel and Toyota, this year's Drive 'n' Ride highlighted the potential for FCEVs to reduce transportation emissions and will contribute to a more secure, sustainable and competitive transportation system in Europe.

Photos courtesy of FTI Consulting

Air Liquide provided a mobile hydrogen station for the event, allowing the FCEVs to be refueled onsite.


The event followed recent announcements made by several governments in Europe, including Germany, the United Kingdom and several Scandinavian nations, supporting the market introduction of FCEVs and hydrogen infrastructure development.


Fuel Cell Today's coverage of the event is available online here


Air Products Hydrogen Technology Fueling Plug Power Forklifts at Mercedes Alabama Plant


On October 8, Air Products completed installation of its hydrogen fueling technology and infrastructure at the Mercedes-Benz U.S. International facility in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The hydrogen technology will be used to fuel 72 Plug Power fuel cell powered forklifts which were recently converted from battery power.


The equipment and infrastructure includes an outdoor liquid hydrogen storage and compression system, as well as piping to multiple indoor fueling dispensers.


The Air Products press release is available online here.

New Shell Hydrogen Station Opened in Newport Beach - Honda Releases Video Capturing the Event


On October 17th, Honda released a video capturing the grand opening of Shell's newest public hydrogen station in Southern California. The station is located in Newport Beach, generating hydrogen on-site from natural gas.  The station features two dispensers, each capable of dispensing 10,000 psi and 5,000 psi hydrogen.


New Public Hydrogen Station Adds Convenience for FCX Clarity Customers
New Public Hydrogen Station Adds Convenience for FCX Clarity Customers


Stephen Ellis, Manager of Fuel Cell Marketing at Honda, attended the event and discussed the station's potential impact stating, "This new station will have a great impact on our ability to deliver more cars into the market, specifically here in Orange County and the Irvine-Newport Beach area.   With this station, it's really the launching time period for the growth of hydrogen stations in California that we're going to see over the next five years - unlike what we have ever seen over the last five."


The video is available on YouTube here.


Toyota, Nissan, Honda and Hyundai sign MOU on Market Introduction of FCEVs in Nordic Countries


On October 9, automakers Toyota, Nissan, Honda and Hyundai, as well as a number of hydrogen infrastructure companies and Nordic NGO's, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreeing to introduce fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and develop hydrogen infrastructure throughout Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and Denmark between 2014 and 2017.





The MOU signing ceremony was held in Copenhagen at the final stop of the European Hydrogen Highway Road Tour.  The European Hydrogen Highway Road Tour began on September 13 and toured seven FCEVs across nine cities in an effort to promote awareness of the technology and the need for hydrogen infrastructure.


The Scandinavian Hydrogen Highway Partnership, one of the signatories on the MOU and supporters of the European Hydrogen Highway Road Tour, published a press release on the announcement available online here.


Intelligent Energy Signs Statement of Intent with IndianOil


On October 23rd, Intelligent Energy and Indian Oil Corporation Limited signed a statement of intent to collaborate on projects intended to develop the use of hydrogen in fuel cell systems for the Indian market.  


The agreement was signed by Dr. S.K. Sarangi, Executive Director of Alternate Energy at Indian Oil, as well as Dr. Henri Winand, CEO of Intelligent Energy in the presence of Mr. R.S. Butola, Chairman of IndianOil, at the PETROTECH-2012 event held in New Delhi.  



The statement proposes a range of multi-phase projects that will demonstrate and then deploy Intelligent Energy fuel cell technologies powered by IndianOil hydrogen.  Applications will range from materials handling and other motive applications to telecommunications back-up.


Intelligent Energy's collaboration with IndianOil recognizes India's growing profile as an emerging fuel cell and hydrogen energy market.  Earlier this year, Ballard Power Systems announced both the deployment of 30 fuel cell systems to the Idea Cellular wireless telecommunications network, as well an the signing of an MOU to demonstrate fuel cell buses in India.  


Intelligent Energy press release is available online here.  


Air Products to Build Two New Hydrogen Stations in London


At a speaking event on October 4Air Products representative Emma Guthrie stated that Air Products plans to construct two new hydrogen stations located in East and Central London as part of the Clean Hydrogen in European Cities (CHIC) project, a partnership whose goal is to bring fuel cell buses to cities across Europe. London's current fuel cell buses were deployed under this initiative.


These planned hydrogen stations will expand on the three already installed in the London area operated by Air Products.  The other stations are currently located at Heathrow airport, East London, and Millbrook Proving Ground in Bedford.


Gasworld's coverage of the announcement is available online here.


Hawaii Natural Energy Institute Plans Hydrogen Energy Storage and Fueling Station


On October 8, the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI) announced plans to demonstrate hydrogen as an energy storage technology.  The project will also provide hydrogen for public fueling of a fuel cell shuttle bus.


As stated in an environmental assessment published by the state Office of Environmental Quality Control on October 8, this demonstration of hydrogen energy storage is being developed to increase the use of renewable energy on the island.  HNEI argues in the assessment that hydrogen energy storage is an ideal method of resolving the intermittency issues of solar and wind power.


HNEI is located at the University of Hawaii and has established an extensive hydrogen fuel research and development program.   HNEI is also a partner in the Hawaii Hydrogen Initiative (H2I).


Pacific Business News covered the announcement here.  The Office of Environmental Quality Control environmental assessment is available online here.


FuelCell Energy Highlights Advances with Development of 59 Megawatt Fuel Cell Park in South Korea


On October 17, FuelCell Energy announced market developments that support expanded demand for fuel cell deployments throughout South Korea.  Ownership over a 58.8 MW fuel cell park in Whassung City has been finalized and construction is set to begin in 2012. The park, expected to be the world's largest, will feature 21 DFC3000 power plants based on FuelCell Energy designs and components.


FuelCell Energy's press release is available online here


Swedish County Procures FCEVs from Hyundai


On October 12th, Sk�ne Regional Council signed a public contract with Hyundai to procure two fuel cell electric vehicles, the first of their kind in Sweden, arriving in spring of 2013.


The Regional Council of Sk�ne aims to be 100% fossil fuel free by 2020 and is involved in an active effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  With the purchase of hydrogen powered cars, Skane is supporting the market for low to zero emission vehicles, joining a recent announcement from the City of Copenhagen in procuring 15 Hyundai FCEVs in the spring of 2013 as well.


The procurement also follows a recent MOU signed in Copenhagen by automakers, hydrogen suppliers, and various Nordic NGOs to cooperate on the market introduction of FCEVs for 2014-2017.


H2Moves Scandinavia's press release is available online here.


Connecticut Governor Malloy Tours Carla's Pasta - Site of FuelCell Energy 300kW Fuel Cell - Touts Energy Cost Reductions and Resulting Job Growth


On October 10, Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy toured Carla's Pasta Inc., citing the pasta and pesto manufacturer as a business leader in reducing energy costs through alternative sources.  In the last year, Carla's installed a 300kW FuelCell Energy power plant which has provided significant energy cost reductions.


Carla's Pasta has used these savings to begin a 26,000 square foot expansion.  The additional space will enable company to grow from 147 employees to an expected 200 by year's end and increase the current monthly pasta production of 2 million pounds by a third.


Gov. Dannel P. Malloy visits Carla's Pasta in South Windsor Credit Ted Glanzer


At a press conference event , Governor Malloy stated "[Carla's] is a perfect example of what we can achieve working with businesses to rein in energy costs.  To do what they have done, which is recapture all forms of energy and put them into production is really quite remarkable. ... This is exactly the kind of formula of working on energy, working on environment, working on job production and growth that Connecticut needs." 


SouthWindsor Patch has published an article on the visit which is available online here.


USA Today Publishes Article on Gaining FCEV Momentum


Following major announcements last month from HyundaiHonda,ToyotaKia, and Nissan, on October 2 USA Today published an article discussing the on-going fuel cell electric vehicles developments in the industry.  The article states that the increased momentum in the automotive industry is largely the result of on-going research and development in reducing fuel cell cost and hydrogen tanks, as well as the large natural gas reserve discoveries.


The USA Today article is available online here.


Federal Program News


FuelCell Energy Carbon Capture Project Enters Phase II


On October 16, FuelCell Energy also announced that the company will enter Phase II of a carbon capture development project with the Department of Energy (DOE).  The project evaluates the efficiency of FuelCell Energy's Direct FuelCell (DFC) stack to separate carbon dioxide from coal fired power plant emissions. 


Beginning in late 2011, the three and a half year project has assessed system design, cost analysis and long-term testing of a DFC.  DOE has authorized $0.8 million of a total $3 million award to FuelCell Energy following positive results from the initial stage of research. 


FuelCell Energy's press release is available online here.


Fuel Cell Energy Team Awarded $6.0 Million in DOE Funding to Continue SOFC R&D


On October 3, FuelCell Energy, Inc. announced the receipt of a $6 million cost share award from the Department of Energy (DOE) to continue existing research and development on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs).  This R&D will be conducted through the Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA) program, a SOFC R&D program located in the DOE Office of Fossil Energy.


In a press release statement Tony Leo, FuelCell Energy's Vice President Application Engineering & Advanced Technology Development, stated "We are making excellent progress towards commercial applications with leading edge solid oxide fuel cell technology for stationary applications.  We believe this technology can provide an industry leading electrical efficiency of approximately 60 percent and still provide usable heat for combined heat and power applications, resulting in total estimated thermal efficiency between 80 and 85 percent."


FuelCell Energy's press release is available online here.


Department of Energy Webinar: California Fuel Cell Partnership's Roadmap to the Commercialization of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles


On October 16, the Department of Energy will present a webinar on the California Fuel Cell Partnership's Roadmap to the Commercialization of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles.   This webinar will focus on the road map, which identifies a need for 68 strategically placed hydrogen stations by January 2016. 


Registration for the webinar is available online here.


RFP / Solicitation News


Energy Department Announces $1 Million to Evaluate Technology Pathways for Cost-Competitive Hydrogen Fuel


The Energy Department has announced new funding to evaluate the most promising technology paths toward achieving $2 to $4 per gallon gasoline equivalent of hydrogen fuel or less by 2020. Up to $1 million will be made available for up to two projects over 3-4 years.


The projects selected through this program will help identify cost-effective and efficient materials and processes to produce hydrogen from renewable energy sources and natural gas. These projects will also analyze production and delivery technologies to identify key technical challenges and priorities and continue to evaluate technical progress and hydrogen cost status.


More information can be found on the EERE Funding Opportunity Exchange.


The deadline for submission is 5:00 PM EST on November 8, 2012. 


CSA Issues Call for Experts

CSA has issued a call for experts on the below topics:

  • Hydrogen Station and Components for Fuelling Powered Industrial Trucks TAG [HPIT 2] - Forklift manufacturers, HPIT station manufacturers
  • Breakaway Devices, Manual Valves and Automatic Valves TAG [HGV 4.4, HGV 4.6 and HGV 4.7] - Hydrogen valve manufacturers
  • Hydrogen Material Compatibility TAG [CHMC 1] - Experts in the field of rubbers and polymers and how they react when exposed to hydrogen at various temperatures and pressures.
Anyone interested in participating in these topics can contact Steve Tucky of CSA by email at [email protected].

About the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Connection




Press releases and story ideas may be forwarded to Connor Dolan and Karen Hall for consideration at  [email protected] and  [email protected] respectively.


The Sponsors


Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association --  The Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA) is the trade association for the fuel cell and hydrogen energy industry, and is dedicated to the commercialization of fuel cells and hydrogen energy technologies. Fuel cells and hydrogen energy technologies deliver clean, reliable power to leading edge corporate, academic and public sector users, and FCHEA members are helping to transform the our energy future. FCHEA represents the full global supply chain, including universities, government laboratories and agencies, trade associations, fuel cell materials, components and systems manufacturers, hydrogen producers and fuel distributors, utilities and other end users.


National Energy Technology Laboratory --  The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory system is owned and operated by the DOE.  Its mission is "Advancing energy options to fuel our economy, strengthen our security, and improve our environment".  NETL performs, procures, and partners with universities and the private sector.  Together, these efforts focus a wealth of scientific and engineering talent on creating commercially viable solutions to national energy and environmental problems.  NETL has expertise in coal, natural gas, and oil technologies, contract and project management, analysis of energy systems, and international energy issues.   NETL supports DOE's mission to advance the national, economic, and energy security of the United States.  
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