Fuel Cell and Hydrogen

Energy Connection
February 2012
Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Industry News
Federal Program News
RFP/Solicitation News
About the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Connection

Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Industry News


The Department of Energy Releases President's FY2013 Budget Request


Following the DOE budget roll-out, FCHEA hosted a webinar to review the Fuel Cell Technologies Program Budget on Tuesday, February 14, with DOE officials present to discuss and answer any questions.


A PDF file of the slides from the webinar, as well as an audio and video recording of the webinar, can be found here.   


California Passes New Regulations Requiring 1.4 Million Clean Vehicles by 2025 - Supports FCEVs and Hydrogen Infrastructure


The California Air Resources Board (ARB) recently passed new emissions standards that will help to dramatically increase the number of electric vehicles (EVs), hybrids, and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) that are sold in the state in an effort to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  The guidelines mandate that 15 percent of all new cars sold in California by 2025 will run on electricity, hydrogen or other systems that produce zero or minimal emissions.  Regulations are scheduled to kick in first for 2018 production year vehicles and ramp up annually to result in having 1.4 million clean vehicles on the road in 2025.


According to ARB, pure battery electric vehicles and FCEVs are expected to account for 500,000 of the 1.4 million vehicles, and will be supported by infrastructure that is also mandated by the new regulations.  Oil companies will be expected to install alternative fueling stations voluntarily, if not, hydrogen stations and electric vehicle charging stations will be required once sales reach specified levels.


The ARB predicts that the package of initiatives included in the regulations will save Californians $22 billion through 2025, and create 21,000 new jobs in the state by diverting consumer money away from gasoline and into more productive economic sectors.  The ARB also forecasted that the regulations will increase the price of a new car by $1,900 by 2025, but concurrently lower average gasoline costs by $5,900 over the life of a vehicle.


For more information on the ARB ruling, you can view articles online by Reuters, the LA Times, and the NY Times.


Apple to Install 5 MW Fuel Cell Power Plant Running on Biogas at North Carolina Data Center


Apple announced via a new Facilities Environment Report, that they will be powering their Maiden, North Carolina data center with a 20 MW solar array, the largest end-user-owned onsite solar array in the country, as well as a 5 MW fuel cell system, the largest non-utility fuel cell installation in the country. 


DOE EERE Banner 

The 5 MW installation will be fueled completely by biogas and will provide more than 40 million kWh of base-load renewable energy annually to the facility.


Apple's Facilities Environment Report is available online here.


U.S. Army Deploys First Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles in Hawaii - Supplied by General Motors


The U.S. Army has announced that they are testing a fleet of 16 General Motors fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) across Hawaii.  The vehicles were chosen over other alternative vehicles for their 200 mile range and rapid refueling time; and because they can be fueled 100% locally -  they run on hydrogen produced exclusively from Hawaiian sources of energy.


Senate Appropriations Chairman Inouye (D-HI) Inspects the Hydrogen Fleet


The FCEV fleet serves as administrative vehicles; as Senator Inouye sees above, one of the vehicles demonstrates an option for the fuel cell to serve as a silent and efficient mobile generator, producing enough electricity to power a command center.  "We think [the fuel cell generator] might have greater application in combat vehicles," said Major General Roger Matthews, Deputy Commanding General of the U.S. Army Pacific.


 DOE EERE Banner 

The full story is available online here.


Fuel Cells 2000 Releases State Policy Wrap-up 2011


Fuel Cells 2000 has released an overview of state legislation and policy initiatives that has affected the fuel cell and hydrogen energy industry in 2011.


The report covers Seventeen states which enacted, expanded or implemented fuel cell and hydrogen-related tax incentives, business support, grant funding opportunities and other policies


The report can be found online here.


Europe's Largest Hydrogen Refueling Station Opens in Hamburg


This week the city of Hamburg, Germany opened Europes largest hydrogen refueling station, capable of delivering 750 kilograms of hydrogen per day.  The station, supplied by power company Vattenfall, will deliver fuel for twenty fuel cell buses in operation in Hamburg, as well as the general public.




Half of the hydrogen is produced by electrolyzers supplied by Hydrogenics which utilize the stations on-site renewable energy sources.  The remaining hydrogen is delivered from off-site.


The station is part of Germany's "Clean Energy Partnership," a public-private partnership between Germany's federal government, oil and energy companies, automobile manufacturers working to develop Germany's hydrogen infrastructure.


The original article is available Welt Online here (webpage is in German).  For an overview in English, you can visit Fuel Cell Today's coverage, available here.


Bloom Energy Installs First Fuel Cell in Los Angeles High-Rise


Bloom Energy has installed two of its solid-oxide fuel cell units at Century City skyscraper Constellation place, formerly known as MGM Tower.  This is the first Los Angeles high-rise to be powered by electricity generated from a fuel cell.




The two fuel cell units total 400 kW of power, about one-third of the electricity needed by the 35-story tower, and will reduce the buildings emissions from power generation by 30%.


The full article is available online here.


Federal Program News 


U.S. DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Program Request for Information Announced
The Department of Energy (DOE) seeks feedback from stakeholders for technology deployment activities aimed at verifying the commercial readiness of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies, consistent with DOE's on-going efforts and mission. Areas of interest include the following: 


Area of Interest 1: Innovative, Commercially Ready Fuel Cell Systems for Specific Applications. 


Subtopic 1A: Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) for Refrigerated Trucks.


Subtopic 1B: Fuel Cell Recharging Systems for All-Electric Light- or Heavy-Duty Trucks. 


Area of Interest 2: Technology Deployment Projects for Other On- or Off-Road Transportation Markets. 


The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather feedback from stakeholders prior to DOE potentially issuing a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). This RFI is not a FOA; therefore, DOE is not accepting applications at this time. DOE may issue a FOA in the future, providing approximately 45 calendar days for applicants to prepare and submit applications. However, DOE may also elect not to issue a FOA. There is no guarantee that a FOA will be issued as a result of this RFI. 
Responding to this RFI does not provide any advantage or disadvantage to potential applicants if DOE chooses to issue a FOA regarding the subject matter. 


Final details, including the anticipated award size, quantity, and timing of DOE funded awards, will be subject to Congressional appropriations and direction.


Responses are due by March 2, 2012.


More information is available online here.

Department of Energy Blog - Leaders of the Fuel Cell Pack

Sunita Satyapal, Program Manager for the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Program, published an article in the Department of Energy's blog this week highlighting top companies employing fuel cells.


The article details Fuel Cells 2000's recent report, Business Case for Fuel Cells 2011, which profiles 34 high-profile end-users of fuel cell systems and how they have incorporated our technologies into their business model.

Sunita's blog is available online here.

Fuel Cell Technologies Program Fellowship Opportunities Available


The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is seeking applicants for a Fellowship Program in multiple areas within EERE, including the Fuel Cell Technologies Program. The Fellowships offer recent Ph.D. recipients the opportunity to conduct applied research at universities, national laboratories, and other research facilities. Research fellowships will be awarded to qualified applicants to work on collaborative applied research topics of mutual interest to the applicant, the host facility, and the sponsoring EERE Program. 


The EERE Fellowship Program aims to create the next generation of scientific leaders in energy efficiency and renewable energy by attracting creative scientists and engineers to pursue breakthrough technologies in a highly prestigious postdoctoral research program.


One position is available in the Fuel Cell Technologies Program in the area of Systems Analysis. Application forms are now available and are due May 1, 2012. Applicants must have U.S. citizenship or Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status by September 30, 2012.


More information is available online here. 


RFP / Solicitation News


Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking Launched 5th Annual Call for Proposals


€150 million's worth have been allocated for the support of fuel cells and hydrogen technologies through research and demonstration projects, with €77.5 million from the European Commission matched by in-kind contributions from industry and research organizations.


The 2012 call covers 31 topics divided into 5 application areas: transportation and refueling infrastructure; hydrogen production and distribution; stationary power generation, early markets and cross-cutting issues. 


The call for proposals FCH JU- 2012-1 is published on the participant portal, here.  


The deadline for submission of applications is May 24, 2012. 


A public information session and a brokerage event co-organized by the Industry and Research Groupings of the Joint Undertaking will take place on 9 February in Brussels, in the premises of the FCH-JU. To get more information and to register, please contact [email protected]


U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Broad Agency Announcement


The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) is the Navy's corporate laboratory. ONRL conducts basic and applied research for the Navy in a variety of scientific and technical disciplines. The basic research program is driven by perceptions about future requirements of the Navy. 


To accomplish this task, NRL has issued a general Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) soliciting proposals ranging from theoretical studies to proof-of-concept to include fabrication and delivery of a prototype.  Fuel cells and hydrogen are included in this BAA under the topics of Power/Energy Source Materials and Systems (61-11-01) and Corrosion Processes, Control, Mitigation, and Technology (61-11-02).  The deadline for proposals is June 16, 2012.


More information regarding the NRL BAA is available online here.

About the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Connection




Press releases and story ideas may be forwarded to Connor Dolan and Karen Hall for consideration at  [email protected] and  [email protected] respectively.


The Sponsors
Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association --  The Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA) is the world's premier advocacy organization dedicated to the commercialization of fuel cells and hydrogen energy technologies.  Its membership represents the full spectrum of the supply chain from universities, government laboratories and agencies, fuel cell materials, component and system manufacturers, hydrogen producers and fuel distributors, utilities and other end users. (http://www.fchea.org/)


National Energy Technology Laboratory --  The National Energy Technology Laboratory is federally owned and operated.  Its mission is "We Solve National Energy and Environmental Problems."  NETL performs, procures, and partners in technical research, development, and demonstration to advance technology into the commercial marketplace, thereby benefiting the environment, contributing to U.S. employment, and advancing the position of U.S. industries in the global market. (http://www.netl.doe.gov)
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