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 Unit 141 Newsletter         February 2015
   Philadelphia Contract Bridge Association


In This Issue

  • Feb. Bala Sectional
  • Appear Like a Pro
  • Annual Brunch
  • ABA Tournament
  • Table Tips
  • News 
  • Upcoming Events

    Send your comments and suggestions for future articles to Allison Brandt at allison@dovetailpress.com

    Join Button 

    Make a Date for the Next Bala Sectional: Feb. 6 - 8!   
    We keep you warm during the winter weather with Unit 141 Sectionals at Bala. A successful January tournament last month is followed this week by the February Sectional on February 6 - 8. For a link to the tournament flyer, click here.

    The popular features will be in place, as always:

    * afternoon pairs events pairs award 40% more masterpoints
    * 2:15 afternoon start for an early finish
    * bracketed compact knockout on Saturday
    * Unit 141 Dupli-Swiss on Sunday
    * free breakfast, lunch, and snacks each and every day
    * free valet or plenty of self-parking
    * advanced entry sales at the tournament to reduce waiting times in line

    So line up your partners and teammates for the Bala weekend of February 6 - 8 and plan for a great tournament!



    How to Appear Like a Pro  

    [Last month, we reported on Larry Cohen's At-Sea Regionals. Our thanks to him this month for the source of this article on how to appear like a professional at the bridge table -- even if you aren't!]

    I know that most bridge players want to have a good time and enjoy the game. Wonderful! But along the way, here are some tips on how to appear and act more professional. It will be good for your image.

    PHYSICAL APPEARANCE:  Sit up straight. Hold your cards close so nobody at the table can see them. Concentrate! Try to block out the fact that it might be too hot or cold or noisy. Don't let others see your mind/eyes wandering. No faces during the bidding or play. Keep a poker face at all times.

    Post Image (magazine) WHAT TO SAY (AND NOT SAY): No yelling at or criticizing partner. Try some smiles and laughter. No unsolicited post-mortems. Don't show ignorance by reacting to a travelling score ("Look, everyone else made it!" So what? Maybe every other table gave bad defense). Travellers are for amusement purposes only. Show good manners. Be polite to partner and the opponents. Anything less shows a lack of professionalism.

    TEMPO: All bridge actions must be made in a calm, even-mannered tempo. This isn't to say that you won't have to think extra long at times -- thinking is allowed. But avoid any fast and snappy actions that convey unauthorized information. No "coffee housing" (thinking when there is nothing to think about). Always strive to display perfect ethics.

    bridge timer TIME: Don't needlessly hold up the game. Don't postmortem the previous deal. Pick up your hand, sort it, and get to the bidding without delaying the game. When you are on opening lead, don't first write in your scorecard. Make your lead, then write.

    DURING THE AUCTION: Don't ask silly or useless questions. If you really need to know the meaning of an alert because you are thinking of entering the bidding, wait until your turn and then ask. Most alerts -- especially when you are passing throughout -- can wait until after the auction. You do yourself a disservice by asking during the auction. If your opponents have the auction to themselves and suddenly jump to 4NT, what good is it to ask the meaning? You only help the opponents by asking. 


    Save the Date! Annual Meeting
    and Brunch Set for April 26

    Each year, Unit 141 hosts an Annual Meeting and Brunch that is open to every member of the unit. The event includes a lovely brunch, followed by a public meeting of the board, and then the Sonny Jaspan Memorial game.

    This year's Unit 141 Annual Meeting and Brunch will take place on Sunday, April 26 at Green Valley Country Club. The brunch begins at 10:30 AM; the meeting and game follow immediately after.

    The purpose of the Annual Meeting is enable the Unit members to learn about current issues facing the board, ask questions, and recognize the past year's new life masters, Mini-McKenney, and Ace of Clubs winners. The game that follows honors Unit 141 beloved player Sonny Jaspan.

    The cost for the entire event is $30. All new life masters, Mini-McKenney, and Ace of Clubs winners who attend will receive a free sectional play. For secure credit card or PayPal payments, attendees can send their email address to Joan Warren at philadelphiabridge@gmail.com. Checks should be made out to "PCBA" and mailed to:

    Joan Warren c/o Raffles Bridge Club
    3901 Conshohocken Ave.
    Defensive Arts Center Suite 11
    Philadelphia, PA 19131

    Questions should be address to event coordinator Joan Warren at philadelphiabridge@gmail.com.


    American Bridge Association Hosts Spring Nationals in AC

    This year's American Bridge Association Spring National will be held at Resorts Casino in Atlantic City from April 11 - 17. All are welcome to attend. Many features make it a great destination for bridge.

    Each day, the tournament runs a full slate of both Open and New Players events, including side games, knockouts, and "Pro-Am-Hams." For a detailed look at the full schedule, click here.

    Room rates at the hotel are only $59 during the week, $89 on Friday night, and $99 on Saturday. Self-parking is a remarkably low $5, no matter how many days you stay. For additional details and contact information, click here to view their website.


    Table Tips: Act Like a Pro

    This month's Larry Cohen article (above) offers tips on how to act like a professional at the table -- even if you aren't. For this month's Table Tips, we refer you to that article for more detail on Larry's key tips:

    * Be aware of your physical appearance.
    * Watch what you say and don't say at the table.
    * Bid and play in tempo so as not to convey unauthorized information to your partner or the opponents.
    * Don't needlessly waste time.
    * Avoid asking questions about the bidding that won't help you, but might help the opponents.


    News from Around the Unit 
    Card Hand on Right
    For 30 years, the Scottsville Duplicate Bridge Club has run a bridge game. They continue to do so each Friday at 12:00 PM at the Scottsville Methodist Church near Langhorne, PA. The game is open to all players, serves refreshments, averages 6-8 tables, and will soon join the Common Game. Al Schindler, the director, and his assistant Myrna Shervin strive to make the game friendly and welcoming to all. Al reports that Myrna had perfect attendance at the 51 games last year and is working to become a certified club director so she can take over running the games. For more information, contact Al Schindler at 215-639-4197 or by email at asbtdir@msn.com.

    Yorktown Bridge Club
    has lowered its annual membership from $48 to $36. Card fees for 2015 will be $9 for members and $11 for nonmembers. Membership perks will include no upcharge for lunches, masterpoint rewards, free play eligibility, and directory listing. For more information, visit the website: http://www.yorktownbridgeclub.com/.

    Beginning January 4, the North Penn Bridge Club will host a Sunday afternoon pairs game at 1 PM. The game will be held each week except when Unit 141 hosts a Bala sectional (so no game Feb 8). Visit the North Penn website for more information: www.northpennbridge.com/

    Local clubs and players are encouraged to send announcements, news, updates, or information for placement in upcoming newsletters.

    Unit 141 Newsletter, February 2015
    Volume 5, Issue 2
    Editor: Allison Brandt (allison@dovetailpress.com