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In This Issue:
Rhonda S. Musak, Acting Coach

As an acting coach, I work with passionate and committed actors who are stuck and I get them unstuck.
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It is February and Art & Soul Acting is back in full swing after our holiday/Leap workshop break!

I had an extraordinary time leading four fabulous Leap with Passion workshops: one in Chicago, two in NYC and one Online/Live.

It was so great to connect again with my Chicago attendees in December -- some who have attended each year since I've kicked off my Chicago Leap. A huge thank you to The Green Room Studio for hosting me! If you're in the Windy City and looking for some solid acting classes, I highly recommend checking them out.

And back here in NYC I held my earliest Leap workshop ever on January 2. It was fantastic seeing everyone at that workshop and the two that followed. Thanks to all attendees for creating such a warm and wonderful place for everyone to greet the New Year.

I'm glad to say that our extended break is over and the Drop-In Acting Class is up and running as is the Book Club for Actors. Details are below.

And if you are looking to rev up your acting in 2016 and finally land that manager or agent, I highly recommend checking out The Actor's Project NYC (TAPNYC). TAPNYC is committed to helping actors land representation. It is been my joy to sponsor TAPNYC for the past year and a half and I highly recommend checking them out. Details are below.

May Cupid's arrow hit you where it counts!


Rhonda Musak
Acting Coach

Art & Soul Acting
Acting class is the actor's laboratory and the Drop-In Acting Class at Art & Soul Acting is the place to play, explore, express and nail down your technique so that your next audition rocks it out of the park.

Class Structure
Each class begins with a brief warm-up so students can approach their work centered and focused. Actors then work on their material of choice in an individual work slot.

Work Slot Options
Actors may choose to work on any of the following: 
  • Monologues
  • Cold Readings for Film or Stage
  • Audition Process & Technique
  • Preparation for an Upcoming Audition
  • Exercises to Stretch the Actors Instrument
  • Scene Study
  • Preparation for an Upcoming Role
  • Acting Technique Breakdown for an Acting Issue
  • Get Unstuck Coaching  
DAY: Wednesdays
TIME: 6-10 PM
DATES: weekly
LOCATION: NYC Studio/Union Square Area
FEE: $55/class

For complete details & registration please visit:

If you've ever cringed because you've been asked about a play that you think you should have read, then the Book Club for Actors is your remedy.

The 31st Book Club for Actors will focus on the plays of: 

The Book Club for Actors is offered twice. Please choose one of two meetings:

Monday, February 29, 7-9 
Saturday, March 5, 3-5

East Village location will be e-mailed with RSVP confirmation.

Read plays from the following selection of Moliere's work:
  • The Misanthrope *
  • The School for Wives
  • Critique of the School for Wives
  • Tartuffe
  • The Miser
  • The Bourgeois Gentleman 
So all participants are on the same page with at least one play, please be sure to read the play marked with an asterisk (*). And t
o ensure a robust conversation, participants are asked to read at least 3-4 plays.

Be ready to share what you have discovered about this amazing playwright so we can all learn and grow together!

For complete details & RSVP please visit:

Super charge the New Year with vsion and focus. In this life-aligning, 5-hour workshop, participations create a plan for the year ahead...a plan that will stick.

Leap with Passion into 2016!!!
2016 Leap attendees will receive Leaps & Bounds -- a bite-sized monthly reminder to inspire deep integration of all the discoveries made during the Leap workshop. 

Please look for it in your e-mail inbox near the middle of each month.

Leap with Passion into 2017!!!
Dates TBA

I feel like I've accomplished more in the years that I've done the Leap with Passion workshop than in the years that I have not.
~ Amy Buss ~

Delve deeper into the craft and business of acting with articles that break it all down and build you up.

For the past two years I have been a part of the fabulous Actors Pro Expo: a convention created for actors by actors to help and encourage actors in all areas of life as a professional. This week I am thrilled to have my latest article up on their blog!


The Real Magic of Trusting Given Circumstances
by Rhonda S. Musak
I had been working in class with two students on a scene from the play My Thing of Love by Alexandra Gersten. One of my students was challenged by several lines of text where her character was recounting a past incident.
I asked my student several questions which led to the creation of a very specific exploration. As my student fully immersed herself in that exploration along with the text, the scene sprung to life.
Astonished by the actor's quick and complete turnaround, my class almost all at once turned to me and exclaimed, "How did you know to do that?!?"
Ahhh, my favorite question as an acting teacher: how...

I LOVE sponsoring TAPNYC! If you're looking to land a manager or an agent, I highly recommend checking them out.

The Actor's Project NYC (TAPNYC) is a unique membership theater company dedicated to assisting its members land agents and get work through quality off-Broadway industry showcases.

All TAPNYC shows are attended by legit agents, commercial agents, talent managers and casting directors in TV, film and theater.

TAPNYC is a commitment, but one that I've seen pay off for many, many actors who are now working with wonderful managers and fabulous agents. Te showcases are FUN and you will love Bobby Holder & Ann Bonner who run the company!

Auditions for their next season are in process.

You've studied with me, you've booked the job -- now share the FAB news!

Bellisant Corcoran-Mathe
Congratulations on your acceptance into LAMDA's Shakespeare program.

Catalina Jackson
Congratulations on your acceptance into the Atlantic Acting School's Conservatory program.

Rachel Leighson
Congratulations on your upcoming performance at Carnegie Hall.

Jenna Kantor
Congratulations on the creation of your Frozen- themed show now touring children's wards at NYC hospitals.

Lea McKenna-Garcia
Congratulations on your recent performance at 54Below.

Andrew Rothkin
Congratulations on your recent performance in Tosca at Jazz at Lincoln Center.
"The whole culture is telling you to hurry, 
while the art tells you to take your time. 
Always listen to the art." 
~ Junot Diaz ~

Rhonda S. Musak

Hone your Art. Feed your Soul.