Rhonda Musak
Acting Coach
Quick Links
Have you studied with me? If so, if you would be willing to write a review of your experience of working with me on Actor Rated it would be greatly appreciated!
Follow Book Club for Actors' on Twitter at #asabc
I am very excited because it is almost August 8!!! Oh, what is August 8, you ask? (And I'm so glad that you did.) Big Announcement!!!
On August 8 - yes, in 2 days - you will receive in your e-mail box a very special recording that I have been crafting and devising since April!No... Sorry! I'm not letting the cat scamper out of the bag today -- but, let me assure you that it is bound to be enormously helpful to you at your auditions. Hummmm...curiouser and curiouser...
So please check your inbox on Thursday for my gift to you! Until then, I'm keeping it off the record, on the QT and very hush-hush. ;-)
In the meantime, I do invite you to check out the upcoming Art & Soul Acting Acting Class goings-on (classes start in NYC September 9th & 12th -- and they are going to be FAB!) and a quick reminder that you still have nearly 6 weeks to read for the next Book Club for Actors'. Details below. Wishing you blissful summer days -
Rhonda S. Musak
Acting Coach
Art & Soul Acting
What's Going on with Acting Class?
For an actor, acting class is the #1 laboratory for growth and exploration. It is the place to take risks...a safe harbor where it's okay to let go of perfection in lieu of stretching and expanding beyond limitations.
Next classes begin in September!
Core Acting Technique
Core Acting Technique is a dynamic, structured 10-week class designed to fortify and deepen the skills that go into brilliant acting while stretching students as artists and as human beings.
Acting exercises, take home assignments for in-class work and scene study make up the bulk of each class. This powerful classroom work allows students to grow at a rapid pace while creating an acting foundation that will serve for a lifetime.
This class is perfect for those who are beginners, for those who are looking for a slower paced class, or for those with prior acting experience who need a technique brush-up.
This is not a sit in your seat lecture! Students are up on their feet working in every class in a supportive environment that allows them to really take risks and fly.
Class size is kept small so that participants have time to be up on their feet working, making mistakes, learning from their mistakes and growing into ever more powerful actors.
DAY: Mondays
TIME: 6-10 PM
DATES: September 9-November 11 (a total of 10 classes)
FEE: $495, payable in 2 installments
Scene Study & Cold Reading Technique
Scene Study & Cold Reading Technique is 10-week class created specifically for the actor who wants to deeply invigorate and rev up their scene work capacity with an eye toward booking more acting work.
By pairing scene study along with cold readings, students will have the opportunity to both ground their scene work skills and then take them even further by tying them to the quick work that's often required at an audition.
This is a real acting workout. Each week, actors will be up on their feet further developing their craft and adding new skills to their acting tool bag -- this is not a sit-in-your seat lecture.
Throughout the 10-week course, actors will take their scene work skills and apply them to cold reading in the quick manner of the audition process.
The class atmosphere is supportive and is the perfect environment to take risks in order to grow beyond limitations.
Throughout the 10-week course, actors will take their scene work skills and apply them to cold reading in the quick manner of the audition process.
Students will learn:
- 4 Key Shortcuts to a Great Cold Reading
- How to Take Control of the Audition Room
- The Most Important Cold Reading Preparation Strategies
This class is designed for students with prior acting experience. It would not be appropriate for actors at a beginning level or those who have no prior acting experience.
DAY: Thursdays
TIME: 6-10 PM
DATES: September 12-November 14 (a total of 10 classes)
FEE: $495, payable in 2 installments
What's Up with the Book Club for Actors'?
Remaining reading time - 5.5 weeks!
On Tuesday, September 10 & Saturday, September 14 we will be playing some catch-up and discussing the plays of all 18 Book Club for Actors' playwrights.
The Book Club for Actors' is offered twice; please choose either meeting:
WHEN: Tuesday, September 10, 7-9:00 - East Village OR
Saturday, September 14, 3-5:00 - East Village
WHERE: Location will be e-mailed with RSVP confirmation
For the next Book Club for Actors, we take a little detour -- right back through the 18 amazing playwrights we've already read. At the end of every book club meeting, attendees are often inspired to read the plays on the list they had not yet read. This is that magical opportunity to do so!
To get started, please visit the Book Club for Actors' Archive. There you'll see listed all of the playwrights and plays read thus far. Choose to read and watch whatever you'd like in order to catch up. Also, feel free to re-read anything that strikes your fancy.
If you're not a regular attender or are planning to attend the book club meeting for the first time in September, you may have a little more to "catch up" on. No need to feel overwhelmed having to read it all; choose a good handful of plays (at least 5-7) and get ready for some compelling conversation touching on the work of these captivating Book Club for Actors' playwrights.
Looking forward to it!
Click here for complete details & to RSVP.
Curious about the Book Club for Actors'? Please check out following articles:
Summer Acting Intensive for Teens
Art & Soul Acting travels! The Summer Acting Intensive for Teens is a one-of-a-kind traveling professional acting workshop. Teens spend a week training like the pros!
Created in 2011-but dreamed about for a long time-the aim of this workshop is to bring acting training to teens who might not otherwise have the opportunity to study professionally.
I love that every day I walked into class
I learned something new.
~ Julia Barich ~
Classes: Monday-Friday, 5-hours a day
Final Rehearsal: Saturday, 5-hours
Dinner Break: 1-hour
Warm-Up & Half-Hour Call: 1-hour
Performance Cabaret: 45 minutes
Post-Performance Celebration!
Summer 2013
 | Joint LTHS & MCHS Workshop Students |
Summer Acting Intensive for Teens
LEAP with Passion into 2014!!!
Leap 2013 celebrated the 5th year of the annual Leap with Passion Workshop. It is a sought after favorite of many of my students.
Leap with Passion into 2013!!!
2013 Leap attendees will receive Leaps & Bounds -- a bite-sized monthly reminder to inspire deep integration of all the discoveries made during the Leap workshop.
Please look for it in your e-mail inbox near the middle of each month.
Leap with Passion into 2014!!! It's never too early to plan ahead!
- Tentative: November 23 or 24 - London
- Sunday, December 1 - NYC
- Saturday, December 28 - Chicago
- Saturday, January 4 - NYC
I've never before felt so sure that my new year's resolutions are totally possible and will unquestionably be integrated into my life in 2013. I am amazed at how much I've already forged ahead with my goals and it's only been 2 weeks...
FEE: $85 - Register now and lock in Leap 2013 rates!
Int'l Workshops: Cape Town, South Africa
Not able to make it to NYC? No problem, Art & Soul Acting will travel to you!
Regretfully, it's looking like I will not make it to Cape Town in 2013; however, I have not given up and am holding the possibility of August, 2014.
I know, I know that's a l-o-n-g way off, but I am soooo looking forward to making it happen next year.
I hope you will join me then!
Book that Job Blog's Latest Articles
The "Book That Job Blog" features articles focusing on the craft or business of acting.
July 11, 2013
An Actor's Guide to Getting Past Gremlins (Part 1 of 5)
Actors want to make quick progress when it comes to acting. Whether it be mastering the skills of acting or having a great career, everyone wants to beat a quick and steady path to success.
But what do you do if you're stuck? You want to make progress, but for one reason or another you find yourself at a standstill. Maybe it feels like a wall surrounds you or maybe you experience it as a physical pain in your body. You're stuck! Not only are no opportunities flowing in, you're also not creating any on your own.
Actors are busy people, but patiently taking the time to become aware of and move through inner blocks and resistance will put an actor back on track ready to move powerfully forward...
July 24, 2013
An Actor's Guide to Getting Past Gremlins: Fear of Dreaming (Part 2 of 5)
In An Actor's Guide to Getting Past Gremlins (Part 1 of 5), we explored what exactly a gremlin is, the ways these tricky sprites can hold an actor back and how the brain can either support or hinder a gremlin from taking hold.
As we gear up to explore our first of four gremlins: Fear of Dreaming, let's look at the dictionary definition of gremlin. According to the Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, a 1941 definition of a gremlin is "a small gnome held to be responsible for malfunction of equipment especially in aircraft." What's not to love about this definition!?! Actors want to fly, but malfunctions (gremlins) can sometimes even prevent them from getting off the ground.
For some actors, these gremlins show up as a Fear of Dreaming...
Click here to read entire article.
August 1, 2013
An Actor's Guide to Getting Past Gremlins: Victim Identification (Part 3 of 5)
While some people who have a desire to act find themselves wrestling with a Fear of Dreaming gremlin during the inspirational phase of becoming an actor (An Actors Guide to Getting past Gremlins: Fear of Dreaming, Part 2 of 5), full-fledged actors can struggle with gremlins, too.
In Part 3 of this series we look at a particularly destructive gremlin called the Victim Identification gremlin. Actors dealing with this gremlin internally identify with various factors - real or perceived - that keep them being a victim who is stuck...
Click here to read entire article.
 If you've studied with me and have news to share, please let me know the details by about 5 days before the end of the month; I am happy to include it here!
Shea Davies
Hoe to Save Your Own Life
Jeremy Ellison Gladstone
Clybourne Park
Performing the roles of Jim, Tom & Kenneth
Hangar Theatre
August 8-17, 2013
Tickets & complete details.
Andrew Rothkin
Expiration Date
Performing the role of Albert
Edinburgh Fringe - opening August 3
Visit www.AndrewRothkin.com for complete details.
Julie Voshell
Beckett in Benghazi
Performing the role of Judy
July 25-August 10
Tickets & complete details.