Rhonda Musak
Acting Coach
Quick Links
Have you studied with me? If so, if you would be willing to write a review of your experience of working with me on Actor Rated it would be greatly appreciated!
Follow Book Club for Actors' on Twitter at #asabc
There's something about the scent of spring in the air that makes me feel like all things are possible! It seems like pure magic just to walk down the street and sense that winter is starting to shake off her miserable old coat as we spy the first glimpses of blossoming daffodils and crocuses. Now you may be reading this in California, or Jamaica or even South Africa, but I invite you, too, to throw off the metaphorical coat and experience the renewing energy of spring. As an actor, if you were to do a little spring cleaning what is it that you would let go of and clear out of the way so that those seeds that you really want to grow have a free and open space in order to do so? Over the past month I've received some wonderful feedback about my Newsletter, E-Zine and Blog. Thank you all for both your kind kudos as well as thoughts and recommendations of changes and additions that you'd like to see. I'm looking forward to doing a little spring cleaning myself and implementing some of these things in the next month!
In gracious abundance - Rhonda PS Please enjoy one of my favorite spring photos taken in 2011 in the East Village, NYC. Rhonda S. Musak Acting Coach Art & Soul Acting |
What's Going on with Acting Class?
For an actor, acting class is the #1 laboratory for growth and exploration. It is the place to take risks...a safe harbor where it's okay to let go of perfection in lieu of stretching and expanding beyond limitations.
The next round of classes and dates will be announced in May. Please stay tuned!
What's Up with the Book Club for Actors'?
Remaining reading time - 4.5 weeks!
On Monday, April 29 & Saturday, May 4 we will be discussing the plays of Will Eno.
The Book Club for Actors' is offered twice; please choose either meeting:
WHEN: Monday, April 29, 7-9:00 - East Village OR
Saturday, May 4, 3-5:00 - East Village
WHERE: Location will be e-mailed with RSVP confirmation
Please begin by reading Thom Pain (based on nothing). After that, feel free to read any play from the Will Eno Reading List found on the Art & Soul Acting website. To ensure a robust conversation, participants are asked to read at least 3-4 plays.
Be ready to share what you have discovered about this amazing playwright so we can all learn and grow together.
Looking forward to it!
Click here for complete details & to RSVP.
Curious about the Book Club for Actors'? Please check out following articles:
Summer Acting Intensive for Teens?
Art & Soul Acting travels! The Summer Acting Intensive for Teens is a one-of-a-kind traveling professional acting workshop. Teens spend a week training like the pros!
Created in 2011-but dreamed about for a long time-the aim of this workshop is to bring acting training to teens who might not otherwise have the opportunity to study professionally.
The group activities made me feel as one with my fellow actors in the workshop, and I believe the trusting bond was carried on from the stage to everyday life. I made friends, improvements, and most importantly memories to last a lifetime.
~ Brandon Vlach ~
Summer 2013 will feature both Level I & Level II:
- Level I -- Core Acting Technique: Intense focus on the core elements that go into powerful acting.
- Level II -- The Audition Process: Includes monologues, cold readings and college audition prep. Prerequisites: Level I.
I love that every day I walked into class
I learned something new.
~ Julia Barich ~
Classes: Monday-Friday, 5-hours a day
Final Rehearsal: Saturday, 5-hours
Dinner Break: 1-hour
Warm-Up & Half-Hour Call: 1-hour
Performance Cabaret: 45 minutes
Post-Performance Celebration!
The Summer Acting Intensive for Teens was absolutely incredible. I walked in with an idea of how to act, and left knowing how to act. I feel a lot more confident in myself and my acting abilities now.
~ Patrick Gosney ~
Confirmed Bookings:
- Level I: June 3-8 Minooka Community High School, IL
- Level II: June 7-22 Lockport Township High School, IL
2013 workshops are booking now! If you are interested in hosting a Summer Acting Intensive for Teens in your area -- or know someone who is -- please visit the Art & Soul Acting website for complete details:
Summer Acting Intensive for Teens
LEAP with Passion into 2013!!!
Leap 2013 celebrated the 5th year of the annual Leap with Passion Workshop. It is a sought after favorite of many of my students.
Leap with Passion into 2013!!!
2013 Leap attendees will receive Leaps & Bounds -- a bite-sized monthly reminder to inspire deep integration of all the discoveries made during the Leap workshop.
Please look for it in your e-mail inbox near the middle of each month.
Leap with Passion into 2014!!! It's never too early to plan ahead!
- Tentative: November ? - London
- Sunday, December 1 - NYC
- Saturday, December 28 - Chicago
- Saturday, January 4 - NYC
I've never before felt so sure that my new year's resolutions are totally possible and will unquestionably be integrated into my life in 2013. I am amazed at how much I've already forged ahead with my goals and it's only been 2 weeks...
FEE: $85 - Register now and lock in Leap 2013 rates!
Int'l Workshops: Cape Town, South Africa
Not able to make it to NYC? No problem, Art & Soul Acting will travel to you!
Mastering The Audition Juggernaut is in the process of being rescheduled...stay tuned for details.
Mastering the Audition Juggernaut
An Affordable, Weeklong, 35-Hour Intensive Acting Workshop for Actors in Cape Town, South Africa
It has been said that to be a great actor you only need to know how to do 10 things really well... but you have to do all of them at the same time.Auditions present a particular challenge to the actor. Not only do actors need to be fully present and do their very best acting on demand, but they also need to expertly handle the pressures of an audition room such that they slow down those precious 2 minutes and use them to their best advantage. Actors have been told a thousand times over, "Be confident!" "Be yourself!" "Have fun!" Well, that just doesn't cut it. Left out of the equation is the critical HOW to actually do those things...and how to do them all within a limited span of time. Mastering The Audition Juggernaut steps outside the box to approach mastering these mandatory skills from several angles. This is an on your feet workshop, not a sit in your seat lecture. Over the course of 6 days, actors will engage in a series of dynamic and expressive acting exercises designed to recalibrate the way they approach auditions. What makes Rhonda an amazing teacher is her ability to meet you where you are, connect and identify your needs in that moment--she does what every great teacher does, leads until you can take the lead with confidence. No matter what mood I am in when I arrive to a class or a session with Rhonda, I leave feeling like an artist that is back on the right course in the journey. ~ Shea Davies, Actor NYC ~ Participations will:
- Learn a warm-up process that will bring them into creative flow
- Discover a 4-part shortcut to great cold readings
- Learn the best ways of preparing for an audition on their own
- Learn how to take control of the audition room
- Deepen their relationship with the camera
- Increase their ability to work with ease while under pressure
Book that Job Blog's Latest Articles
The "Book That Job Blog" features a weekly article focusing on the craft or business of acting.
February 19, 2013
How to Rehearse a Scene without Wasting Time - Part I of II
You know the drill...you're in an acting class and you've been assigned a scene with a partner. It's a great scene and you've really been looking forward to working with this actor. You do all the requisite things that you do when you begin to work on the scene including scheduling a time to meet. You choose to meet at your scene partner's apartment for rehearsal.
On the day of your scheduled rehearsal, you show up on time but discover that you and your scene partner share the same hobby. How exciting! Conversation ensues as the hands on the clock begin to tick. One thing leads to another and you're looking at each other's websites, talking about casting calls, having a snack and then...oops-time is almost up for rehearsal!
At that point, one of you looks at the other and says we should start rehearsing....
March 26, 2013
How to Rehearse a Scene without Wasting Time - Part II of II
The day has come for your first rehearsal on the scene that you're working on with your scene partner. You've done all of the preliminary work that you and your partner agreed upon, you've clearly scheduled your rehearsal time and you've found the perfect place to rehearse the scene honoring its requirements. Well done! (For reference, please visit my prior post: How to Rehearse a Scene Without Wasting Time - Part I of II.)
So now what's next? ...
 If you've studied with me and have news to share, please let me know the details by about 5 days before the end of the month; I am happy to include it here!
Bellisant Corcoran-Mathe
The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood
Co-director for high school production via Alfred University
Congrats on recent performances!
Stephanie Joiner
Master Class
Performing the role of Sophie
The Gallery Players
Congrats on recent performances!
Jenna Kantor
Performing the role of Rizzo
The Palace Theatre in Manchester, NH
April 26-May 18
Click here for details.
Jenna Kantor
Fiddler on the Roof
Performing the role of Yente
Maggie's Little Theatre June
June dates & details TBA
Chuck Marti
* Stand-up at Tierney's &
* Muffins in the Window
* Just signed for commercial & print rep with the Rick Miller Agency
Samantha Needles
Off The Muff Project
Writer & Performer
Dates TBA
Andrew Rothkin
Changes: Two One-Act Plays
Playwright: Voice & The Change
Dramatist Guild of America
Congrats on recent reading!