Rhonda Musak
Acting Coach
Quick Links
Have you studied with me? If so, if you would be willing to write a review of your experience of working with me on Actor Rated it would be greatly appreciated!
Follow Book Club for Actors' on Twitter at #asabc
I absolutely love the end of the year! Family, friends and holidays galore make it a sweet time. I especially love taking time out to take stock of where I have been, where I am, and where I wish to be. To that end, 5 years ago I created the Leap with Passion workshop.
For those of you who have not heard the story, a little background of how this workshop came into being. While out shopping with my sister on a blazing hot Chicago day in July 2008, out of the blue she says to me "Well, my New Year's resolution is going really well."
Folks are lined up for ice cream as far as the eye can see, and here my sister is talking about her New Year's resolution! I, on the other hand, had not thought about my New Year's resolutions (I was hardly resolute!) probably since January 2.
Then and there I was completely inspired and vowed that I, too, would make simple and effective changes at the New Year that would stick...all the way through the following July and beyond. Hence, the birth of Leap with Passion.
Workshop details are below. And I am thrilled to be offering this program in both NYC and, for the first time, my hometown of Chicago!
I hope you'll be able to join us on either the East, or 3rd Coast.
Wishing you outrageously delightful holidays! Rhonda Rhonda S. Musak Acting Coach Art & Soul Acting |
Laser Acting Workshop: January 2013
Monthly acting workshops...expand, explore, express!
The Laser Acting Workshop is on holiday hiatus during November & December.
But looking to get fueled by a truly life-changing workshop? Then join Art & Soul Acting in December for the 5th annual Leap with Passion workshop.
Honestly, your 2013 will be glad you did!
See details below.
What's Going on with Acting Class?
For an actor, acting class is the #1 laboratory for growth and exploration. It is the place to take risks...a safe harbor where it's okay to let go of perfection in lieu of stretching and expanding beyond limitations.
Starting in January 2013!
Core Acting Technique
Core Acting Technique is a dynamic, structured 10-week class designed to fortify and deepen the skills that go into brilliant acting while stretching students as artists and as human beings.
The artist and the art grow in tandem and Art & Soul Acting supports that process through a series of specialized exercises that go way beyond the ABC's of acting.
This powerful classroom work allows students to grow at a rapid pace while creating an acting foundation that will serve for a lifetime.
This is not a sit in your seat lecture! Students are up on their feet working in every class in a supportive environment that allows them to really take risks and fly.
Class size is kept small so that participants have time to be up on their feet working, making mistakes, learning from their mistakes and growing into ever more powerful actors.
DAY: Tuesdays
TIME: 6-10pm
DATES: January 29-April 10 (a total of 10 classes) LOCATION: NYC West Village Studio FEE: $495, payable in 2 installments
Please note: there is no class on 2/19 & 2/26.
Full details will be up on the Art & Soul website by Friday 12/7, 6pm.
Apologies for the delay!
What's Up with the Book Club for Actors'?
Thanks for a GREAT year of reading and conversation...enjoy your holiday!
The Book Club for Actors' is on holiday hiatus. The next playwright will be announced at the beginning of January 2013 for February book club meetings. Stay tuned...
Curious about the Book Club for Actors'? Please check out following articles:
Summer Acting Intensive for Teens
 Art & Soul Acting travels! The Summer Acting Intensive for Teens is a one-of-a-kind traveling professional acting workshop. Teens spend a week training like the pros!
Created in 2011-but dreamed about for a long time-the aim of this workshop is to bring acting training to teens who might not otherwise have the opportunity to study professionally.
Rhonda puts her heart and soul into the art of acting.
~ Brandon Vlach ~
Summer 2013 will feature both Level I & Level II:
- Level I -- Core Acting Technique: Intense focus on the core elements that go into powerful acting.
- Level II -- The Audition Process: Includes monologues, cold readings and college audition prep. Prerequisites: Level I.
The Summer Acting Intensive was a blessing! New friends
were made through never forgettable experiences.
Acting is being: it is living.
~Joey Dearduff ~
Classes: Monday-Friday, 5-hours a day
Final Rehearsal: Saturday, 5-hours
Dinner Break: 1-hour
Warm-Up & Half-Hour Call: 1-hour
Performance Cabaret: 45 minutes
Post-Performance Celebration!
I love that every day I walked into class I learned something new.
~ Julia Barich ~
2013 workshops are booking now! If you are interested in hosting a Summer Acting Intensive for Teens in your area -- or know someone who is -- please visit the Art & Soul Acting website for complete details:
Summer Acting Intensive for Teens
LEAP with Passion into 2013!!!
Leap 2013 celebrates the 5th year of the annual Leap with Passion Workshop. It is a sought after favorite of many of my students.
Leap with Passion into 2013!!!
Do you get near the end of the year wishing you had the time to slow down and take stock of your life in order to make changes that stick for the New Year? And then in a blur of the holiday rush, the next thing you know...it's February.
That's exactly why the Leap with Passion Workshop was created!
The insight that I gained from this workshop now guides me to
take further action and not quit and to do so with a positive
attitude and bright light inside! This work is just magic!
~ Yvonne Sayers ~
In this 5-hour workshop, participants will have the opportunity to:
- Powerfully complete the past year and joyfully celebrate its greatest accomplishments.
- Turn the challenges of past year into fuel for the next.
- Learn an amazing goal-setting technique that is the difference that makes the difference in terms of "sticking to it."
- Design 3 life changing, personal focuses for the year ahead that are achievable and really inspire.
- Discover who they need to be and they actions they need to take in order to succeed in accomplishing their 3 focuses.
- Express and joyfully celebrate life.
Rhonda Musak expertly and lovingly guides people to find
out what matters most in their lives and then provides
the tools to make their dreams come true.
~ Lynn Lobban ~
WHEN: NYC - Saturday, December 15, 11-4 or
Chicago - Saturday, December 29, 11-4 or
NYC - Sunday, December 30, 11-4
FEE: $85 early registration (please see complete details)
$115 full rate
I hope you'll be able to join us for this once a year event!
Int'l Workshops: Cape Town, South Africa
Not able to make it to NYC? No problem, Art & Soul Acting will travel to you!
Mastering the Audition Juggernaut
An Affordable, Weeklong, 35-Hour Intensive Acting Workshop for Actors in Cape Town, South Africa
It has been said that to be a great actor you only need to know how to do 10 things really well... but you have to do all of them at the same time.Auditions present a particular challenge to the actor. Not only do actors need to be fully present and do their very best acting on demand, but they also need to expertly handle the pressures of an audition room such that they slow down those precious 2 minutes and use them to their best advantage. Actors have been told a thousand times over, "Be confident!" "Be yourself!" "Have fun!" Well, that just doesn't cut it. Left out of the equation is the critical HOW to actually do those things...and how to do them all within a limited span of time. Mastering The Audition Juggernaut steps outside the box to approach mastering these mandatory skills from several angles. This is an on your feet workshop, not a sit in your seat lecture. Over the course of 6 days, actors will engage in a series of dynamic and expressive acting exercises designed to recalibrate the way they approach auditions. What makes Rhonda an amazing teacher is her ability to meet you where you are, connect and identify your needs in that moment--she does what every great teacher does, leads until you can take the lead with confidence. No matter what mood I am in when I arrive to a class or a session with Rhonda, I leave feeling like an artist that is back on the right course in the journey. ~ Shea Davies, Actor NYC ~ Participations will:
- Learn a warm-up process that will bring them into creative flow
- Discover a 4-part shortcut to great cold readings
- Learn the best ways of preparing for an audition on their own
- Learn how to take control of the audition room
- Deepen their relationship with the camera
- Increase their ability to work with ease while under pressure
DATES: 6-days, February 18-23, 2013
CLASSES: Monday 2/18 to Saturday 2/23, 10am-4pm with a 1-hour lunch break
LOCATION: Cape Town studio to be announced
CLASS SIZE: Enrollment is limited to 14 participants
FEE: R2,500
Book That Job Blog's Latest Articles
The "Book That Job Blog" features a weekly article focusing on the craft or business of acting.
November 13
Time Management for Actors: Sensory Work on the Run

There are many things an actor must do in order to become masterful at their craft. However, most of these things cannot be learned overnight, but take time, patience and persistence. Actors, though, are always battling the clock. Between auditions and rehearsals, classes and workshops and maybe even a support job or two, there often doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to give everything the priority it deserves...
Click here to read entire article.
November 27
Broadway Bargain Hunter, Your Guide for Discounted Broadway Tickets

by Guest Blogger, Justin Barnette
Whether you are a first time visitor to the Big Apple, or a dyed-in-the-wool Manhattanite, you have to agree that there is a special kind of magic that only exists inside a Broadway theatre. Even having seen more than a hundred plays and musicals on the Great White Way, I still feel a surge of excitement rush over me as I walk into a Broadway theater, take my seat and wait breathlessly for the lights to go down. I know that in moments I will be transported to another time and place to go on an adventure like no other. I love it! If I had my way, I would be at the theater at least one night a week seeing one of the many incredible offerings currently on the boards.
But unless your last name is Kennedy, Trump, or (eek) Kardashian, you might have found that getting your Broadway fix has become increasingly challenging over the past few years...
Click here to read entire article.
What's the Student News?
 If you've studied with me and have news to share, please let me know the details by about 5 days before the end of the month; I am happy to include it here!
Laurel Fulcher Congrats on recent performances of Difference
Andrew Rothkin
Ghost Wife Radio
Performing the role of Miles
December 11-23
Click here for details.
Congrats, Andrew, on your recent Midtown International Theatre Festival awards for Hamlet Bound & Unbound:
- Best Script - written by Andrew Rothkin
- Best Set
- Best Costumes
Hamlet Bound & Unbound was also directed & co-produced by Book Club For Actors' member Joan Kane/Egoactus
Summer Acting Intensive for Teens:
Patrick Gosney Congrats on recent One Act Play Festival directing.