April 2015
Economic Report 
After a slight decline in sales tax deposits in February over last year, Ada saw a 1.1% increase in March 2015 deposits over 2014. In the first three months of 2015, we have seen just shy of $4 million in sales tax deposits, overall. 

Among grocery stores and supermarkets, Ada has seen explosive growth in January and February deposits over the same time period last year. Aldi opened on December 11th, 2014 and has continued to stay busy. Grocery sales tax deposits increased by 86% in January and February over 2014 deposits for the same two months. Historically, grocery collections have remained fairly consistent, averaging about $25,500/month over a two year period between Jan. 2013 and Dec. 2014. In February 2015 we saw grocery tax deposits hit $55,000. We will continue to track overall sales tax deposits and grocery specific deposits over the coming months. 
Arbuckle-Simpson Day

The city of Ada participated in Arbuckle-Simpson Day at the Capital, promoting the aquifer as a natural resource as well as a valuable economic driver, moving forward. The event took place on April 2nd from 9:30am to 1pm. In the course of our strategic economic development plan with Tadzo Consulting, we identified the potential for a water cluster including research, policy, and business ventures. The full brochure is found here.
Pontotoc Career Discovery Program Wins!
The Pontotoc County Career Discovery was awarded the Donald E. Hunter Excellence in Economic Development Planning Award from the American Planning Association. The Award will be formally presented on April 20th at APA's Annual conference in Seattle. Full Press Release

Quick Links 

Target Industries
As part of a strategic plan, the AJF with TadZo consulting identified industries most likely to be successful in Ada and has begun targeting those industries for growth. The brochures can be found here, on the AJF website.

 The target industries are:
- Aircraft Maintenance & Parts
- Plastics and Rubber Manf. 
- Metal Building Products
- Water Testing, Drilling, &  Policy 
Upcoming Events
Ada Day at the Capitol
April 22nd 10am to 2pm

For more info contact
Sarah Jane Johnson 

Small Business Day at the Capital
April 29th 9:30am to 1:30pm