Sermons 4 Kids
Sermon of the Week
Proper 18 (23) Year A 
Septemer 7, 2014
Sermon of the Week

Title:  Don't Get Even

Theme:  Resolving conflicts with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Proper 18 (23) Yr. A

Object: A simple balance scale and some stones of different sizes. (Click Here)

Scripture: If a fellow believer hurts you, go and tell him -- work it out between the two of you. If he listens, you've made a friend. Matthew 18:15 (The Message)

Look what I have.  Do you know what this is? It is a balance scale . It is used to compare things to see which is heavier.  If you can get items that weigh exactly the same, the two sides of the scale will be even.  Let me show you.  (Put a stone in one of the cups and then the other using stones of different sizes.)  Are the cups even?  No, let's try putting another stone in this cup.  Are they even now?  No, now this side is too heavy. (Continue for a few minutes making sure that the two sides are never even.)  It is really hard to get the two sides even, isn't it?

Has anyone ever said something that hurt your feelings?  Sure they have!  Perhaps you were playing with a friend and he called you a name.  What did that make you want to do?  Did it make you want to want to get even by calling your friend a name?  Do you know what?  That is just like trying to balance these scales -- you never get even! He calls you a name and so you call him a name.  He doesn't like that so he calls you another name and on and on the name-calling goes. You never get even!

I have heard people say, "Don't get mad-get even."  Think about the balance scale. We saw how hard it is to get even, so here's a better idea, "Don't get even; get ahead."  How do you do that?  Well, let me explain.  In our Bible reading today, Jesus says, "If a fellow believer hurts you, go and tell him - work it out between the two of you. If he listens, you've made a friend." Now that's what I call "getting ahead." If we try to get even, we will lose a friend, but if we forgive someone, we will make a friend!

Jesus did not call us to be his disciples to make other people pay for their sins by hurting them back.  Instead, he told us to do what he did -- love them and forgive them. Sometimes that is very hard to do, but we can do it if we ask Jesus to help us.

Father, when someone hurts us, give us a forgiving spirit to talk to them and try to resolve the conflict rather than to try get even by hurting them back.  Help us to love and forgive others as you have loved and forgiven us. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Plans for making a simple balance scale. (Click Here)

Coloring Pages and Activities
















Save the bulletin to your computer and personalize it with your church's name.  Print side one then reinsert it into the printer and print side two.  


Sermon Links






ANOTHER SERMON BASED ON ON MATTHEW 18:15-20: "Building Bridges"


AN ALTERNATE LESSON BASED ON Exodus 12:1-14: "The First Passover"  


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Sermons4Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supported by voluntary donations. During the summer months, donations have declined significantly.  We provide the same level of service throughout the year and our expenses remain at the same level.  If you are able, please consider making a donation to help us sustain our ministry.

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Sermons4Kids, Inc.
3273 Falcon Drive
Abilene, TX 79606-3312

Tools to Help Your Children's Ministry


CURRICULUM: A complete curriculum for a year. There is a lesson for each Sunday of the year which includes group activities, song suggestions, a coloring page, and several puzzles. All is on one CD in PDF format! We created this especially for those who may not have Internet access and because many of you asked for it for advanced planning.  We hope you will not regard this as a replacement for your Sermon of the Week emails. Sermons4Kids is a work in progress and you will always see our latest efforts in the weekly emails!






� SERMONS IN PRINT: Three years of sermons are available on 8 1/2 x 11 paper.  These are sermons only -- there are no coloring pages or other activities. Since these sermons are available on the CD below, there is no need to order both items.  You may print the sermons as needed from the CD.

 This CD contains three years of sermons, a large collection of coloring pages, more than 300 Bible puzzles, and thirteen PowerPoint presentations featuring the art of Henry Martin plus the eight new presentations by Stacy Hagler. A great resource for enriching your lessons.   


Click here to complete an order form.  If you have the latest version of Adobe Reader, you can type directly on the form and then print it out for mailing. Even though there is no charge for our products or services, it is only through your voluntary donations that we are able to fund this ministry.


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