The purpose of the Cultural Conversations Friday e-mail blast is to provide various tidbits on Cultural and Linguistic Competence (CLC) activities, cultural discovery, interesting information about other cultures, how to be more culturally sensitive to others and updates on statistics and information that are relevant to the work the FAST TRAC system of care is doing with youth and families in Clermont County.


This Week's Cultural Conversation:

Cultural Conversations Book Club

Selection: Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race by Debby Irving:

For 25 years, Debby Irving sensed inexplicable racial tensions in her personal and professional relationships. As a colleague and neighbor, she worried about offending people she dearly wanted to befriend. As an arts administrator, she didn't understand why her diversity effort lacked traction. As a teacher, she found her best efforts to reach out to students and families of color left her wondering what she was missing. Then in 2009, one "aha!" moment launched an adventure of discovery and insight that drastically shifted her worldview and upended her life plan.

FREE for Clermont County Residents and Agencies who are interested in participating!

Book Club Discussion Meeting

Date: Tuesday April 29, 2014

Noon to 2pm

Location: Clermont County Mental Health & Recovery Board


Bring your lunch. Drinks and dessert provided.

To participate please contact: Mary Wolff at or call 633-1049.


About Us

Clermont FAST TRAC, a system of care initiative of the Clermont County Mental Health & Recovery Board, is funded by a grant from the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.