July 2015
Join Our Mailing List
Meal Plan Pickup

7/03: MP3

7/10: MP4

7/17: MP1

7/24: MP2

7/31: MP3


Please call 536-9680 

to order your meals.



Food Ethics 101 Hawaii Meet-ups and Vegan Pot Lucks are suspended for now

We are concentrating on re-creating Greens & Vines as you can see from our going Green & Lean.  Just as some of our best dishes keep morphing over time, so it is with business and personal foundations.  That's life.

farmers markey pic sept 2011
Licious-ness at the Farmers' Markets

Link: Hawaii Farmer's Bureau


5 - 7:30 pm
(Every Thursday)

7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30 

(Long's Drug Store Parking Lot. We're the first booth)



(KCC) Farmer's Market
7:30 - 11 am
(Every Saturday)

7/4, 7/11, 7/18, 7/25 

(We are next to Ma'o Organic.)



8 am - 12 noon
(Every Saturday)

7/4, 7/11, 7/1/8, 7/25

At Ward Warehouse

Parking lot along Auahi Street.



9 am - 1 pm

(First Wednesday)



Note: We are no longer at the Honolulu (Blaisdell) Farmers' Markets





    Now that we are nearing our 3rd Anniversary in October 2015, I've made a decision to turn Greens & Vines into a Green & Lean restaurant. It's time to trim the "fat" so-to-speak, and work with what is necessary versus what WE THOUGHT we needed to be. As of July 1st, we have become a "Fast Gourmet" restaurant (Yes, I coined the term) where you pick up a menu and find a table. When you are ready to order, come to the Front Counter to order and pay for your food, and beverages. We will give you a pager that will notify you that your food is ready for pick-up. Our gourmet raw vegan food will be placed in compostable containers, cups and utensils that can be tossed into the trash as you leave.

     So no bussing, no fussing, just clean, uncompromis-ingly gourmet, raw vegan food with our wines or yours. BYOB is okay without corkage. You will need to show us your ID (as well as any other's ID who will be drinking alcohol-only those over 21 years-of-age please), as we are a Liquor Licensed facility. A $1 Glass-Fee will be charged for each glass to be used with your own wine, beer, etc. to take care of cleaning and possible breakage. We also have our Wine List next to our Food Menu, as we will continue to carry our wines by the glass or bottle, and serve it tableside.     

     We are on a mission to make our food more accessible to people. Perhaps in the long run, these baby steps of change will help us make a big leap when the time is right to either Franchise, Partner-up, Sell, or Profit-Share. Either way you cut it. We need to paddle out to ride the wave of success and since each wave is different, we need to adapt to stay on top.

     I have been blessed with the best employees many of whom have been with me for 8 years and counting (from Licious Dishes days at Dole Cannery). There's a feeling of Kum-pah; a word Pete used a lot. It may be Hawaiian, and it evokes the meaning of sharing or giving in return; and treating each other like family. In Pete's honor, the changes we're making, is a Kum-pah from all of us. 



12:00 to 2:00 PM

RSVP: 536-9680, $60/PERSON


Follow the steps Master Sommelier Roberto Viernes

makes to analyze the Varietals from

Grapes to Wines


Mini Sun-dried Olive Bagel with Cashew Kreme, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Onions and Capers

~ Gosset, "Brut Excellence," Champagne ~

 Caesar Salad with Garlic Zucchini Creme Sauce, Sunflower Seed Croutons & Balsamic Reduction

~ Sauvignon Blanc ~

 Crimini Escargot with Garlic MacNut "Butter"

~ Olivier Leflaive "Les Setilles" Chardonnay ~

 French Onion Soup, Balsamic Reduction

Lace and Parsley

~ Bouchard Beaune du Chateau, Pinot Noir ~

 Romanesco Cauliflower "Buffalo Wings w/Dill Ranch" and Cucumber slices (slightly spicy)

~ Garnet, Pinot Noir ~

 Wicked Chocolate Tart Vanilla Bean Sauce

and Raspberry

 ~ Chateau Roumieu-Lacoste Sauternes ~

(Changed from a Bordeaux to this Sauternes, a lovely Dessert Wine, which pairs better with the Tart) 

Please forward this newsletter to your friends and recommend them to get our newsletter and info on on our Weekly Meal Plans, by clicking on this and adding their email address. Check out our Restaurant Menus at our website -

Looking for a heart-healthy gift?
Licious Dishes Gift Certificates now available in any amount!
Call us to order via credit card and we can mail it to your recipient(s).

Sylvia Thompson
Licious Dishes