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Welcome to the e-Newsletter from Barnstable County Regional Substance Abuse Council. This newsletter is designed to provide timely information on substance abuse and other related topics for people living and working in Barnstable County.
This publication will be sent out periodically to our mailing list. Please forward this newsletter to your friends and colleagues who may be interested in this information. If you are not on our mailing list, you can join by clicking on the button to the left.
If you have information you would like included in future e-newsletters, please follow the submission instructions outlined at the bottom of this page.
Full time SAPC Program Specialist
Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university in public health, social work, human services, behavioral health, or related field; minimum of three years' experience working on regional initiatives and/or prevention programs. Knowledge of behavioral health and substance use systems and resources in region. Must possess, or be willing to obtain, certification as a prevention specialist within two years of hire. Annual salary $54,042.69
Send resume by June 22, 2016 to Human Resources Department, P.O. Box 427, Barnstable, MA 02630 or E/O/E
Full time MOAPC Program Specialist
Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university in public health, social work, human services, behavioral health, or related field; minimum of three years' experience working on regional initiatives and/or prevention programs. Knowledge of behavioral health and substance use systems and resources in region. Must possess, or be willing to obtain, certification as a prevention specialist within two years of hire. Annual salary $54,042.69
Send resume by June 22, 2016 to Human Resources Department, P.O. Box 427, Barnstable, MA 02630 or E/O/E
Department of Human Services Seeks Coordinator for Regional Substance Abuse Council in Barnstable County
Barnstable County, through its Chief Procurement Office and on behalf of the Department of Human Services, seeks a qualified contractor to assist the Department in coordinating the "Regional Substance Abuse Council" in Barnstable County.
Proposals will be received at the Superior Court House, Office of the County Commissioners, Purchasing Department, 3195 Main Street, P.O. Box 427, Barnstable, MA 02630, on or before June 8, 2016 at 10:30AM. No exceptions will be allowed.
Specifications may be obtained from the Barnstable County Purchasing Department, Superior Court House, P.O. Box 427, Barnstable, Massachusetts 02630 and can also be found at

Third RSAC Issue Brief Published
The Barnstable County Department of Human Services is producing a series of issue briefs that will present factual information on an array of topics related to substance use.
For more information, read/download the Issue Briefs here: Issue Brief 3: MA Ballot Initiative: The Regulation and Taxation of Marijuana Act The Words We Use Matter: Reducing Stigma through Langauge The stigma of addiction. People who struggle with addiction face a wide range of stigmas. A stigma is a mark of disgrace that sets a person or a group apart. When people are labeled primarily because of their addiction, they are being negatively stereotyped.
Biased, hurtful words, attitudes and behavior represent prejudices against people with substance use disorder, and often lead to their discrimination and exclusion. Stigmas can also create physical and mental barriers for people with addiction to seek treatment.
Why does language matter? Ending stigma benefits everyone. The stigma of drug misuse keeps people from seeking treatment. Words like "junkie," "addict" and "druggie" can hurt, damaging self-image and standing in the way of recovery. Addiction is not a choice. It's a chronic disease similar to diabetes, heart disease, or arthritis.
Make the Right Call 
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office recently launched the Make the Right Call campaign statewide to raise awareness about the Good Samaritan law, and to encourage people to call 911 when they witness an overdose.
The campaign assures the public that if they call 911 to report an overdose, the Good Samaritan law protects them from prosecution.
Our Good Samaritan law removes a key barrier that may prevent people from seeking help in an overdose emergency. People should not be afraid to call 911 to save a friend, family member, or stranger in need of help.
Our first responders are focused on saving lives by administering naloxone to reverse an overdose. And, the Good Samaritan law protects victims and those who call 911 for help from charge or prosecution for possession of controlled substances when the call is made.
We need your help to encourage people to call 911 when they witness an overdose.
The Moms Do Care Grant is actively enrolling women into our pilot program! The focus of this SAMHSA and BSAS funded program is on the support of pregnant women with substance use disorders through assistance in getting medication assisted treatment (MAT) and providing recovery supports throughout pregnancy and postpartum period.
Moms Do Care provides:
1. Assistance in getting MAT, obstetrical and other health care and substance use services 2. Recovery coaching and case management with staff who have lived experience with substance use, recovery, and motherhood 3. Specialized programming such as "Seeking Safety" and "Nurturing Families in Recovery" groups and peer support meetings for mothers in the community 4. Follow-up in postpartum period when women may be at risk for postpartum depression and relapse 5. Education for community providers in trauma-informed care and medication-assisted treatment 6. All services are free of cost to enrolled women Criteria for enrollment: 1. Pregnant women with opioid use disorder 2. Willing to start medication assisted treatment with either methadone or buprenorphine OR Already on medication assisted treatment 3. Living in Barnstable County Please call Deborah Heavilin, MDC Care Manager, at 508-280-6597 to inquire. Intakes with interested women can take place at your organization if more convenient.
View the program flyer here.
NEWS FROM GOSNOLD ON CAPE COD | | Charlie Wilkerson Memorial Lecture Series
"Engaging in Effective Interventions for the Prevention and Treatment of Addiction"
Tuesday, June 14 | 6:00-7:30 PM
Cotuit Center for the Arts Gosnold proudly presents a series of mock interventions to demonstrate how effective conversation can be used in the prevention and treatment of addiction. The Charlie Wilkerson Memorial Fund was created by Charlie's family to educate families and help them better understand and cope with addiction. To register for this event please click here or contact Abby VanGilder at or 508-540-6550 ext 5397.
MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION | | Massachusetts Health Council Conference: Our Workplaces & the Opioid EpidemicThursday, June 16 | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Westin Waltham, 70 3rd Ave, Waltham, MA
On Jun 16, 2016, the Massachusetts Health Council is hosting a conference on for the business community on opioids in the workplace.
Our Workplaces and the Opioid Epidemic: what we need to know, what we need to do is a response to requests made to the Massachusetts Health Council from management and executives for practical, focused information and action strategies on opioid addiction in the workplace.
The majority of people affected by addiction are employed full time. Massachusetts Health Council's goal is to provide useful information and strategies to the business community, which is one of the sectors that will help turn the tide on this crisis.
The conference will cover:
- The Nature and Scope of Opioid Addiction & What's Different about this Epidemic
- The Impact of Opioids on Business
- Treatment, Recovery & Prevention
- Managing and Supporting Employees While Keeping the Workplace Safe & Productive
- Legal Considerations: Protecting the Employer & the Employee
For more information, please click here. |
COMMUNITY HEALTH TRAINING INSTITUTE | | Calling All MA Coalitions - Two Free Trainings in June
- Does your coalition need to build capacity to meet MA DPH Coalition Engagement Principles and Guidelines?
- Is your coalition or partnership effective?
- Are you recruiting, engaging, and retaining coalition leaders?
- Do you have a plan for sustaining the work through funding changes?
Join us on Wednesday, June 22 in Dorchester, MA, for two free trainings sponsored by MA DPH.
Wednesday, June 22 | 9 am - 12 pm
Topics: Organizational structure and governance; roles/responsibilities; decision-making structures; resolution; recruitment, engagement, and retention
Audience: Coalition leaders and members, teams, and partners working towards community health
Trainer: Andrea Freeman, MA Public Health Association
NETWORKING LUNCH: On June 22, there will be an optional brown bag lunch between sessions for the participants from both the morning and afternoon trainings. Please remember to bring your own lunch if you choose to participate. RSVP for lunch when you register for the training(s).
Wednesday, June 22 | 1 pm - 4 pm
Topics: ABC's of Sustainability Planning, role of stakeholders, use of sustainability template tool, tips for planning with stakeholders
Audience: Coalition leaders and partners planning or in the process of implementing community health initiatives, including policy and systems change.
Trainer: Daisy Ortega Health Resources in Action
Survey finds U.S. homes have too many opioid drugs - ConsumerAffairs - Researchers at the University of Michigan report nearly half of parents whose children received opioids after surgery or illness reported keeping the leftover drugs at home. In many cases, parents who had disposed of the leftover pills had been advised to do so by the child's healthcare provider. Medical students demand better training for opioid addiction - Stat News - Calling their curriculum deficient, students at Harvard Medical School are teaching themselves how to treat opioid addiction - joining the ranks of critics who say medical schools across the country aren't doing enough to prepare doctors for a deadly crisis. |
Duffy Health Center
Duffy Health Center is currently seeking an experienced health care Program Manager to lead Duffy's Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) program for opioid addiction. This newly created position is part of our recently expanded treatment program for high risk teens and adults. We seek enthusiastic applicants ready to make an impact on the opioid epidemic through provision of evidence-based treatment on Cape Cod. For more information, please click here.
Moms Do Care Grant
The Peer Recovery Mom/Recovery Coach assists pregnant and postpartum women in finding and maintaining a personalized and enhanced pathway to recovery from drug and/or alcohol addiction, assists with education and access to Medication Assisted Treatment options, and supports women in enhancing skills and capacity to retain recovery/decrease relapse.
For more information, please click here.
PIER Recovery Center
Title: Community Resources Specialist (Part Time Position) Weekends a must. General Responsibilities: Conduct outreach within the recovery community and support the members in recovery from substance abuse in a Peer-to-Peer Support model. For more information, please click here.
NEWS FROM SAMHSA | | Medicated-Assisted Treatment Can Improve Health Outcomes
Neurobiological changes that may occur in people in detoxification from substances can increase the risk of relapse. MAT can help prevent relapse and facilitate longer periods of abstinence when used with integrated treatment plans that take other health considerations into account.
SAMHSA's Division of Pharmacologic Therapies has published two guides for primary care and specialty providers. The guides can lead to healthier outcomes for patients with opioid or alcohol use disorders. An American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) report found that MAT is substantially underutilized, possibly due to misunderstandings about the purpose and mechanisms of the medications. For more information, visit SAMHSA's website here. |
FROM THE REGIONAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNCIL | |  Substance Use Resource & Information Guide for Cape Cod
This easy-to-read guide includes emergency hotline numbers, treatment system information, definitions, and information about local treatment options that help individuals and their families dealing with substance use. Printed versions will be available soon. If you are interested in printed versions of this resource guide, please contact Barnstable County Human Services for more information at
For a list of additional publications created by the Department of Human Services, please click here.
Addiction on Cape Cod
" Where We Stand - Addiction on Cape Cod" is an information and resource document about the work our community has been doing to address substance use issues on Cape Cod, basic facts about addiction, and links to local resources.
Please share this resource with others who may find it helpful and informative!
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The next meeting of the Barnstable County Regional Substance Abuse Council is scheduled for:
Thursday, August 4, 2015 - 4:00 - 5:30 PM
Harborview Conference Room in the Barnstable County Complex, 3195 Main Street, Barnstable Village
These meetings are open to the public. Meeting agendas are posted publicly on the Barnstable County website, in front of the Barnstable Superior Courthouse, and are available upon request.
Did you know that a full archive of the previous editions of this e-Newsletter are available on the Barnstable County Human Services Department website?
View past editions of the Regional Substance Abuse Council e-Newsletter and the Human Services Department e-Newsletter at and click on "E-Newsletter".
For a downloadable PDF version of the information listed below, please click here.
Learn to Cope Learn to Cope is a support group for parents, family members, spouses, and caregivers who have a family member who is addicted to opiates, alcohol, or other drugs.
Learn to Cope offers experienced facilitators, resources, informational material, guest speakers (in long term recovery or professionals in the field), overdose education, and Narcan enrollment at all weekly meetings.
Weekly meetings are held on Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 PM at the Yarmouth Police Station, One Brad Erickson Way. For more information call (508) 738-5148 or visit their website.
Parents Supporting Parents  Parents Supporting Parents is a group of people who have come together as parents and family members coping and dealing with children/loved one's addiction.
Their mission is to support, strengthen, and educate one another as they share their lives. Their goal is to help their loved ones find and live in recovery, and for all members to live a healthy lifestyle.
Weekly meetings are held on Monday 6:30-8:30 PM at
Mashpee Chamber of Commerce,
02649 (5 North Market Street on GPS - between Woodruff's Art Supply and Debbie's Pet Store) To learn more, view the Parents Supporting Parents Facebook page. Mothers Helping Mothers Mothers Helping Mothers is a support group for women struggling with the emotional difficulties associated with addiction and recovery during the pregnant and postpartum phases of life.
Free childcare is provided during the meetings by The Children's Study Home. Anyone planning on attending the meeting and needing childcare is asked to call ahead. All ages are welcome.
Weekly meetings are held every Tuesday 7:30-9:00 PM at the John Wesley Methodist Church in Falmouth at 270 Gifford Street and every Monday 5:30-7:00 PM at the 83 Pearl Street in Hyannis.
For more information, contact Deborah at (774) 392-0446 or Danielle at (508) 209-7533.
| Alateen
Alateen is a fellowship of young Al-Anon members, usually teenagers, whose lives have been affected by someone else's drinking.
Nar-Anon Family Groups is a twelve step fellowship that offers a recovery program for those affected by someone's addiction. The only requirement for membership is that there be a problem of addiction in a relative or friend.
Nar-Anon is adapted from Narcotics Anonymous and uses Nar-Anon's Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts.
St. David's Episcopal Church
205 Old Main St | South Yarmouth, MA
Fridays, 6:00-7:00 PM
Eastham United Methodist Church Study 3200 State Highway 6 | Eastham, MA Thursdays, 6:15-7:30 PM
For more information, visit the New England Nar-Anon website.
Gosnold Family Support Groups
 The Gosnold Reaching Out program is a resource for family members and loved ones affected by addiction. It assists the family at all stages of addiction through education, intervention, and support.
Information and Education Forums help family members gain a basic understanding of the signs and symptoms of addiction, treatment options, and stages of recovery. An educated and supportive family has a positive impact on treatment outcomes.
Tuesday 6:00-7:30 PM Gosnold Counseling Center 1185 Falmouth Road Centerville, MA 02632 | Wednesday 6:00-7:30 PM Gus Canty Community Center 790 Main Street Falmouth, MA 02540
| Sunday 11:00-12:30 PM Scituate Senior Center 27 Brook Street Scituate, MA 02066 | Sunday 4:00-5:00 PM (Educational Group) Falmouth Hospital - Faxon Center 100 Ter Heun Drive Falmouth, MA 02540 | Monday 6:00-7:30 PM Harwich Police Department 183 Sisson Road Harwich, MA 02645
| Wednesday 6:00-7:30 PM (Grief and Addiction) Gosnold Counseling Center 1185 Falmouth Road Centerville, MA 02632
For more information contact Lori McCarthy, 617-893-0816,
Other Resources
Al-Anon - The primary purpose of Al-Anon is to help families and friends of alcoholics. Members of Al-Anon learn to live happily whether the alcoholic continues to drink or not. We learn that alcoholism is a disease and that we are not alone.
Alcoholics Anonymous - Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.
Narcotics Anonymous - NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using.

For tens of thousands of Massachusetts resident struggling with alcohol and other drug related issues, (800) 327-5050 is an important number.
The Massachusetts Substance Abuse Information and Education Helpline provides free and confidential information and referrals for alcohol and other drug abuse problems and related concerns. The Helpline is committed to linking consumers with comprehensive, accurate, and current information about treatment and prevention services throughout Massachusetts.
Services are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Language interpreters are always available.
For online service and more information, click here.
| | To submit materials, please contact Samantha Kossow at and include the following information:
- Descriptive Title
- Brief Description of the Content
- Relevant attachments, submitted in PDF or text format
- Website link if available
- Contact information of the person submitting the information the contact person for the event
Posting of articles submitted for publication in the Barnstable County Regional Substance Abuse Council E-Newsletter is at the discretion of the Department. All articles must be submitted in text format to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request this newsletter in alternate formats, please call Kathie Callahan at (508) 375-6628 or TDD at (508) 362-5885. |