ISSUE: 163
March 25, 2016
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Welcome to the Barnstable County Department of Human Services' E-Newsletter. This bi-weekly newsletter is designed to provide timely information on health and human service topics of interest for people living and working in Barnstable County. For additional information visit the Department website at www.bchumanservices.net. |
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Welcome to our New E-Newsletter format!
We have updated the E-Newsletter layout and process to better inform you and connect to our new website.
- New Submission Deadline is every other Wednesday at Noon. See website CALENDAR for exact dates.
- Content Policy Changes - Effective immediately, we are prioritizing timely information on the ever-changing landscape of health and human services events and opportunities. Postings of recurring activities will be at the discretion of the Department.
- Local Search Directory Links are easily accessed in the first content box on the left.
- Quick Links to Connect to our Current Programs are located in the second content box.
- "In This Issue" is the same format table of contents as previous E-Newsletters.
Click here for more news in our web postings...
Barnstable County Department of Human Services recently published the first in a series of issue briefs on topics related to substance use. "The Use of Scare Tactics in Prevention Messaging" explores the effectiveness of using 'scare tactics' in messages targeted at substance use prevention among youth. The research on using scare tactics in prevention messaging shows that fear based messages may be counterproductive because they appeal to kids who are already prone to risk-taking. Read more of the press release.....
Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone
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Every day there are thousands of baby boomers turning 65 and now eligible for Medicare. Those new to Medicare can make costly mistakes resulting in higher health care costs, gaps in coverage and possibly a lifetime late enrollment penalty. Read more.....
State certified SHINE counselors are trained regarding the enrollment rules that may apply to your personal situation and your personal coverage choices. Call you local Senior Center to make an appointment with a SHINE counselor or call the Cape & Islands Regional SHINE office at 508/375-6762. |
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & the Islands is offering FREE Federal and MA State tax preparation to eligible individuals at CACCI, 372 North St., Hyannis. Call to schedule an appointment for the 2015 Tax Preparation Season at 508/771-1727. View flyer for additional details.
Barnstable County, through its Chief Procurement Officer and on behalf of the Department of Human Services, seeks a qualified contractor to develop a public health education campaign for Barnstable County about substance use and addiction on behalf of the Barnstable County Regional Substance Abuse Council (RSAC).
To learn more and to download the bid documents, please visit the Barnstable County Purchasing website. This Request for Proposal (RFP) is listed under "Public Health Education Campaign."
Proposals must be received on or before March 30th at 10:00 a.m. at the Superior Court House, Office of the County Commissioners, Purchasing Department, 3195 Main Street, P.O. Box 427, Barnstable, MA 02630. Please share this information with qualified individuals who may be interested in applying
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If you are a professional currently working with older adults or exploring gerontology as a career choice, this certificate series is for you. Attached is a listing of workshops in the 2016 Gerontology Intensive Workshop Series which will start in March.
The 10 Workshop Certificate Series will run from March 23-May 25, 2016 from 5-7 PM at the Cape Cod Community College Hyannis Center, 540 Main Street and Bonus Workshops will be on June 1st and June 8th. CEUs & CECs will be offered to nurses and social workers for workshops 1-10 only. You can sign up for individual workshops or the full series. For workshop topics, dates and fees Read more.....
In addition to the 10 Workshop Certificate Series, there are
two new Bonus Workshops this year in June:
Seniors, Alcohol and Prescription Drug Addiction, June 1 and Emotional Distress in Later Life, June 8.
Early registration is encouraged. For questions or to register contact ccpe@capecod.edu or Mary Conklin at 508/375-5010.
To learn more about the Center for Corporate and Professional Education at Cape Cod Community College visit
Tuition fees have been reduced thanks to
sponsorship from the Barnstable County
Department of Human Services
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The Barnstable County HOME Consortium is preparing its 2016 Annual Plan, and Citizen Participation Plan for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These plans serve as the strategic and planning documents for the region's HOME program that is funded by HUD. Pursuant to the requirements of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, the Consortium will provide a thirty day comment period from March 21 - April 19, 2016 at 4:00 PM on the CP, Annual Plan and Citizen Participation Plan.
The Consortium expects to receive $392,396 in HOME funds for July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017. Read more details in English, Spanish, and Portuguese and also locations to obtain a copy of the 2016 Annual Plan. |
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New LGBT Caregiver Support Group will be held at the Barnstable Senior Center, 825 Falmouth Rd., Hyannis on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 3-4:30 PM.
The support group provides an opportunity for LGBT Caregivers for someone affected by Alzheimer's or a related dementia to share in a safe and welcoming environment and receive disease information and guidance regarding care planning strategies. Read more....
Independence House will be presenting a Leadership Program with the Workforce Investment Board Youth Council on April 5 at Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School and discuss the Mentors in Violence Prevention Program.
Independence House will take part in the YWCA's Teen Achiever's Presentation at the Hyannis Youth and Community Center on March 29th at 5:30pm.
Independence House, as part of the Yarmouth Age Friendly Community will be part of an event to take place at the Yarmouth Senior Center on Thursday, April 29th from 4:00-6:00pm. Author, Ai-Jen Poo will be discussing her new book "The Age of Dignity". The event is co-sponsored by the Yarmouth Senior Center and the Yarmouth Town Library.
Healthy Living Cape Cod presents two workshops:
Chronic Disease Self Management: Tuesdays, April 5 - May 10 from 6-8:30 PM at Harbor Community Health Center, 735 Attucks Lane, Hyannis. This workshop will be held in the Portuguese language. View flyer in English or Portuguese for more information.
Chronic Disease Self-Management Leader Training: May 16 & 17 and May 23 & 24 from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM at Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands, 68 Route 134, S. Dennis. $150 registration fee - No charge if you will be leading workshops in Barnstable County. View flyer for more information. View Leader Qualifications. View CDSMP Leader Application Form. View CDSME Leader Agreement Form.
OUNCE OF PREVENTION CONFERENCE 2016 | | SAVE THE DATE: Upcoming Ounce of Prevention Conference sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health on April 12, 2016, DCU Center, 50 Foster St., Worcester, MA. View Save the Date flyer. |
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April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men report having experienced child sexual abuse. Child sexual abuse that is not addressed is a leading cause of adult health problems.
You are invited to attend Independence House's Enough Abuse Community Awareness Breakfast on Friday; April 15, 9-11:00 AM, at the Cape Cod Family Resource Center, 29 Bassett Lane, Hyannis. RSVP to chrism@indhouse.net. View flyer for more details. |
Alzheimer's Care Management Training: begins April 18
Dementia Certificate Level One: Fulfilling State Regulations: April 18 & 25, 12 -4:00 PM
Dementia Certificate Level Two: Behavior and Medication Management: May 16, 12 - 4:00 PM
Dementia Certificate Level Three: Advanced Problem Solving: June 6, 12 - 4:00 PM
Information and Registration for Level One, Two & Three. Call 508/775-5656 with questions.
If you are an older worker who is unemployed and actively looking for work, under-employed and looking for a new career direction, or recently retired, not ready to stop working and looking for your "encore career", this Job Fair is for you.
The Barnstable Senior Center and the Career Opportunities, with support from the MCOA, are hosting this Job Fair for Mature Workers on Cape Cod on Thursday, April 21, 12 Noon - 3:00 PM at Career Opportunities, 375 North St., Hyannis.
Bring your resume, a great attitude, and dress for success. For more information, please call the Barnstable Senior Center at 508/862-4750 or Career Opportunities at 877/628-6977. |
This website is made possible by a grant from the Bilezikian Family Foundation. |
Massachusetts Working on Wellness Funding Opportunity
Massachusetts Working on Wellness (WoW) supports employers in implementing comprehensive evidence-based worksite health initiatives. The program provides employers with expert training, technical assistance, an on-line learning community, and seed funding to help offset the cost of starting a wellness program.
At this time, DPH is actively promoting the program and recruiting businesses. The application deadline is May 3, 2016. Additional informational webinars have also be set up. Interested employers can view webinar dates and register at
You can learn more about Working on Wellness by visiting
5th ANNUAL RUN 4 YOUR LIFE RUN/WALK | | Celebrate the women in your life this Mother's Day weekend. Team Maureen is celebrating their 5th Annual Run 4 Your Life on Saturday, May 7, beginning at 9:00 AM at the Sea Crest Beach Hotel, Falmouth, MA. Whether you are a runner or walker, young or old, a cancer survivor or honoring someone you love, there is a place for you! All race proceeds and fundraising supports cancer education and outreach programs. For more information and to register visit http://www.teammaureen.org . |
Samaritans on Cape Cod and the Islands will be offering two Elder Suicide Prevention Trainings for Cape and Islands Communities.
Tuesday, May 24, 8:45 AM - 4:30 PM, Jonathan Bourne Public Library, 19 Sandwich Rd., Bourne
Monday, June 20, 8:45 AM - 4:30 PM, Hy-Line Cruises Harbour Room, 220 Ocean St., Hyannis
The trainings are open to all community members and are FREE of charge. 7.0 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be offered for Registered Nurses, Social Workers, and Licensed Mental Health Clinicians.
To register for one of the trainings, please complete and submit the attached form to ccsamaritans@verizon.net. Space is limited to 14 participants. For questions contact Stephanie Kelly at 508/548-7999 or ccsamaritans@verizon.net.
Think:Kids: Stop Shouting...and Start Solving: Effective Behavior Management at Home and at School: Dr. Stuart Ablon, Joseph Moldover, Psy.D. and Jessica Minaham, BCBA will offer a free webinar on April 7, 2016, 7-9:00 PM. More information and to Register
2016 NAMI Massachusetts Advocacy Day: Friday, April 8, 2016, 10 AM - 2 PM, Great Hall, Massachusetts State House. Keynote speaker, Congressman Joe Kennedy III. More information and Register.
NAMI Walk 2016: NAMI will participate in this Walk along the Charles River at DCR's Artesani Park in Boston on Saturday, May 14, 2016. Join Our Team or Donate.
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Links to Funding Opportunities:
Links to Articles of Interest:
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- Descriptive Title
- Brief Content Description (who, what, why, when, where)
- Attachments must be submitted in PDF and text format to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. (DOC or RTF files are acceptable.)
- Weblink or Hyperlink if available
- Contact information of the person submitting the information and if appropriate, the contact person for the event (include name, address, phone, TTY, email)
Submission deadline is every other Wednesday
Posting of articles submitted for publication in the Barnstable County Department of Human Services E-Newsletter is at the discretion of the Department. To request this newsletter in alternate formats, please call Kathie at 508-375-6628 or TDD at 508-362-5885.