
Barnstable County Human Services 
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In This Issue
Department Corner
Aging & Disability Forum III
Health & Dental Insurance Open Enrollment
Volunteer Fair & Festival
Nonprofit Public Policy Roundable
Crisis Intervention Team Services & Strategies
Current Trends in Addiction Treatment
Elder Services Volunteer Opportunities
Annual Independent Living Education Day
Bereavement Support Groups
Behavioral Health Training
Samaritans Volunteer Training
Lower Cape Forum: Economic Justice - Education & Action
Hoarding Conference
Public Hearing Notice: Elder Services of C&I
Kick-Off of the MA Town Hall Meetings
Calling All Baby Boomers
National Healthcare Decisions Day
Annual Suicide Prevention Conference
When Prescriptions are the Problem
Art Project HOPE
Aging with Dignity Conference
RSVP Program receives Grant Funding
News from Health Resources in Action
Mass 211 offers Mental Health Screenings Online
VNA - Navigator Pilot Project
Online Resource Directory
MASS 2-1-1
Veterans Crisis Hotline
Samaritans Survivor Support Group
E-Newsletter Article Submissions
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ISSUE: 109

March 11, 2014

Welcome to the information E-Newsletter from Barnstable County Department of Human Services.  This newsletter is designed to provide timely information on health and human service topics of interest for people living and working in Barnstable County.  For additional information visit the Department website at bchumanservices.net

Barnstable County Department of Human Services Launches Health and Wellness Website


Barnstable County Department of Human Services is pleased to announce the launch of a new web-based platform that converts analysis of all health data into customized community health indicators.  This groundbreaking tool is especially valuable for assessment and community health planning.


"As the first Network of Care website in Massachusetts, Barnstable County Department of Human Services is on the forefront of advancing access to a wide variety of data and information about health and wellness," said Beth Albert, Director of Human Services in Barnstable County.  The new Health and Wellness website is a clearinghouse of health indicators, model practices and informational tools for individuals, families, and organizations.  Read more ...


Visit the Barnstable County Health and Wellness Website at http://barnstable.ma.networkofcare.org/ph




Aging and Disability Forum III - "Local Experts, Local Resources"
May 16, 2014
8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Cape Codder Resort in Hyannis, MA

The Barnstable County Department of Human Services is proud to be hosting its next Aging and Disability Forum on Friday, May 16, 2014.  This forum will be an all-day conference and has been generously sponsored by Cape Cod Healthcare. 


With help from feedback provided by past forum participants, multiple breakout sessions have been developed focusing on some of the major concerns for the aging and disabled communities on Cape Cod.  Legal questions, insurance needs, chronic disease self-management and prevention, mental health issues, and dementia are among the topics the May 16th conference will explore during panel presentations and interactive workshops.

This conference is pending approval for 5 CEUs for social workers, registered nurses, licensed mental health counselors, and nursing home administrators.

Registration information will be available in early March. Watch for more details as they become available. View Save the Date flyer.


Open Enrollment for New Health

and Dental Insurance


Massachusetts residents can now apply for health and dental insurance during open enrollment: October 1, 2013 - March 31, 2014.  There are new plans and new ways to get help paying for health insurance.  Commonwealth Care consumers must re-enroll in new coverage.


Locally, Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & the Islands is available to inform and assist individuals on how they may qualify for affordable health coverage and help with enrollment in new programs or re-enrollment in existing programs.  To set up an appointment or for more information contact CACCI at 508/771-1727 or walk in at 372 North St., Hyannis.


Individuals can also seek enrollment assistance online at MAhealthconnector.org or call 1-877-623-6765 for questions, help completing an application, and a list of Navigators in your area. 


Cape Cod Volunteers, Cape Cod Young Professionals and Cape Cod Healthcare are pleased to announce an exciting collaboration, the Together Cape Cod: The 2014 Volunteer Fair & Festival!


If your organization works with volunteers to accomplish its mission, and you have volunteer opportunities to fill, we invite you to join us and host an information table at Together Cape Cod on Saturday, April 5, 2014 at the Cape Codder Resort in Hyannis from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  View flyerTogether Cape Cod is designed to assist the Cape's nonprofit organizations in connecting with, and recruiting, prospective volunteers, and it will also celebrate the beginning of National Volunteer Week - April 6-13th. There is no cost to participate, only the commitment to come early to set-up your table and be ready to talk with people about volunteer opportunities at your organization and sign them up!


To register, please see our online registration form.   You must have an active agency profile on the Cape Cod Volunteers website, and we encourage you to list your volunteer opportunities on the site if you haven't already done so. 


Space is limited, and registration will be on a first come, first serve basis.  We will try our best to accommodate all agencies that register by the deadline of March 10.  If you have questions, please don't hesitate to call CCV Lead Volunteer Consultant Sharon Howard at 508-362-0242, or by e-mail.

 Read more ....  


Massachusetts Nonprofit Network (MNN) is hosting a series of meetings across he state to get the input of a broad range of nonprofits about the challenges and opportunities facing the sector.  As Massachusetts nonprofit organizations try to meet increasing needs with decreasing resources, the upcoming gubernatorial race, a legislative session beginning next year, and a rapidly-changing political environment provide a unique opportunity to promote initiatives that support our sector.


MNN needs to hear from you to help us craft a public policy agenda to address the current needs of Massachusetts nonprofits.  The FREE roundtable event on Cape Cod will be held on Wednesday, March 19 from 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM at the Harborview Conference Room in the Barnstable County Complex, 3195 Main St., Barnstable.  Learn more and register.


Join a panel of experts for an informative discussion about the latest curriculums and education, pending legislation, and team coordination regarding crisis intervention, followed by Q&A.  Guest panel includes State Representative Randy Hunt, Katie Hunsader of NAMI Massachusetts, Sarah Stanley, Director of Emergency Services of MDPH - Cape & Islands and William Flynn, Director of the Cape and Islands EMT Services.


Event is scheduled for Wednesday, March 19, 7:00 - 9:00 PM at the Hampton Inn & Suites, 99 Rt. 28, West Yarmouth.  This FREE event is sponsored by NAMI Cape Cod & the Islands.  For more information email info@namicapecod.org or call 508/778-4277.

Please join us on March 20,2014 at 5:30 pm In the Lorusso Board Room at Cape Cod Hospital, 27 Park St., Hyannis for a workshop that will provide an overview of the scope of addiction in the USA and trace the origins of the acute paradigm of addiction treatment and how it has contributed to the lack of innovation in service development. Language and terminology have created a gulf between addiction treatment and medicine and reinforced societal stigma. We will review addiction as a chronic condition and redefine expected outcomes in the context of chronicity. Finally, we will explore new models of care that hold the promise of prevention, identification and early intervention. We will touch on the impact of mental health parity and the Affordable Care Act and their influence in the newly defined paradigm.

Presented By:  Raymond V. Tamasi, M.Ed., President/CEO, Gosnold on Cape Cod

In order to receive continuing education credits, participants must sign the program roster, stay for the entire event, and submit an evaluation. 2.4 Nursing contact hours. CME credits pending. Application for social work continuing education credits has been submitted. Please contact prkenyon@capecodhealth.org for the status of social work CE accreditation

Get more information. 

Register online




Have you thought about volunteering in your community? Now is the chance to find the right fit for you. Please join us on March 20, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. at the Falmouth Public Library "Bay Room", 300 Main Street, Falmouth. There will be several representatives from Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands there to discuss the various volunteer opportunities such as Meals-on-Wheels drivers, nursing home Ombudsman advocates, environmental projects and more. Some of our current volunteers will be there as well to tell of their experiences.


So please come, have a snack and learn more! For more information, please call Nancy Wolf at 508-394-4630, at Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands.


Massachusetts Association of Independent Living Centers invites you to the Massachusetts Annual Independent Living Education Day at the State House in the Great Hall on Thursday, March 20, 2014 from 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM. View flyer.


For more information, please email info@masilc.org.  A bagged lunch will be provided to all participants.  This event is supported by the SILC Public Education and Information Committee, Massachusetts 11 Independent Living Centers, MRC State Rehab Council, & Disability Policy Consortium. 


Two bereavement support groups are being offered by Beacon Hospice in Chatham and Mashpee:

  • Healing Loss through Storytelling: This 8 week group beginning March 24th at the Chatham Community Center is for any individual experiencing a recent loss of a person.  View flyer.
  • Navigating Life's Losses Group: This 8 week group beginning March 20th at the Mashpee Health Center is for any individuals experiencing a recent loss of a person.  View flyer.


Brooks Reinhold, facilitator, will cover creating a healing environment amidst the stress of daily life through heart validating exercises, guided imagery and individual writing and sharing time.  Pre-registration is required.  For more information or to register contact Brooks Reinhold, Bereavement Coordinator, Beacon Hosice, at 508/778-1622 x115 or brooks.reinhold@amedisys.com


Mass Department of Public Health

Bureau of Substance Abuse Services


BSAS: (#282) Closing the Communication Gap: Building a Client's Communication with their Healthcare Providers, scheduled for Tuesday, March 25, 2014, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM at the Holiday Inn at Boxborough Woods, 242 Adams Place, Boxborough, MA.  Registration fee is $55 payable to Adcare Educational Institute.  Registration deadline is March 18, 2014.  5.5 Continuing Education Credits.


View the brochure  for more details and to register.

Do friends & family tell you that you're a good listener? Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity where you can really make a difference? The Samaritans could be a great fit for you!    
During our 35 year history, the Samaritans have come to understand how powerful listening can be.
We hope that you will consider sharing the responsibility we all have to care about, listen to and help those in need. Next Crisis Line/Senior Outreach Volunteer Training dates are March 24, 25, 26, 31, and April 1, 2014. Call 508/548-7999 or email us at ccsamaritans@verizon.net today to sign up!



The next Forum for the Network of Human Services and the Faith-based Community will be held on Friday, March 28, 2014 from 9:30 AM - 12 Noon with lunch following at the Church of the Holy Spirit, at the corner of Route 28 and Monument Rd. in Orleans. 


Presenters will include Beth Albert, Barnstable County Dept. of Human Services, Elizabeth Aldred of the Children's Place and State Senator Dan Wolf.


Please RSVP by email to OUMC2@verizon.net, by phone to 508/255-0622 or by mail to Orleans United Methodist Church, PO Box 1565, Orleans, MA  02653.  RSVP is required by Monday, March 24th. and please let us know if you will be staying for lunch.  The cost is $6.00 which can be paid at the door or by mail to the Orleans United Methodist Church. 

Using a Team Approach to Address Hoarding in Affordable Housing -MassHousing's 2014 Community Services Conference on  Wednesday, April 2, 2014 in Marlborough, MA sponsored by MassHousing's Community Services Committee.   Scholarships available; shared transportation a possibility. 


View Conference Brochure or for more information and to register click here.

The Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council of Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands, Inc. will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM in their offices at 68 Route 134, South Dennis, MA to receive public comment on the needs of elderly residents and their caregivers in Barnstable County. The information received will help in planning for the distribution of federal Older Americans Act funds for Fiscal Year 2015.


If you are unable to attend and would like to comment, please write Patricia Hart/Director of Community Services, Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands, Inc., 68 Route 134, South Dennis, MA 02660 or call at 1-800-244-4630, Ext. 103.


Together we can prevent underage drinking and prescription drug abuse.  Kick-off event will be held April 10, 2014 from 2-3:00 PM at the Great Hall, Massachusetts State House in Boston.  View flyer


Click here to register.


Come to the SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) Birthday Party on Tuesday, April 15th, 2:30 - 4:30 PM at the Mashpee Senior Center, 26 Frank E. Hicks Drive, Mashpee.


If you are over 60 years old, it is time to start planning for your health insurance needs when you become eligible for Medicare at age 65.  Please join us to learn what Medicare is all about.  Advance Registration required.  To RSVP please call the Mashpee Senior Center at 5089/539-1440.  For more information view flyer.


The Pavilion Nursing Center along with other national, state and community organizations are leading a massive effort to highlight the importance of advance healthcare decision-making, an effort that has culminated in the formal designation of April 16, 2014 as National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD).  Information will be provided for the public to talk about their wishes with family, friends and healthcare providers and execute written advance directives (healthcare power of attorney and living will) in accordance with MA state laws.  For more information and available resources visit www.nationalhealthcaredecisionday.org.


On Wednesday, April 16th from 3 - 4:00 PM the Pavilion Nursing Center is welcoming the public at 876 Falmouth Rd, Hyannis to a free, informational seminar about advance care planning.  Read more ...


The MA Department of Public Health Suicide Prevention Program presents the 13th Annual Suicide Prevention Conference: The Future of Suicide Prevention: Suicide Prevention Across the Lifespan on April 16 & 17, 2014 at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel & Conference Center.


Many individuals who have attended in the past have expertise in your own areas so that you may know as much as a conference presenter.  You are encouraged to try something new, step outside the box and consider attending workshops on topics or populations that are new to you!


Brochure and registration informationBefore selecting your workshops please click the "Workshop Descriptions" tab to view ALL workshop descriptions and agenda.


SAVE THE DATE - April 18, 2014, Cape Cod Community College, Science Building Lecture Hall. 


This community forum will explore the unintended consequences of new medical drugs and drug policies.


Medical Marijuana and the new opiates ...

  • What do they mean for health care providers?
  • What do they mean for patients?
  • What do they mean for all of us?

Sponsored by the Freedom from Addiction Network


Art Project Hope is a program of high school art students throughout Cape Cod who adopt a 5 ft by 3 ft canvas and create their collective vision of HOPE.  Nine Cape Cod high schools are participating in Art Project HOPE.  Child & Family Services Cape Cod wants to bring Cape communities together in a creative way to support those navigating their mental health journey. 


Child & Family Services Cape Cod will be hosting an art reception at their location - 1019 Iyannough Rd (Rte 132) in Hyannis, on May 5th from 5 - 7:00 PM to display the work of participants and create the "Hallway to Hope".  Register online.


SAVE THE DATE ~ Wednesday, June 4, 2014

College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA


Aging with Dignity - A Conference on Preventing and Responding to Substance Use and Related Problems in Older Adults.


Registration brochure will be sent out six weeks before the conference.  If you would like additional information or are deaf or hard of hearing or a person with a disability who requires accommodation, please contact AdCare Educational Institute, Inc. at 508/752-7313, TTY: 508/754-0039, Fax: 508/752-8111, or e-mail: jadoros@aol.com


Co-sponsored by:

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the Bureau of Substance Abuse Services, the Bureau of Community Health and Prevention; the Massachusetts Partnership on Substance Use in Older Adults: A Resource Network on Prevention and Addiction; the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health; the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs; the Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging and Senior Center Directors; Mass Home Care and AdCare Educational Institute, Inc.


RSVP of Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands announced on March 3, 2014 that they were awarded a $140,000 grant to support senior volunteer activities from the Corporation of National and Community Services (CNCS).  These volunteers have been a critical resource for nationwide response efforts - in everything from hunger prevention to natural disasters including Hurricane Sandy.   Read more ...


Massachusetts Substance Abuse Helpline Connects People with Services:  For tens of thousands of Massachusetts resident struggling with alcohol and other drug related issues, 1-800-327-5050 is an important number.   Read more ... 


Mass 211 is offering free, anonymous mental health screenings online.  This program is an an easy way for people to monitor their mental health and learn about local treatment options.  Although online screenings are not diagnostic, they do provide valuable insight helping to identify if someone is exhibiting symptoms association with depression and other mood disorders and if they should seek help.  Read more ...


The purpose of the project is to improve access to information and the coordination and delivery of home based long term services and supports for residents of Cape Cod aged 18 and over who have chronic health conditions and disabilities, regardless of income.  The Navigator Pilot does not duplicate existing programs and services and is FREE.  To be connected to a Navigator call 508/957-7629.  Click to download program flyers for the community and for professionals.


The Barnstable County Department of Human Services website find.bchumanservices.net features on-line directories of health and human service resources. The Directories are a compilation of local resources organized around areas of critical need such as food, housing,  energy/fuel assistance, and services for seniors and people with disabilities. Find.bchumanservices.net is a valuable resource now available to Barnstable County residents and human service organizations. This new on-line tool is an effective and efficient way to make local information available on a 'simple to search' website. For more information view press release in its entirety.


If you believe your organization should be included in any of the new Directories or have any other feedback on how to improve the on-line directories, call the Department of Human Services at 508/375-6628.

Is your organization listed on 2-1-1?  If not, take some time and list it today!
  • Do you provide health or human services on Cape Cod or the Islands?
  • Does the public know what services you provide?
  • Do people know how to access your services?
  • Do you need assistance in finding services for your clients?  
MASS 2-1-1 is a free, confidential, 24/7 information and referral database and hotline for access to health and human services for consumers and providers.  Multi-lingual translations are also available.  To locate services dial 211 or 1-877-211-MASS on your telephone or go to www.mass211help.org
Mass 2-1-1 also provides enhanced information and referral services to families and children who are dealing with challenging issues.  Families can dial 211 from any phone and be connected to a trained information and referral specialist, any time of the day or night.
The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has designated Mass 2-1-1 as the official point of contact for receiving information during a time of crisis or weather emergency.
MASS 2-1-1 is a project supported by the Barnstable County Department of Human Services in partnership with the Cape & Islands United Way.  For more information contact the Barnstable County Dept. of Human Services at kcallahan@barnstablecounty.org or call 508/375-6626. 

The Veterans Crisis Line (1-800-273-8255, Press 1) is available 24/7/365 to provide confidential counseling and referrals for Veterans and their families.  This is an integrated national outreach effort to increase awareness and use of the Veterans Crisis Line, support and promote broader VA suicide prevention efforts, and promote help-seeking behaviors among Veterans at risk of suicide and other mental health problems.  For more information about the Veterans Crisis Line please click here.


Over 800,000 people worldwide end their lives annually.  Seven to ten people -- parents, children, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, grandchildren and close friends -- deeply feel the devastation of each loss.  That means that approximately 5 million "survivors" are left behind every year.  

Samaritans has expanded the number of sites on the Cape & Islands for their survivor support groups including Falmouth, Hyannis and Nantucket.  These groups honor and respect the needs of the survivors, provide unconditional emotional support, help survivors gain courage and comfort from one another, and deal with a unique grief that is often not understood by others.

For more information contact the Samaritans office at Tel: 508/548-7999
To submit materials, please include the following information and forward to kcallahan@barnstablecounty.org :
  • Descriptive Title
  • Brief Description of the Content (the who, what, why, when, where) 
  • Attachments must be submitted in PDF and text format (either DOC or RTF files are acceptable)
  • Weblink or Hyperlink if available 
  • Contact information of the person submitting the information and if appropriate, the contact person for the event (include name, address, phone, TTY, email)

Barnstable County Seal

Posting of articles submitted for publication in the Barnstable County Human Services Newsletter is at the discretion of the Department.  All articles must be submitted in text format to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.  To request this newsletter in alternate formats, please call Kathie at 508-375-6628 or TDD at 508-362-5885.