
Barnstable County Human Services 
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In This Issue
Department Corner
Stand Down Cape Cod Benefits Veterans
CDBG Program Public Hearing - Town of Barnstable
Shape the Cape Information Session
BCBS of Massachusetts Funding Opportunity
News from HopeHealth
August at the Eastham Senior Center
Dog Days of Summer
Baby Basic Training
Housing Opportunities
August at the Barnstable Senior Center
Workforce Development
CDBG Program Public Hearing - Town of Yarmouth
SNAP Benefits to be cut in November 2013
Online Resource Directory
MASS 2-1-1
Veterans Crisis Hotline
Samaritans Survivor Support Group
E-Newsletter Article Submissions
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August 9, 2013 


Welcome to the information E-Newsletter from Barnstable County Department of Human Services.  This newsletter is designed to provide timely information on health and human service topics of interest for people living and working in Barnstable County.  For additional information visit the Department website at bchumanservices.net

 Bourne Friends Food Pantry
At the July 25, 2013 Health & Human Services Advisory Council Meeting, Christine Stein presented Ann Marie Riley (center) and Karen Ross (right) of the Bourne Friends Food Pantry, a Healthy Happy Eating certificate in recognition of their commitment of staff and volunteers to promoting healthy happy eating opportunities

on Cape Cod.


On Saturday, August 10, from 10 AM - 4 PM, Duffy Health Center, in conjunction with the Veterans Outreach Center will present the second annual veterans' "Stand Down Cape Cod" on the grounds of Cape Cod Academy in Osterville, MA, with assistance from Cape Cod Academy students.  Last year, 130 veterans were treated to free dental care, benefits enrollment, and an array of other services.  This year more than 30 service organizations ranging from community resources to the VA Medical Center of Providence, Veteran Service Offices of the Cape and Islands and the Women's Veterans Network will be providing information about their programs.  Chiropractic, Reiki, and acupuncture services will be available.  Free lunch donated by the Casual Gourmet will be served.  All veterans and their family members are welcome.


Veterans are encouraged to pre-register by signing up online.


For more information, view the event flyer or visit www.duffyhealthcenter.org or www.NAMVETS.net


The Town of Barnstable Growth Management Department (GMD) will conduct a public hearing on for August 14, 2013 at 3:00 PM in the Town of Barnstable Selectman's Conference Room, 367 Main St., 2nd Floor, Hyannis, MA to obtain comments and views of citizens, public agencies, community organizations and other interested parties in preparation of the 2013 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) for the program year 2012.  The CAPER serves as an annual report outlining the year's accomplishments for the Town's CDBG program which is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  Read the entire public meeting notice in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.


Cape Cod Young Professionals (CCYP) invites you to our upcoming Shape the Cape Information Session on August 22nd from 8-9 am.  Did you know that 26% of the 25 - 44 year old demographic left Cape Cod between 2000 and 2010?  CCYP is launching the "Shape the Cape" initiative, an important and ambitious project to better understand the demographic, social, and economic dynamics of Cape Cod.  It's much more than a comprehensive market research study, though that is part of the first phase.  The results of the research will be used to develop strategies and action plans designed to ensure the Cape continues to grow and prosper for years to come.


We need your help! Please join us to hear more about this project and how you can get involved!  Attendance is free - REGISTER ONLINE!


Thursday, August 22, 2013, 8:00 - 9:00 am

Harborview Conference Room (Old Jailhouse)

Barnstable County Complex

3195 Main Street, Barnstable, MA 02630


Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation's Catalyst Fund is accepting applications for Community Organization Capacity Building.  The fund will award one-year, non-renewable grants of up to $5,000 to community health centers, clinics, mobile health units, and community-based organizations in the state for capacity-building projects or expenses to expand access to health care in the state. Since 2002, the Catalyst Fund has distributed over $1 million through more than three hundred grants to health centers, clinics, healthcare advocacy groups, and community-based organizations.


Grants will only be made to Massachusetts-based organizations that serve the healthcare needs of uninsured and low-income residents of the state.  No grants will be made to individuals, for-profit entities, or hospitals, nor will grants be awarded to support social service programming.  Preference is given to organizations and health centers with limited resources.


Visit the BCBSM Foundation Web site for the complete Request for Proposals and application instructions.

  • Celebrate Summer Memories Auction: Thursday, August 22 at the Wequasset Resort and Golf Club in Harwich to benefit dementia and Alzheimer's programs and services for the community.  Evening gala includes hors d'oeuvres, live music and a live and silent auction.   Read more ... or for information or to buy tickets ($100 per person) visit Hope Dementia & Alzheimer's Services , call 508/957-0254 or email giving@HopeHealthCo.org.
  • HopeHealth Seeks Volunteers on Cape Cod for September Training:  Training begins September 18 at HopeHealth's Hyannis office.  Submit applications by September 3rd.  Read more ...   Call Jo-Ann Richard, Director of Volunteer Services at 508/957-0280, download an application form at www.HopeHealthCo.org or email volunteers@HopeHealthCo.org for more information.
  • Massachusetts Hospice Advocates on Capitol Hill for Patients & Families Facing End-of-Life:  In early August, representatives from Hope Health joined 300 of their fellow Hospice Advocates from across the nation in Washington, D.C. as part of the Hospice Action Network's Capitol Hill Day 2013 to urge Congress to Protect Access to Compassionate and High Quality End-of-Life Care for all Americans.  Read more ...
  • Hope Dementia and Alzheimer's Services offers Fall classes & support groups including: Dementia Certificate Level I & II, CARES Support Groups.  Find more classes at www.HopeDementia.org
  • Make a Difference in Your Life! Stop by the Eastham Senior Center on Friday, August 23rd at 11:00 AM and learn about how low-tech assistive technology can make a difference in your life and help you maintain your independence. Talking thermometers, writing aids, grooming and dressing devices, large-print playing cards, and more! This program will be presented by C.O.R.D.Reservations can be made by calling the Eastham Senior Center at (508) 255-6164. The Eastham Senior Center is located at 1405 Nauset Road in North Eastham.
  • Volunteers Needed:  Help the Friends of the Eastham Council On Aging (FECOA) by volunteering to work at the FECOA Thrift Shop and help support the Eastham senior community.  Call the shop at 508/255-0264 from Thursday-Sunday between 10 AM and 3 PM for more information.
  • Free Emergency BackPack and Preparedness Class: Friday, September 13th, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM at the Eastham Senior Center, 1405 Nauset Rd., North Eastham.  The Kennedy Donovan Center and the Eastham Senior Center will be sponsoring an emergency preparedness seminar geared toward individuals with special needs.  The First 15 individuals to sign up and show up will be given a free personal American Red Cross Emergency Backpack. (limited to one per household).  To pre-register contact Juliane Dillon at 508/385-6019 ext. 125.

Join the Cape Organization for Rights of the Disabled and the Mashpee Dog Park for Dog Days of Summer, a dog-friendly summer festival at the Village Green in Mashpee Commons on Sunday, August 25th from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  Check out police K-9 demonstrations, blessing of the animals, a microchip clinic, pet themed crafts, a dog fashion show, face painting, music, food, beer, wine and more! Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children. For more information call the Mashpee Dog Park at 508-488-WOOF or call CORD at 508-775-8300 or 1-800-541-0282 (both numbers v/tty). Proceeds to benefit CORD and the Mashpee Dog Park.


Couples of ALL military branches who are expecting a child or have a newborn are invited to attend Baby Basic Training. This day-long event on Tuesday,

August 27 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM will include presentations on an array of topics applicable to all new parents as well as specifically military benefits including car seat safety, budgeting for baby, healthy care coverage, baby's health  & development & dental care, military services and resources and more!  Lunch will be provided as well as raffles and giveaways.  Moms & Dads are both encouraged to attend.  ELIGIBILITY: Delivery date within three (3) months or a newborn that is three (3) months old from event date (wiggle room will be granted if space allows)


MILITARY AFFILIATION: Open to military members/veterans (mom or dad of baby) of all branches whose unit is on Cape Cod, or whose residence is on Cape Cod

WHERE: Falcon Golf Course, Joint Base Cape Cod (formerly the MA Military Reservation)

RSVP: Jody Carman at Jody.L.Carman@uscg.mil or (508) 968-6635.  DEADLINE TO REGISTER: Tuesday, August 20


Sponsored by US Family Health Plan and The Golf Club of Cape Cod, through Cape Cod Coalition and The Baby Center, in collaboration with US Coast Guard and MA National Guard. 


There are two affordable housing opportunities coming up:

  • Stage Coach Residences; six 1 BR and six 2 BR units in Barnstable. Information sessions: Tues. July 30 and Wed July 31.  Lottery application due: Thurs. Sept. 21 (see attached flyer). View flyer.
  • Simpkins School Residences; Studios, 1 and 2 BR units for 55+.  Applications available starting July 15, 2013 at the Yarmouth Town Hall, Yarmouth Senior Center, and the temporary offices at the Simpkins School Residences.  Visit the website or call (508) 394-7111.  Applications are due by Monday, September 16.  View flyer.
  • Technology Today - The Tool for Aging Safely in Your Home: August 12th, 10-11 AM.  In this age of technology, there are more options than ever to aid you in staying home and staying safe.  Join Overlook Care and Overlook VNA in a discussion about what is new in technology.  FREE.
  • Top Healthy Foods, What to Eat for Healthy AgingAugust 20th, 10:00 AM.  Learn to get your nutrient bang and caloric buck with healthy foods with Megan Watterson, nutritionist of the YMCA.  FREE.
  • Consumer Assistance Council (CAC): August 21st, 10 - 11:00 AM.  CAC has been helping the residents of the Cape and Islands resolve disputes with businesses and protect themselves from fraud or deceptive business practice.  Their primary objective is to assist and education consumers and sellers of goods and services about consumer protection laws.  FREE. 
  • Lots of other activities, workshops and events can be found on the Barnstable Senior Center website.

RSVP required for all events.  Call 508/862-4761 for more information or to RSVP.


The Cape & Islands Workforce Investment Board (WIB) received a training grant for its Healthcare Partnership.  Career Opportunities now has a case manager who will be focusing on selecting unemployed candidates for CNA training opportunities.  Please see attached flyer with description of individuals who might be eligible for this program.


The Town of Yarmouth has completed its 2012 Program Year for the U.S. Department of Housing and Development Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and is preparing its Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER).  The Department of Community Development will conduct a public hearing September 4, 2013, at 3:30 pm in Room A of Yarmouth Town Offices, 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts.  The purpose of the hearing is to obtain the comments and views of citizens, public agencies, community organizations, and other interested parties in Yarmouth on the CAPER for the Program Year 2012.  Information obtained will be considered in the preparation of the CAPER.  The CAPER serves as an annual report outlining the year's accomplishments for the Town's CDBG Program, which is funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  The report covers the period from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.  Please contact the Department of Community Development at (508) 398-2231 ext 1275 (TDD (508) 398-2231) with inquiries about the CDBG Program or to request special accommodations.  Anyone unable to attend this hearing may submit written comments or questions to the Department of Community Development, 1146 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664.  Read more ...


From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:  The 2009 Recovery Act's temporary boost to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits is scheduled to end on November 1, 2013, resulting in a benefit cut for every SNAP household.  For families of three, the cut will be $29 a month - a total of $319 for November 2013 through September 2014, the remaining months of fiscal year 2014.[2]   That's a serious loss, especially in light of the very low amount of basic SNAP benefits.  Without the Recovery Act's boost, SNAP benefits will average less than $1.40 per person per meal in 2014.  (See Table 2 for estimates of the size of the SNAP cut in each state in fiscal year 2014.)  Nationally, the total cut is estimated to be $5 billion in fiscal year 2014.  


Click here to view the full report.


The Barnstable County Department of Human Services website find.bchumanservices.net features on-line directories of health and human service resources. The Directories are a compilation of local resources organized around areas of critical need such as food, housing,  energy/fuel assistance, and services for seniors and people with disabilities. Find.bchumanservices.net is a valuable resource now available to Barnstable County residents and human service organizations. This new on-line tool is an effective and efficient way to make local information available on a 'simple to search' website. For more information view press release in its entirety.


If you believe your organization should be included in any of the new Directories or have any other feedback on how to improve the on-line directories, call the Department of Human Services at 508/375-6628.

Is your organization listed on 2-1-1?  If not, take some time and list it today!
  • Do you provide health or human services on Cape Cod or the Islands?
  • Does the public know what services you provide?
  • Do people know how to access your services?
  • Do you need assistance in finding services for your clients?  
MASS 2-1-1 is a free, confidential, 24/7 information and referral database and hotline for access to health and human services for consumers and providers.  Multi-lingual translations are also available.  To locate services dial 211 or 1-877-211-MASS on your telephone or go to www.mass211help.org
Mass 2-1-1 also provides enhanced information and referral services to families and children who are dealing with challenging issues.  Families can dial 211 from any phone and be connected to a trained information and referral specialist, any time of the day or night.
The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has designated Mass 2-1-1 as the official point of contact for receiving information during a time of crisis or weather emergency.
MASS 2-1-1 is a project supported by the Barnstable County Department of Human Services in partnership with the Cape & Islands United Way.  For more information contact the Barnstable County Dept. of Human Services at kcallahan@barnstablecounty.org or call 508/375-6626. 

The Veterans Crisis Line (1-800-273-8255, Press 1) is available 24/7/365 to provide confidential counseling and referrals for Veterans and their families.  This is an integrated national outreach effort to increase awareness and use of the Veterans Crisis Line, support and promote broader VA suicide prevention efforts, and promote help-seeking behaviors among Veterans at risk of suicide and other mental health problems.  For more information about the Veterans Crisis Line please click here.


Over 800,000 people worldwide end their lives annually.  Seven to ten people -- parents, children, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, grandchildren and close friends -- deeply feel the devastation of each loss.  That means that approximately 5 million "survivors" are left behind every year.  

Samaritans has expanded the number of sites on the Cape & Islands for their survivor support groups including Falmouth, Hyannis and Nantucket.  These groups honor and respect the needs of the survivors, provide unconditional emotional support, help survivors gain courage and comfort from one another, and deal with a unique grief that is often not understood by others.

For more information contact the Samaritans office at Tel: 508/548-7999
To submit materials, please include the following information and forward to kcallahan@barnstablecounty.org :
  • Descriptive Title
  • Brief Description of the Content (the who, what, why, when, where) 
  • Attachments must be submitted in PDF and text format (either DOC or RTF files are acceptable)
  • Weblink or Hyperlink if available 
  • Contact information of the person submitting the information and if appropriate, the contact person for the event (include name, address, phone, TTY, email)

Barnstable County Seal

Posting of articles submitted for publication in the Barnstable County Human Services Newsletter is at the discretion of the Department.  All articles must be submitted in text format to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.  To request this newsletter in alternate formats, please call Kathie at 508-375-6628 or TDD at 508-362-5885.