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ISSUE: 79 |
January 11, 2013 | |
Welcome to the information E-Newsletter from Barnstable County Department of Human Services. This newsletter is designed to provide timely information on health and human service topics of interest for people living and working in Barnstable County. For additional information visit the Department website at ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Aging and Disability Forum
On February 8, 2013 Barnstable County Department of Human Services will be hosting an Aging and Disability Forum - "Navigating the Long Term Care Service System for Older Adults and People with Disabilities". The forum will focus on federal, state and local policies and perspectives. It is the first in a series of forums the Department is hosting over the next few months on the long term care service system for older adults and people with disabilities.
The event will feature Sandra Albright the Undersecretary of the Executive Office of Elder Affairs who will provide an overview of federal and state policies regarding community based long term care services followed by a panel of experts who will discuss the introduction of Senior Care Organizations (SCO) to Cape Cod, Integrated Care Organizations (ICO) for people with disabilities, as well as other current policy topics.
The forum will be held at the Cape Codder Resort & Spa on February 8, 2013 from 9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Continental breakfast will be served beginning at 8:30am. The event is free of charge but registration is required. Please register online by clicking here. You can also visit the Department of Human Services website for more information.
If you are a person with a disability and require an accommodation, contact Barnstable County Department of Human Services before January 25, 2103 by emailing or by telephone
508-375-6628 or 508-362-5885 (TTY).
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The Barnstable County Department of Human Services is pleased to announce a new website featuring on-line directories of health and human service resources. The Directories are a compilation of local resources organized around areas of critical need such as food, housing, mental health services, energy/fuel assistance, and services for seniors and people with disabilities. is a valuable resource now available to Barnstable County residents and human service organizations. This new on-line tool is an effective and efficient way to make local information available on a 'simple to search' website. For more information view press release in its entirety.
If you believe your organization should be included in any of the new Directories or have any other feedback on how to improve the on-line directories, call the Department of Human Services at 508/375-6628.
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WE CAN has moved and will re-open on Thursday, January 10, 2013, at their new location at 783 Main Street, Route 28, Harwich Port. Phone number (508/430-8111), emails and fax (888/694-6199) will remain the same.
WE CAN is dedicated to empowering Cape Cod women of all ages to successfully navigate challenging life transitions such as career change, job loss, illness, divorce, and retirement. Whether the situation is acute or chronic, WE CAN helps - with information & referrals, mentoring, free legal services, training and workshops - empowering women to achieve lasting, positive change for themselves and their families, and ultimately for the entire community.
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Please note: the location of our bi-monthly council meeting has changed!
On Monday, January 14th, we'll be meeting at Friendship Garden (460 Locustfield Road) in East Falmouth. There will be networking at 5:30, and the meeting itself will begin at 6:00. Our guest Beth Underhill will speak about her financial literacy business and workshops, we'll have a round table discussion about what you and your groups are doing, (a great way to stay informed), and we'll update you as to what has been going on with the Coalition for Children. Please RSVP to
Our 16 Week Parenting Class begins next Thursday night, January 17, 2013; have you signed up yet? If this year mirrors the past, parents will come and get really excited about the dinner, the childcare, and the information; they will go home and tell their friends, and before you know it, the word has spread, but you've already missed classes and information. Don't let this happen to you! We have a few more openings, so call (508) 548 0151 x 172 to register now! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Adult Learner Center at Cape Cod Community College, 2240 Iyannough Rd., West Barnstable is here to assist you as you transition to college. They will guide and support you as you retool and reinvent yourself. Join them and hear about the support they provide and the opportunities that exist for you on the CCCC campus. View information session dates for winter and spring 2013 and registration information.
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Hope Dementia & Alzheimer's Services will be offering Dementia Certificate Level I (CEU program designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of professionals) and Dementia Certificate Level II (Advanced Problem Solving Behavioral Interventions for Dementia Care - Prerequisite: Dementia Certificate Level I) programs beginning in January 2013. Click here for more information regarding dates, times, locations and fees visit To register call 508/775-5656.
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The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has received reports of some people who were vaccinated against influenza becoming ill and testing positive for influenza. This occurs every season. It's not possible at this time to say whether or not there is more of this happening this season than usual. This is an early season, with more influenza activity being reported at this time than has been seen during recent flu seasons. CDC is watching the situation closely and will provide additional information, including interim vaccine effectiveness (VE) estimates, as it becomes available. There are, however, a number of reasons why people who got an influenza vaccine may still get influenza this season. Read more ...
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Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands is hosting a six week (evidence based) program for caregivers at no cost to caregivers. Learn powerful tools in this education program designed to help family caregivers take care of themselves. Program will be held on Tuesdays, January 22nd - February 26, 2013 from 1 - 3:00 PM at Elder Servoces of Cape Cod & Islands, 68 Route 34, South Dennis. To register call 508/394-4630 ext 450. Program is free and participants will receive a copy of the Caregiver Helpbook.
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Child & Family Services invites you to visit their new office location at 466 Route 28, Unit #4 in Harwich Port on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 from 2:30 - 5:30 PM. Light refreshments will be served. For more information call 800/576-9444.
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Lower Cape LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Seniors will meet Friday January 25 @ 6-8pm. Meeting held at Orleans Council On Aging, 150 Rock Harbor Road, Orleans. Please join us for a community conversation and networking event. Learn about our commitment to outreaching to the Lower Cape Senior LGBT Community (55 yrs of age and over) and upcoming programs. Refreshments & Light Food Served. Please RSVP to Maryanne Ryan at or call 508-255-6333 for further info.
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ACT (ACCELERATED CAREER TRAINING) PROGRAM AT CAPE COD COMMUNITY COLLEGE | | The new ACT Program at Cape Cod Community College collaborates with the local Career Opportunities Center to assist adults who are unemployed or underemployed and need re-training to update their professional skills. The four new ACT Certificates include Bookkeeping Clerk, Computerized Accounting, Medical Receptionist, and Medical Coding/Billing. Certificates can be completed in as little as 4 months and college credits may also be applied towards a future degree! Don't wait - These specialized training programs are being offered for the Spring session beginning January 28th! Financial Aid is available for qualified individuals.
Career and job search assistance is offered as part of the program. For more information, contact the ACT office at 508-362-2131 x 4662 or email ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Do you have trouble eating? Are you self-conscious about your teeth? Has it been more than a year since you have visited the dentist?
The Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & the Islands and the Oral Health Excellence Collaborative want to help you find your smile! They will be visiting the congregate lunch site at the Wellfleet Senior Center on January 30, 2013, at 12 Noon with a presentation at 12:45 PM. They can help you find assistance with dental care you can afford, get to, speaks your language and accommodates your needs.
Sign up for the congregate lunch and attend the presentation on oral health. Call 508/771-1727 ext. 259 for more information.
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Gerontology Intensive Workshop Series, bi-weekly starting February 2013. Learn a focused, practical approach to understanding, assessing and intervening with a variety of service concerns affecting older adults. 20-25 CEU's and a certificate will be issued to those attending 8 of the 10 workshops. Nurses must attend all 10 workshops. The series will meet every other Wednesday from 4 - 6:30 PM at Cape Cod Community College's main campus in West Barnstable.
For more information contact Susan Maddigan at or call 508/362-2131 ext. 4347. Visit the website for more details about the program. To register, call 508/375-4012. Course #WHN014-63. Registration Fee: $379.00
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An adult evening with author, behavior specialist, and master trainer Jeanine Fitzgerald. Join us for a night of light and poignant parenting patter. This is not a training or a workshop; it's a night out to celebrate and explore all of the great things you do as a parent (and how challenging that can be!)
Thursday, February 28th, 2013 Coonamessett Inn (311 Gifford Street, Falmouth) $20.00/person (includes registration, dinner, presentation, and parenting info bags). 5:30 - 6:30 Registration and Buffet Dinner 6:30 - 8:30 Program with Jeanine Fitzgerald
Brought to you by the Coalition for Children and The Community Network of Cape Cod. View flyer and post if possible. Scholarships available. For more information call Tina Toran (508) 548 0151 x 172 or e-mail
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NASI is recruiting for our summer internship programs. With your help, we can ensure that talented students learn about NASI's internships. Your assistance will mean that the most qualified upper division undergraduate and graduate students, as well as recent graduates looking to explore their next career choices, will have access to an unmatched internship experience.
Please forward this information to anyone who might be interested.
NASI's internship programs -- The Washington Internship on Social Insurance, The Somers Aging and Long-Term Care Internship, The Nathan J. Stark Internship for Non-Profit Development, and The Eileen Sweeney Graduate Internship in Disability Policy - offer a wide array of opportunities and a $3,500 stipend. Descriptions of the programs and the online application form are available on the individual internship pages and on NASI's Internship Opportunities page.
For 24 years, NASI's internship program has focused on developing young leaders in the social insurance field. Last year, twenty-one outstanding young scholars were selected to spend their summer in Washington, DC working at various agencies and organizations and supervised by members of NASI. The 2012 class of interns came from colleges and universities across the nation and included both undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students in various fields of study, including Political Science, Economics, Social Work, Aging Studies, Journalism, Education, Social Policy, Psychology, Biology, History, Demography, Public Health, Health Sector Management, Health Policy and Administration, Human Development, Public Policy, Gerontology, International Affairs, Health Policy, and Sociology.
NASI is looking for at least 20 outstanding summer interns for 2013. Think about the talented young people you know-students, mentees, interns, and relatives - and encourage them to apply for an exciting summer in Washington, DC.
Visit NASI's Internship Opportunities page for additional information on our internship programs and how to apply.
Application deadline: March 1, 2013 |
If you have any questions, feel free to call NASI at 202-452-8097 or email us at
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What we all knew as Youth at Mall Night at the Cape Cod Mall has moved to the Hyannis Youth & Community Center where all the young people and their families now go. I would like to invite you to reserve a table to display the free services you provide to young people and families at the very first "Family Fun Night" on Friday, March 1st, 4 PM - 8 PM at the Hyannis Youth & Community Center. Tables will be provided. Tablecloths are optional. If you have one, please bring it.
There will be a performances by the Beth Walsh Dancers 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM, a martial arts demo 5:45 PM - 6:15 PM, and a dance performance by the Cape Cod Hip Hop Dancers 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM in the gym where bleachers are provided for the audience. Spread the word. Come to our beautiful community center and enjoy the first Family Fun Night.
Please email your reservation and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call (508/790-6345 EXT 109) or email
Sally-Ann Imes, M.Ed. Youth Services Coordinator Town of Barnstable Youth Services Hyannis Youth & Community Center 141 Bassett Lane Hyannis, MA 02601 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
SAVE THE DATE: April 2 & 3, 2013
12th Annual Massachusetts Suicide Prevention Conference at the Sheraton Framingham Hotel & Conference Center, Framingham, MA. Coming Together to Reduce Suicide and Promote Mental Wellness: Suicide Prevention Across the Lifespan.
Sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. So-sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, the Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention, and AdCare Educational Institute, Inc.
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On January 8, 2013, HopeHealth announced collaboration with Physicians of Cape Cod Accountable Care Organization (ACO) to deliver hospice care and home-based primary care to people living on Cape Cod and the surrounding area. HopeHealth provides medical care, care management and support services to people living with serious illness in Eastern Massachusetts.
Through its Hospice and HouseCalls programs, HopeHealth will work with Physicians of Cape Cod ACO to provide Medicare beneficiaries with high quality care and supporting services, while reducing the growth in Medicare expenditures through enhanced care coordination. Hope Hospice, formerly known as Hospice & Palliative Care of Cape Cod, has been providing expert end-of-life care services on Cape Cod for over thirty years. Read more ...
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Is your organization listed on 2-1-1? If not, take some time and list it today!
- Do you provide health or human services on Cape Cod or the Islands?
- Does the public know what services you provide?
- Do people know how to access your services?
- Do you need assistance in finding services for your clients?
Not sure how to use 2-1-1? Want to learn how to create your own directory of resources? It's easy - call us for free training.
MASS 2-1-1 is a free, confidential, 24/7 information and referral database and hotline for access to health and human services for consumers and providers. Multi-lingual translations are also available. The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has designated it as the official point of contact for receiving emergency information during a time of crisis.
MASS 2-1-1 is a project supported by the Barnstable County Department of Human Services in partnership with the Cape & Islands United Way. For more information contact the Barnstable County Dept. of Human Services at or call 508/375-6626. To locate services dial 211 or 1-877-211-MASS on your telephone or go to www.mass211help.org________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
The Veterans Crisis Line (1-800-273-8255, Press 1) is available 24/7/365 to provide confidential counseling and referrals for Veterans and their families. This is an integrated national outreach effort to increase awareness and use of the Veterans Crisis Line, support and promote broader VA suicide prevention efforts, and promote help-seeking behaviors among Veterans at risk of suicide and other mental health problems. For more information about the Veterans Crisis Line please click here.
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SAMARITAN SURVIVOR SUPPORT GROUPS | | Over 800,000 people worldwide end their lives annually. Seven to ten people -- parents, children, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, grandchildren and close friends -- deeply feel the devastation of each loss. That means that approximately 5 million "survivors" are left behind every year.
Samaritans has expanded the number of sites on the Cape & Islands for their survivor support groups including Falmouth, Hyannis and Nantucket. These groups honor and respect the needs of the survivors, provide unconditional emotional support, help survivors gain courage and comfort from one another, and deal with a unique grief that is often not understood by others.
For more information contact the Samaritans office at Tel: 508/548-7999 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
E-NEWSLETTER ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS | | To submit materials, please include the following information and forward to :
- Descriptive Title
- Brief Description of the Content (the who, what, why, when, where)
- Attachments must be submitted in PDF and text format (either DOC or RTF files are acceptable)
- Weblink or Hyperlink if available
- Contact information of the person submitting the information and if appropriate, the contact person for the event (include name, address, phone, TTY, email)
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Posting of articles submitted for publication in the Barnstable County Human Services Newsletter is at the discretion of the Department. All articles must be submitted in text format to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request this newsletter in alternate formats, please call Kathie at 508-375-6628 or TDD at 508-362-5885.
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