Pennsylvania Dutch Council,
Boy Scouts of America
  Scouter Focus 
December 2014
Prepared For Life 1 

Website Calendar Camping Training Fundraising Contact Us

A Monthly eNewsletter of the Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA

Thank you for subscribing to the monthly Scouter Focus. This along with the Council website are the primary methods we use to share information with all of our Scouting volunteers, families, and alumni. We ask if you know of someone who does not currently receive this information, you use the forward function at the bottom of this newsletter to pass it on.

I thank you for your service to our youth!

Yours in Scouting,

Edward Rasmuson
Scout Executive
Survey Image

Communications & Customer Service Survey



So that we can continue to "Do our Best" in our communications and service to you, our Scouting family, we are asking that you take a few minutes and let us know how we are doing.

Below is a link to a Communication & Customer Service Survey that we will be using to evaluate our methods of communications, how well we get our messages out, and our service our volunteers. This survey is open to all volunteers and Scouting parents, so pass it on as well to others.


As an added incentive, if you take our survey by Friday, December 19th, we will enter you in a drawing for a $30.00 Amazon Gift Card. 

Thank you for all you are doing for the youth of our Council.

ExtraOrdinary Give 2014

On November 21st the Pennsylvania Dutch Council participated in the Extraordinary Give and in 24 hours over 98 people contributed to Scouting raising $11,575 to support our youth.  This was a 43% increase over 2013.



To see the entire list of how the community supported local non-profits visit ExtraGive.Org. 

Camp Mack 2015 Summer Camp Promotion Visits



Want to have someone come to one of your pack meetings or events to tell everyone about Summer Camp at Camp Mack in 2015?  The Cub Scout Camping Committee is scheduling Pack Promotion visits now.  If interested, contact Ben Wohlberg at


For 2015-Any Pack holding a Camp Promotion Presentation prior to March 31, 2015 will receive credit for an extra free leader at camp. 


Shop AmazonSmile and Help Scouting!


Boy Scouts of America - PA Dutch Council


AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the Pennsylvania Dutch Council every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. 


Shop AmazonSmile today.

Scout Shop News - December 2014

News Clip Art  

Read the latest Scout Shop News.


In this Issue: Inclement Weather Policy, Advancement Purchases, Pinewood Derby Cars, and much more.

Summer Camp at Bashore Scout Reservation 
Filling Fast!
Bashore Winner

Space is filling up!  If your unit is planning on coming to Bashore for summer camp in 2014 don't wait to send in your reservation.  To see an up-to-date listing of availability follow this link:


For the 2015 Bashore Reservation Form Click Here:  2015 Bashore Reservation Form 


Discounted Christmas Candylane at Hersheypark Tickets

The magic of the holidays comes to life at Hersheypark Christmas Candylane. With two million twinkling lights, rides for all ages, festive decorations, and Hershey's Product Characters decked out in their holiday best, there is something for all to enjoy!


Enjoy the sounds of the season at two dynamic shows, "A Music Box Christmas" and "NOEL!", visit Santa's reindeer (sponsored by T-Mobile), and browse our quaint village shops. Christmas Candylane features many attractions for guests of all ages including over 30 rides including the family-favorite, Twilight Express.



We will be offering discount tickets again this year through our website.  To purchase tickets visit
PA Dutch Discount Prices:
All Ages ( 3 and over)          $8.80 (including amusement tax)
Herseypark Gate or Online Prices:


All Ages ( 3 and over)       $12.00 (plus $.80 amusement tax)
Thank you for your support!  

2015 Cub Scout Program Update

For an overview of the updated Cub Scout program which arrives in spring of 2015 check out: Cub Scout Adventures...In a Nutshell


To learn more about how to transition to the new program check out the Transition Guidelines

Sea Base Out Island Adventure

June 18 - 24, 2016

You think Survivor is tough? Check out Big Munson. 

The Out Island Adventure combines camping on a remote 100+ acre island, snorkeling on pristine coral reefs, trolling for sportfish, kayaking through red mangroves, and exploring the flora and fauna of Big Munson Island. This is a true high-adventure program, one that combines physical challenge with excitement and adventure.

Space for the 2016 Sea Base trip is extremely limited (12 youth/4 adults).  Once spaces are filled, a waiting list will be started.  The approximate all-inclusive cost is $1700.


For more information and to register check out: Sea Base 2016


"Battleship Sled" - Harvest District  

 2015 Klondike


January 24, 2015

Camp J. Edward Mack

Check-In 7:30 a.m.

Awards 4:00 p.m.



The 2015 Klondike is open to all Boy Scouts and Webelos (Klondike sleds are required for Boy Scouts). The Klondike will include first aid skills, knots & lashings, fire building, and map & compass. Awards will be given for Best of Show (theme) and Total Points.


Those spending the weekend may check-in after 6:00 p.m. on Friday at the training center. A roster and individual medical forms for all participants (parts A & B) must be turned in at that time. Units are permitted to stay on Saturday night but will be on their own following the awards ceremony. 


Cost $15 per person

(Includes event patch, program, lunch, and camp fees)


Updated BSA Tobacco Use Policy

Prepared For Life 1

In October, the BSA released an updated Tobacco Use Policy for Scouting events.  The updated policy is below:

Adult leaders should support the attitude that they, as well as youth, are better off without tobacco in any form and may not allow the use of tobacco products at any BSA activity involving youth participants. This includes the use of electronic cigarettes, personal vaporizers, or electronic nicotine delivery systems that simulate tobacco smoking.


All Scouting functions, meetings, and activities should be conducted on a smoke-free basis, with smoking areas located away from all participants.

Spring Training Courses

Trained Patch


The PA Dutch Council Training, High Adventure, and Shooting Sports Committees will be holding a number of training sessions this spring to help leaders Be Prepared to offer the best Scouting Program Possible.  Courses that are being offered include: 

  • Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO)
  • Den Chief Training
  • Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Specific (Indoor) Training
  • Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills/Webelos Outdoor Leader Skills Training
  • Venturing Leader Specific & Venturing Committee Training
  • Trainer's EDGE
  • Wilderness First Aid Training
  • NRA Range Safety Officer Training
  • NRA Rifle Instructor Training               

For more information on each of these courses including dates, times, locations, and registration information go to: Upcoming Training Courses 


2015 Wood Badge  Reunion



Join your fellow Wood Badgers for food and fellowship Wednesday, January 28 at Yoder's Family Restaurant, New Holland, PA.


Registration begins at 6:00 PM with an All You Can Eat Buffet Dinner beginning at 6:30 PM.  The evening's program will begin at 7:30 PM.


Cost-$25.00 per person


For further event information and to register go to 2015 Wood Badge Reunion



Do you have information or ideas for the Scouter Focus please submit your information to Duane at
Pennsylvania Dutch Council, Boy Scouts of America
630 Janet Ave
Lancaster, PA 17601
In This Issue
Communications Survey
ExtraOrdinary Give
Camp Mack 2015
Amazon Smile
Scout Shop News
Summer Camp at BSR
Christmas Candylane Tickets
Cub Scout Program Update
Sea Base 2016
Battleship Sled
BSA Tobacco Use Policy
Spring Training Courses
Wood Badge Reunion
Quick Links
Our DCAD Eagle Sponsors
Lititz Mutual Insurance Company  

Our Golf Classic Eagle Sponsor

Prepared For Life 1
Pennsylvania Dutch Council
630 Janet Ave, Suite B-114
Lancaster, PA 17601 