A Monthly eNewsletter of the Pennsylvania Dutch Council, BSA |
I am thrilled to share with you that for the first time in six years our Council saw our Cub Scout membership grow! While I am not talking dozens of additional Cub Scouts, I'm hoping that we are beginning to reverse a national trend of declining Cub membership here in our Council. On behalf of all of our Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, and Explorers, thank you for your leadership and service to our youth!
While it is important that we measure and grow our membership, what really counts is what being a member does for a young person.
Consider eight year old Jack, a Bear Cub in Pack 125. When asked how has Scouting impacted his life and what does Scouting mean to him, he replied, "Scouting means to be loyal to your country, it means helping other people and allows you to make new friends. Scouting makes life more exciting and I have been able to do things I never did before".
This is what Scouting is all about. Thank you again for making the program come alive for the youth of Lancaster & Lebanon counties.
Yours in Scouting,
Edward Rasmuson
Scout Executive
Scouting For Food is right around the corner! Bags should be distributed Saturday, November 8 and picked back up Saturday, November 15. Are you Ready?
Have you:
- Made sure bag distribution and pick up are on your scouts, leaders, and families calendars?
- Double checked that everything is coordinated for distribution and pick up in areas where multiple units work together?
- Coordinated with your food drop off location so they know you are coming?
- Thought about other ways to collect such as drop boxes at your meeting locations or other prominent places throughout your community?
On November 21st the Pennsylvania Dutch Council is participating in the Extraordinary Give.
For 24-hours only, visit ExtraGive.org, make a donation (min. $25) and every dollar you donate will be stretched by $250,000 from the Lancaster County Community Foundation and their presenting sponsor Rodgers & Associates. PLUS,there's an additional $50,000 in funds we can win just from your donation!
In 2013 we participated in the Extraordinary Give and received over $8,000 in contributions including a $600 match from the Lancaster County Foundation.
Please visit ExtraGive.org and support Scouting.
Shop AmazonSmile and Help Scouting!
Boy Scouts of America - PA Dutch Council
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the Pennsylvania Dutch Council every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization.
Shop AmazonSmile today.
Wunita Gokhos 39 Brotherhood Conversion Day
Wunita Gohos' last opportunity for Brotherhood Conversion in 2014 will be on Friday, November 28th at the Camp Mack Training Center. We would like to welcome all Ordeal Members who have been active members in the Order of the Arrow for at least 10 months, hold current BSA and OA memberships, to join us at the next step. As Allowat Sakima said "Membership in our Order is given, not only for what you have done, but for what you will do in the future." The registration form for the November Brotherhood conversion may be found in the latest issue of the Owl's Nest or on the Lodge Website www.wg39.org.
Life to Eagle Seminar
A Life to Eagle Seminar will be held on Thursday, November 20, 2014 at the PA Dutch Council Service Center Blair Room 630 Janet. Ave. Lancaster, PA 17601. The seminar will begin at 7:00 PM. Life to Eagle Seminars are intended to help Scouts, Parents, and Unit Leaders understand the process and all the steps involved in progressing from Life to Eagle. The Eagle Scout Service Project process, Eagle Application, and Eagle Board of Review process will all be covered. The Council Advancement Committee encourages anyone interested to attend. Important changes and updates to the Life to Eagle Process will be covered.
Discounted Dutch Winter Wonderland Tickets
Click Here to Save
Support Scouting and Save!
Dutch Winter Wonderland is the perfect place to celebrate the season and create special memories that last a lifetime. Enjoy themed rides, share your wish list with Santa, enjoy tasty holiday treats, or watch our dazzling Royal Light Show featuring hundreds of thousands of twinkling lights that dance to your favorite holiday tunes. There's fun waiting around every corner for kids of all ages at Dutch Winter Wonderland!
Select weekend is November and December
At Only $10.99 (includes amusement tax) this is one of the best deals around on the web. Each ticket purchased will also provide $2.00 of support to Scouting in Lancaster and Lebanon counties.
Dates and Times*: Saturdays and Sundays* November 22-23, 28-30 and December 6-7, 13-14, 20-21, 26-30, 2014
*Weather permitting
Camp Cards Sale 2015
What is it: The Camp Card Program is a fundraising program to help Scouts earn their way to camp or for the unit to raise dollars to support its camping and activities throughout the year.
How does it work: We are securing 2015 vendor-partners now who will provide discounts to consumers. These consumers will purchase the card for $5.00, the unit keeps $2.50 of each card sold for camp fees or other outdoor program activities. The Council uses the other $2.50 to pay for the card and support the programs of the Council. In 2014: 65 Units earned $34,307 for their Camping and Outdoor Programs. This was a 51% increase over 2013.
Sign Up Today To sign up for our 2015 Camp Card sale Click Here or download this Unit Commitment Form and return it to the Council Service Center. You can also email the form toMargie or fax it too 717-394-776
Attend one of our information meetings to learn more: Thursday, November 20, 2014 - 7:00 pm Lititz Church of the Brethren Fellowship Hall 300 West Orange Street Lititz, PA 17543 Click Here to RSVP to this Informational Meeting Please RSVP no later than November 18th. Tuesday, November 25, 2015 - 7:00 pm Manheim Township Public Library 595 Granite Run Drive Lancaster, PA 17601 Click Here to RSVP to this Informational Meeting Please RSVP no later than November 24th.
Venture Leader Training

There will be two opportunities for Venturing Advisers and Associate Advisers to complete Venturing Leader Specific Training this fall. This course will use the updated syllabus and will focus on the updated Venturing Program.
- Saturday, November 15 - Noon to 4 PM - Camp Mack Training Center
- Sunday, November 23 - 1 to 5 PM - Blair Room, 630 Janet Ave., Lancaster
Registration Information is available at: Venturing Leader Training
Note: All Venturing Leaders will once again be required to be trained by December 31, 2015.
Wood Badge Advanced
Leadership Training
The Pennsylvania Dutch and Chester County Councils will be hosting Wood Badge Training in 2015. The course will be held over two full three day weekends, April 10-12 at Bashore Scout Reservation and May 2-4 at J. Edward Mack Scout Reservation.
Wood Badge teaches a Scout leader about the aims and methods of Scouting, the Scouting vision and mission and the theory and practice of using the patrol method to teach Scouts leadership skills. This is where the course earns its reputation as one of the best leadership courses offered - anywhere! Sessions during the two - three day weekends include listening skills, managing conflict, stages of team development, project management, leading and managing change in an organization, coaching and mentoring, etc. Wood Badge is open to leaders in any leadership position at any level of Scouting (Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturing, Varsity, District, or Council)
To learn more about Wood Badge and to get registration information go to: Wood Badge
OA Dues Due by November 30th
Arrowmen - it's that time of year again! 2015 dues need to be paid by November 30, 2014. If you completed your Ordeal at the Fall Weekend, you need to pay your 2015 dues as well. You weekend fee covered your dues through the end of 2014 only.
The dues for 2015 will be $15 for all members. Starting with the October newsletter, ALL members will receive a paper newsletter in the mail. Like many Lodges who have moved to a digital version of their newsletter, Wunita Gokhos has seen a drop in registrations and increased confusion about event dates and general Lodge information. It seems that with a digital newsletter, members are forgetting to download the newsletter PDF and are then unaware of Lodge news, events and registration deadlines. The Lodge leadership thinks the mailed newsletter will improve communication with all our members. Please remember to pay your 2015 dues by 11/30/14 in order to be able to participate in Lodge functions and events!
Dues forms may be found in the latest issue of the Owl's Nest or on the Lodge Website www.wg39.org.
Do you have information or ideas for the Scouter Focus please submit your information to Duane at duane.crouse@scouting.org.
Pennsylvania Dutch Council, Boy Scouts of America
630 Janet Ave
Lancaster, PA 17601
Our DCAD Eagle Sponsors |
Our Golf Classic Eagle Sponsor |
Pennsylvania Dutch Council
630 Janet Ave, Suite B-114
Lancaster, PA 17601